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About iSteve

  • Birthday 09/07/1967


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  1. Our airport at Tyabb (PAC) is under an aggressive attack by the local shire! PAC has been operating for over 50+ years, is one of our much loved main attractions , hosts amazing events for the locals (ppl come from all over Australia to attend) & importantly is a place of employment for so many! Peninsula Aero Club is under a direct & blunt attack by the Mornington Peninsula Shire - on Monday this week, without warning or consultation, the club & other businesses on the airport grounds received letters from the shire to stop work! "The Shire has raised concerns that it is unable to locate permits which allow the Club to continue to operate as it has been doing for more than 50 years." These missing permits are believed to include those that allow: the use of the land as an Airport or Airfield the operation of the flying school a transport terminal a place of assembly a major sport and recreational facility a major events facility (the biennial air show) Following quoted by PAC President Jack Vevers "If these stop-work notices were to be enforced it would mean a massive loss of jobs and damage to local families and surrounding businesses," Vevers said. "This is a direct response to the continuous attacks from the anti-airport faction and the shire appears to be attempting to thwart the potential for these businesses to access their existing use rights. "The shire’s approach has been bombastic to say the least, and in some instances over the past few weeks, may have been unlawful with regards to our permit applications. "It is our contention that PAC has permits and rights to support all of these functions and we will be defending our rights of existence after more than 55 years." >>>Please note that the donation pop up is NOT affiliated with Peninsula Aero Club or Loz Chai this is purely a campaign run by change.org & IF you do choose to make a donation when you sign it goes towards ADVERTISING our petition & sharing to more people via change.org. <<< Take that EXTRA step by emailing your local council. Please sign & share with family & friends. We won't stop the FIGHT to keep our slice of aviation paradise LETS SAVE TYABB'S PENINSULA AERO CLUB!!!!
  2. [/url]https://www.change.org/p/mornington-peninsula-shire-council-help-save-our-airport-peninsula-aero-club
  3. 3D Printed and Held together with Wood Screws!! An Engineering Marvel
  4. I’ve done my conversion to Ga and CASA have sent me a license. I understand that I have to do a flight review / test before I can exert the privilege, chas anyone done this and can tell me what’s involved?
  5. Sierra Two Seater | Wedgetail Aircraft Pty Ltd
  6. That was an option
  7. What a Waste of Time and Money
  8. Here's a YouTube clip of my Cheetah Landing,with about 45Ltr of fuel
  9. As he stated, he has completed his pilot certificate and would like an instructor to check off / familiarize with his own aircraft
  10. Exactly! So I don’t have my passenger endorsement yet so I’m looking for an instructor
  11. So I’ve just completed my pilot certificate and the instructors won’t check me off in my 19 built Plane. I’m based in Tyabb Vic. Are there any instructors out there that will check me off in my Morgan Cheetah?
  12. First Solo today!!!! Whhhhhooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!
  13. Ive been doing 2 per day, Morning and afternoon this week, button had 3 yesterday and on the 3rd I went backwards.
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