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About MichaelM

  • Birthday 01/01/1988


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  1. Gareth Lacey was kind enough to take me up this morning. Heck Field to Kooralbyn and back via Q1. It was a pretty smooth flight overall, even with a bit of wind around. Had a great time - so good to see that part of the South-East from the air. Thanks again Gareth.
  2. What a great write up! Thanks so much for taking the time to write it and share it with everyone.
  3. Bugger! Would have been a good trip with you.
  4. That is certainly the vibe I am getting from all those who have kindly offered a seat should one come up. Many thanks again to all those who have put their hands up.
  5. All good, I have budgeted for up to $1000/hr
  6. Perhaps I might complicate my own thread by saying 'would it matter if instead we did a contra deal for the provision of legal services?' Just kidding. Thanks for everyone's offers, comments and input.
  7. Thanks Mike, will do if I am ever over that way.
  8. Thanks Geoff, will do.
  9. That's a fair point - I must admit that general proposition crossed my mind when writing the part about contributing toward fuel/lunch, but I did think to myself I would ensure that whatever contribution I made was not unlawful. That being the case, I'll say here for the record that I will only contribute in a way that is not unlawful. Cheers
  10. Thanks very much Pearo, PM sent.
  11. Hi everyone I'm not sure if this is common, or in the right forum, but thought I would put it out there. I am looking for the opportunity to be a passenger on flights in and around the Brisbane area if you have a spare seat and would like some company. I'm looking to be more than just a passive passenger or someone getting a 'free ride' - contributing and learning along the way as much as possible. Circuits, local flights, cross country - whatever. Happy to contribute toward fuel/lunch etc. A bit about me from my intro post: Lawyer by day, aviation enthusiast by night. I've undertaken a couple of TIFs over the last few years but have not yet been in a position to commit to flight training. So, in the abscence of actual flying, to get my "fix" I've been watching a few channels on Youtube (Romeo Juliet Whiskey, Mark Roberts, Flight Chops, Student Pilot Journey and PilotsEye just to name a few). I've also read the Bob Tait BAK book (several times) and am lucky enough to know a Qantas 737 captain who I harass with endless questions. Apart from that, a bit of plane spotting and listening to ATC from time to time. In that regard I think the seqaldradar.net project is great. I live near YBAF. I'd be grateful to hear from anyone who might be able to offer a seat. If there are any other forums or places to make such a request I'd be grateful to know of those as well. Thanks
  12. If anyone is interested, I obtained a copy of the ATC for around the relevant time (1600 to 1700 local) from LiveATC and removed the silences. SRO is the aircraft in question. At around 7m50s you can hear the pilot of WYS (which I think is one of the local traffic/news choppers) say that he is an aeroplane LAME and can assist by having a look. Link: Dropbox - YBAF2-Apr-27-2017-0600Z to 0700Z silence removed.mp3
  13. Hi there! Lawyer by day, aviation enthusiast by night. I've undertaken a couple of TIFs over the last few years but have not yet been in a position to commit to flight training. So, in the abscence of actual flying, to get my "fix" I've been watching a few channels on Youtube (Romeo Juliet Whiskey, Mark Roberts, Flight Chops, Student Pilot Journey and PilotsEye just to name a few). I've also read the Bob Tait BAK book (several times) and am lucky enough to know a Qantas 737 captain who I harass with endless questions. Apart from that, a bit of plane spotting and listening to ATC from time to time. In that regard I think the seqaldradar.net project is great. I live near YBAF. I look forward to learning and contributing Cheers!
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