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About johnm

  • Birthday April 25


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    flapping arms
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  1. many years ago - me & ross took a C152 up and did some mountain and valley flying using clouds as the terrain - probably + 3500 feet - we both had about 150 hrs each ross was a confident hang glider pilot as well anyway, i'd be guessing in a tighter turn (ross as PIC) and slower speed (its a memory after 40 years) ............ ye olde C152 fell out of the turn / shook / fluttered / and pointed to the ground it was a total loss of control if you can say that about a stall - we looked at each other with understanding and continued flying - ignoring more cloud mountain and valley flying - we had unintentinally practised what we had been preached (at height .............. ignoring staying clear of clouds ............ of course)
  2. to true BrendAn great to hear past knowledge and experience - and also the posts from posters that don't have anything of that (include myself here) - all should be able to participate - without fear of ye rock hitting ye scone ironically some organisation (etc) don't want to know about past knowledge and experience - it's all disregarged and you just have to follow the new leader (sometimes over same ground that's bad)
  3. fear not FH ................................. it's just the blunt manerisms of the folk from Guineabissau
  4. could be a positive side to this Brendan ............... your aviation skills are so good that the instructor had to find something obscure to demonstrate their dominance or perhaps in reverse - the instrucrors skills are so bad that ............. stick with it - I reckon I would had 4 or 5 instructurs to solo - its good seeing the different styles and the chaff from the wheat
  5. with all respect for what happened those years ago - radio calls of that flight
  6. I'm thuck ............ where does helium live - is it encapsualted somehow ................. before being accessed ?
  7. intriguing stuff Rapture this motor here says 2000 hrs TBO ............. does the manufacturer ALSO limit the engine to calender life (years) ? thanks
  8. in the appendix of a book I just started reading - comment from local topdressing pilot 'my throne, a cockpit' his comments re R Pearce:
  9. assuming that is a verbal arrangement / agreement with RAA ........................... or is there written text from RAA that explains / supports this
  10. Unusual how there is no printed protocol from RAA on this subject It always seems to be a phone discussion with RAA .................. why not some clarity - with options (if any) Same with 'on conditon' - what does that mean .............. plus intitial documents .............. & initial and annual rego costs Is this a new modus operandi for RAA ??????????? (new being say the last few years) a lot of 24 registered planes are - or will be - in this boat
  11. looks like both pilots were fixated on both their own direction of travel lucky the helicoter looked right
  12. ................... unfortunately some videos seem to be more about the announcer than the video itself better with the sound off
  13. E24 - nnnn .............. got it Neil_S
  14. thanks FV - I'd like to see more on this requirment of aircraft registration - is there a printed RAA policy / protocol on this ? (prior to say 2023 / 24 a 24 - 0000 aircraft could remain 24 - 0000 (with a time expired engine - as long as it was not hired or used for training) ................ but now things seem to have changed ?)
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