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About johnm

  • Birthday April 25


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    flapping arms
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  1. there's no option to it .................. you have to stay out of the EMAS (the kitty litter) or you'll be put under the microscope
  2. OK FH - how does it increase your accelerate / stop distance pleaase ? no bucket of flowers if you end up in that bog - the bean counter would not be happy me thinks primarily for saving life (if the undercarriage legs stay put) ...............
  3. real pictures (I think)
  4. just remmeber this all stems form the 2 youngest in the village going up to the big house and asking the lord if they could marry - certain unmentionable practices may of occured at that moment in the parlour ............. unspeakable things we have come a long way since then
  5. ooooohhps - I'll try that again ................. OK Regular person - my twisted thoughts committed now - can't back out what a neighbour does is their own business - you / your (the neighbour of the neighbour) business ends at the boundary line - particularly on rural land - he can race around on a motorbike all day long - noise and dust till the cows come home (he does n't need cows either) - when he tires of that his 12 sons might do the same - staged over the next 20 years - until they leave the allotment you could be a 'drone fanatic' - what happens then the size of their land (don't know) and your land (6 acres ?) is relevant did the neighbours property sell with an airstrip advertised assuming all land is rural in the area if it was residentail land - motorcycle circuits would probably not be allowed - nor a planted line of 20 m high trres when it comes to a neighbouring airstrip ................ I'd go and see your local Council and have a chat with the town planning section - generally such people will tell you what the airstrip man is allowed to do like - was the airstrip always there and was it an allowed use like - private airstrips maybe specifically mentioned and certain rules apply armed with that bureaucratic advice - you might get some solace and it could be a card to be used later ideally best to nut it out with the neighbour - but good for you to know the bits and bobs mentioned above ? me myself - I think you are entitled to your privacy and peace
  6. OK Regular person - my thoughts
  7. if Zonsen do good - it can only mean good for any person buying an engine Rotax might start to see any compartive engine ......................... as competition
  8. if you have time to look at Utube ............. you probably have time to read / scan some comments. Who knows if the poster was an instructor (at face value they are) ............... there could be 'some' truth to the technique ........... that's why I posted it ................ something good might come out of it - or perhaps it can be dispelled (a trimmed aeroplane is easy to fly with just you feet - you can lean back and relax - try it - I am not qualified to make this statement, do not try this at home) I agree with Skippyd about 3 posts above ............ no need to be doing barrell rolls with the yoke not being an instructor nor a brain surgeon; but: ................ it could be a nuerological thing - your hands are to close to your brain your feet are further away so they interpret logic better - maybe using the middle ear as a movement sensor
  9. A recent Dan Gryder Utube video; A post / comment by an instructor; interesting technique when in IMC by mistake / error or terror - no hands on yoke - just use your rudder for turns ........... for anyone to comment
  10. ........ step 1 ? .............. before you start the other steps - drop the oil and put in the correct litres amount ...................... and see if that ...................
  11. you must know the correct volume of oil (litres) to put in the engine ............. irrespective of what dipstick is used .............. assuming you have started there ? (obvious simple advice thrown in)
  12. keep up the good work up FH - with plus 32k posts you are sure to attract some attention ........ most of it good (most of us hope)
  13. On another thread - see case 1 below (and others) - you read comments that RAA have various legal issues and claims I am personally unaware of such matters other than reading case 1 below ...................... Is it possible that we can have a rough idea of the circumstance - either: - a description of the issue and being vague of the incident - a description of the incident and being vague of the issue - etc can we discuss these various matters (probably vaguely) Case in point: case 1 - https://www.recreationalflying.com/forums/topic/38545-small-plane-missing-victoria-180922/page/8/
  14. big paint brush that one onetrack ! translation could be: ........................ all the Bindoon theives live in Northam
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