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Recreational Aviation Australia, Member Survey!
riverduk replied to farri's topic in Governing Bodies
Just as a side question, I noted something about a "competing (opposition) organisation" in one post then someone else mentions EAAA, guessing this is one and the same, so what is it? who is it? and more details please -
Large 4 engine recipro powered aircraft in regular use in US?
riverduk replied to Ranger_10X's topic in Aviation Enthusiasts
Ok as a bit of a side track, just watched a show last night about the Antonov AN-124, so as Admin had put the Flight Radar link here I decided to have a look at the whereabouts of any of the said aircraft, turns out that UR-82008 is currently flying over Australia, having passed over Broome at about 10:30 EST and has now just crossed over the WA - NT border tracking towards Yulara. no listed destination at this time. Flight number is ADB2068 currently cruising at around 35k ft at 506 kts, will be interesting to see its final destination, if its Melbourne, I'm in the car and going! As an edit, she changed to a more Eastward heading at Yulara and now appears to be tracking to Sydney, so no road trip for me now, darn it. -
Ian, firstly, thank you for raising what is certainly a very difficult topic to discuss, simply (? no not really) because there are just so many aspects to depression to go over and it effects so many people in so many different ways. I just want to go back to P.McC's first comment, I don't think he was actually advocating that, going flying will cure what ails you, he was simply sharing what he did and how it helped him and I have to admit, I to, tend to feel on a bit of a high for a few days after having committed aviation. I will also admit that I too have suffered from different levels of depression for a number of years and so, as suggested in his comment, I do complete a self check which includes, for me, a "sanity" check before the trike is even towed to the field, I know there are many who would consider me insane to fly a trike but hey, its how I love to get off the ground and what I can afford. I am not surprised that he felt his comments were not respected, I also understand that both his and your experiences are totally different and I get that it was not a personal attack but I was really surprised by your reaction to his comment. Red 750 What an amazing post, of all the posts yours really moved me to tears, our son has been on a similar journey, depressed and overweight but now turning it all around, thank you, please pass onto your son my admiration for his achievements in all aspects of his life, he is truly to be commended, I really hope that he realises that he is a real hero and inspiration to all he meets and that by you sharing his journey here, he will inspire others to reach out for help, I feel proud of him just by hearing his story being told. To anyone who is suffering in silence, please reach out for help, no one has ever died of embarrassment, but that mongrel black dog has taken far too many people from far too many families already, please don't be the next, remember, you are loved and you will be missed, there are better ways of dealing with the crap than suicide, IT NEEDS TO STOP! Ross
A human factors experience
riverduk replied to pmccarthy's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Thanks for sharing this experience with us all PM, it is a timely reminder for us all to never drop our guard, even when we consider a short local flight. As a low hours pilot about 4 years ago I went out flying whilst tired, I was completing circuits with T & G's while waiting for my wife to join me at the field for a local sight seeing flight. Prior to her arrival at the field, in the final stages of landing I completely lost the picture in front of me, applied power without elevation and wheelbarrowed into a 'landing.' My final thought before contact was that "this is it" as I had no time or answer for my predicament as my mind could not function. Fortunately it wasn't that bad, I survived with no injuries, shattered confidence and a very badly bowed base bar in my trike. It was some months before I even considered replacing the base bar and then only to make the trike a saleable item as I had decided I would not fly again. That is now history, with the help of my long suffering instructor, Peter McLean, I once again enjoy the freedom only flying gives you, it also made me realise that there is at least one good thing about having my trike hangared on a trailer in my shed at home, I get to consider all aspects about my flight in much more detail before I even hitch the trailer to the car, not only the weather but also every part of my physical well being and mental alertness are on my checklist now. This does mean I do not fly as much as I would like but it does mean that when I push the bar forward, I'm ready in every aspect for the flight ahead, which ultimately means at the end of my day's flying fun, I can once again message my wife, "down and safe, xxx" Blue sky's and tailwinds to all, cheers, Ross -
Australia's Youngest RPC Holder
riverduk replied to rotatingturbine's topic in Student Pilot & Further Learning
Congratulations Liam, just shows, hard work pays dividends, continue to find new goals and dreams to follow and reach for the stars, at 15 the world is your oyster, cheers -
Trike General design and decision thread and safety
riverduk replied to dan3111's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
I fly under RAA so 25 nm for me, so I just poke around my local area or occasionally trailer the trike to Yarrawonga to fly up there. Set up, including towing trike to airfield, unloading, setting up, full check and walk around before actually going flying takes about 1 hr 10 mins whilst pack up is a little less. I know for the time being even with a faster trike, set up / pack up is still going to happen but that extra 15 mins of air time and distance really appeals to me because I could cover more distance in the same flying time, cheers. -
Trike General design and decision thread and safety
riverduk replied to dan3111's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
Hi all, I fly a Airborne Edge X Classic with an original Streak wing which I still trailer to the airfield every time I want to fly, as much as I enjoy this aircraft I would love to update to a newer (faster) aircraft which I would love to keep set up in a hanger at the airfield. The Black Duk in standard set up, flies at around 50KIAS, for a bit more speed I mount the wing in the fwd mount hole which increases my airspeed to 55KIAS. As you could imagine it can be a bit "comfortable" with a passenger but it is fun to fly and it gets a bit of air between my bum and the ground. I guess the main reason I would like a quicker trike is that going anywhere outside my local area is a time consuming flight, for example I fly from a private airfield in Northern Vic, to fly to the likes of Bendigo (family) is 42 nm, Yarrawonga (instructor's field) is 50nm, yeh, only roughly a 1 hour flight for both but include transport to field and set up etc prior to flight and a flight becomes a day really easily and is the main reason I have yet to complete my X-Country endorsement, a faster trike would perhaps make it bit more worth while for me. I look at these newer trikes and how they are capable of reasonable X-Country flights that in some cases can match some fixed wing aircraft and think it would be great to do that, don't get me wrong, I love the Duk and every time I point her nose to the sky I'm happy and grateful I can, its just that even an extra 10 - 15 KIAS would make a big difference in where I fly too. I think I get why trike manufacturers are going for more speed, comfort etc, they need to remain a viable option for anyone who wants to leave the old terra-firma, its the only way they will get bums in seats, so to speak and in the 80K region price wise there are probably quite a few people who can afford that but not the 120K - 150K for a fixed wing aircraft, keeping in mind that we are talking top of the range in both types. Anyhow thats my 2 cent worth, Cheers, Ross -
Hi Bugsy, lots of good advice already, my experience is that I changed from 3 axis to trikes during training, completing about 2.5 hours before I decided to purchase my own trike through my instructor, Peter McLean who sourced it via Airborne. I have an Edge Classic powered by a Rotax 582 with a Streak wing, it was second hand with very low hours and affordable for me. I learnt in this trike, soloed and have had many great hours of flying and memories in it but in the the 5 - 6 years I have owned it the value has fallen dramatically, something Peter did warn me about at the time, simply because every one now wants a 4 stroke powered aircraft and it would seem that 2 stroke powered trikes are all but obsolete. Earlier you said that "It was suggested that I do some lessons first to get the feel and some familiarisation which would help me decide on what's best for me. Good advise me thinks." Yes, from my experience, good advice indeed, your next comment: "Just thought that having my own would reduce the training costs considerably and get me familiar with my own trike," was how I thought and it's sort of right with regard being familiar with your own trike but from a cost perspective, yes training was cheaper having my own trike but now to change over to something more suited to touring as I would like to do, meaning something like an XT 912, Tarnarg or Quik R is cost prohibitive for me as there is just no value in the Edge any more and I am basically starting over once again or sticking with the trike I have. "Maybe do some training and look at purchasing when I get a a bit of experience and complete my training might be the way to go." Great comment! in hindsight I would have done things differently, now that I have had the chance to fly in some different trikes under different wings, my experience has made me more aware that rushing in is not always the best idea. Don't skimp on training, find the very best instructor in your area, one you can relate with and feel very comfortable being around, then learn everything they teach you, take it in and enjoy the experience, it a great time, I still look back on that phase of my training with great pleasure and knowing that Peter is still only a phone or radio call away is always good to have in the back of my mind. Pick their brain, ask questions and alway remember, there are no dumb questions, your life depends on knowing as much as possible about every aspect of every flight you make. Then, when it comes time to make your purchase, you will have the knowledge to make a purchase that suits you best, according to what you know you want in an aircraft. All the best for the future, Ross
So, getting back to the topic, Lies, damn lies and statistics. It's nice to know that statistically I have now flown more hours this year than the measly 3 which my log book tells me I have actually flown, damn weather and work! So statistically I'll be an ace before I know it, woohoo!
Hi just found this blog looking for other info, but hey, with regard the motors origin, I did read here that the engine was made of hand made cases (???) + victa parts. Might be worth contacting the Holbrook Ultra light Museum via the Holbrook UL club (President, Bryan Gabriel: (02) 6036 2601) I was at a fly in there about 5 years ago and recall hearing of such a beast powering some early ultralight aircraft, some of which, I think, may be on show at the museum, not totally sure but maybe. I do know however that they are very knowledgeable and keen to pass on any info they might have as they are very proud of their museum which is a treasure chest of all things early ultralight here in Oz. cheers, Ross
Well ladies and gentlemen, regarding the email I sent to Steve Tizzard the other night, we are both right and wrong, right in that he probably was the wrong person to contact and wrong in that he wouldn't reply, his reply was short and too the point, but at least he replied, here it is in full:- "Ross Good morning. I note your concerns but do not wish to comment as the matters are beyond my area of responsibility. As you can see from the above I have forwarded your email to the Executive. Regards Steve Tizzard" So, I too, am now one of those who have voiced my concerns to the executive. Having read through this forum's latest posts again to get up to date since yesterday I would like to add, if all this is as it has been reported on this forum with regard Mr Runciman resigning as N Qld rep as well as President of RAA and the constitution says what is reported then I would call upon the Executive to get correct legal advice regarding this matter, do the correct thing, as per the constitution and clear this up once and for all, no more assumptions, no more jumping to delusions, (sorry, conclusions) both from the executive as well as members both on this forum as well as in the greater community. Make the conclusions and actions both clear and transparent for all to see and understand, with an appropriate explanation as too why they have done what they have done, at least this way wether we like it or not, we will have a full understanding of how they arrived at their outcome. To me, at present it appears that there is a lot of suspicion of the Executive within the membership, wether that is warranted or not I can't comment but what does worry me is that, as we members continue to clash with the Executive, who are also members, it brings all of the RAA under closer scrutiny of not only CASA but also other areas of the community, including people who may well be considering learning to fly AND joining the RAA to do so, personally I don't believe that we are presenting a very good picture to those on the outside looking in. Yes I want answers, truthful and transparent, but I also want to be a part of an organisation that I can be proud of, one that I can recommend to others as a great group to be a member of, not just an organisation I have to be a part of to enjoy my hobby, flying. It is time to stop the potential self destruction of RAA and get together to strengthen what should be a great organisation to be a part of, if we don't, well, CASA may not want to run the show but they won't stand by and not act, I enjoy my flying to much to loose it this way. Just my two pence worth, Cheers, The Duk
OK, I have just sent my email to Steve Tizzard, here is a copy for you all to read, must admit, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a reply though, cheers, The Duk "Hi Steve, I just wish to convey my disappointment with todays decision to allow the withdrawal of Mr Runciman’s resignation in light of a previous board decision to dis-allow a withdrawal of resignation of Mr John Gardon in 2008. I would consider that a precedent was set by the board of the day back in 2008 which should have, I believe, been followed today. I have only, up until today, been following the merry go round that is RAA as an aside, as I am basically more interested in flying rather than the politics of it all, but it now appears to me that this is what some or most of the executive want, for members to fly and keep out of their (the board) hair whilst the the RAA is basically ruined by what appears to be a lack of competence somewhere along the line. Four failed CASA audits resulting in aircraft being grounded due probably in most cases to incompetency's at a managerial level rather than from an owners perspective, a lack of presentation of reports of meetings and financial reports in a timely manner, what appears to be a high turn over of staff and executive members and a lack of value for dollars with regard to the supposed changes to the web site along with an overall lack of transparency as claimed by members on a local forum. It is also interesting to note that of the 13 board members listed only 2 have the respect for their members of this organisation to discuss items of interest with said members. I mentioned on the forum tonight that it was my intention to voice my disappointment directly to RAA, to which the overwhelming opinion is that I will not get a reply as, like many other organisations and individuals who have questioned RAA policy recently, I too will be left waiting for a reply , for this I can only come up with 3 reasons, a. You are leaving soon so why bother, b. RAA has something to hide and c. the board and management feel that they are above having to answer to the members who pay for the privilege of being treated as if we don’t exist. I hope that the forum members who tell me I won’t get a reply are wrong but I guess that if I haven’t had a reply in a reasonable time frame, I guess they were right and I will join the long list of dissatisfied RAA members who are still waiting to hear from OUR organisation. I look forward to your earliest reply"
C'mon, where's the team spirit?
Yeh Tige, I know, just goes to show what utter contempt some board members have for the people who put them there, like I said before, "a mini version of politics in the land of oz" but any how, gunna give it the old college try, going straight to Mr Tizzard, see what happens, probably nothing considering that he finishes early next year, unless he changes his mind as well, cheers, the Duk
Apologies to John McK, it would appear there are at least 2 board members who are interested in the rank and file members, good to hear. With regards the vote today, should we care what the board wants, it would appear that they aren't really interested in what the members want, I agree with the Captain: "This whole sorry mess demands outside indpendent investigation as the damage to the ultralight movement just cannot continue like this. If our leadership were as good at managing the organisation as they are at manoevering the politics of it all, we would be in good shape." Well said Captain, can't help but think, a mini version of politics in the land of oz, an independant investigation would sort this out, but who pays? by the sound of things the RAA is blowing our money quicker than we can send it. Personally, we just got screwed by the Banksia Investments collapse, I can't afford to get screwed again! Cheers, the Duk
"As a new member to the board I am trying to keep the masses on this forum informed." Jim, firstly, thank you for your efforts to keep us informed, it's good to see at least one board member interested in doing so, I have just found all of this here and am left wondering, what the heck is going on with RAA? I had guessed there were some problems but never realised that it appears to be such a mess. Secondly, if what I have been reading is true regarding the bullying (lets call it for what it is) in the past of other new board members, might I suggest you watch your back, if some of the encumbent board members of longer standing are a bit too comfortable in their positions, they may not take too kindly to a newby talking to the rank and file members and trying to keep us in the loop. Finally, with regards Steve Runciman's resignation, as my elected Vic representative to the RAA, I would ask you to convey to the executive of my non-acceptance of the withdrawal of his resignation in light of a previously set precidence by the board with regard to the non-acceptance of Mr John Garman's withdrawal in 2008, to my way of thinking they cannot have it both ways, once a precident is set, it is set, unless recinded. As a final thought to all RAA members, with regards Mr Runciman's resignation, if you feel strongly enough about what has happened then perhaps you need to contact your state board member and convey your feelings to them and request them to convey those thoughts directly to the board, then to ensure that it does get through to the board, I would suggest that direct contact (email or snail mail, this way they have to reply, a phone call can be denied) with RAA office to inform them of your concerns, enough member contact will let the executive know of the feeling within the camp. For me, first part is done, next step is an email to the office in Canberra, will post the reply, if any, when it arrives, cheers, the Duk blame the coffee
To true Rod but the a/c rego will stick out like the proverbials under your wing, as for lotto, here's a quote for you, "you can wish in one hand and poo in the other, you know which one will get full the quickest!" I'd rather spend the hard earned on the a/c. cheers, da Duk
Here's a thought Don't know if this is correct but was told by my instructor that to fly an aircraft of this type (amphibious) you need; pilot license, boat license, aircraft rego, boat rego, all for 1 a/c, seems like a lot of doubled up expense to me, I'll just stick to the 'duk,' but having said that, a really neat looking a/c and a great concept, cheers, da Duk
Hey Gnarly, Solar panels etc will help keep the bills down, perhaps even built into the wings of fixed wing aircraft, don't know how I'm gonna fit them on the Black Duk (Trike) though i_dunno Cheers, Da Duk
thanks MP, just wondering is this the one you were talking about? see link below cheers, Da Duk Yuneec International 2008
Of Politics and Aviation, Please, not the greens.
riverduk replied to Ultralights's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Re Metalman's last post, HERE, HERE young fella! DA Duk -
Of Politics and Aviation, Please, not the greens.
riverduk replied to Ultralights's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Well Said Blackrod, but words and thoughts wasted, w68 will never take the green tinted glasses off. Perhaps once his green mates have stuffed this great country up forever he just might realize his folly but I doubt it. As for bans on shooting, it is already happening, 2 weeks after the greens got into bed with labor in Tassie they introduced a bill to ban duck shooting in that state, no doubt a foretaste of things to come. Here, around the Shepparton area there have been a number of new N.parks declared, good in one sense but shooting is banned, so any feral animals within these parks now get park protection to breed and take over from native species, along with any introduced species of flora which will over grow these parks making them wild fire risks. Further East of here at the Mt Sumaria NP (Benalla area), wild pigs are moving through the park unabated, rooting it up as they go because hunters are not allowed in to decrease numbers. Wild deer, also an introduced species are also causing problems in this area as well. This is not hearsay, this is fact, from people who live in the area and that I am acquainted with. As a taste of things to come regarding National Parks, Volunteer firefighters in Murray Shire, NSW have indicated that they will not enter newly designated N. parks in the shire during bushfires citing safety concerns, with some saying it would be a suicide mission, they will limit their activities to park boundaries only. (Paraphrased from an article in The Kyabram Freepress 18/08/2010) I think this will be a foretaste of how firefighters will react to future bushfires in all N.Parks which will have the potential to become infernos in the future. As a thought, isn't it funny how we never see a tree hugging feral greenie on the end of hose or a beater helping to put these wild fires out, no they're long gone to another place to disrupt another hard working Aussie from making an honest living. As suggested by W68, I have taken the time to read the green policy papers and to some extent I have similar concerns and desires for our future, but some of their policy is at best fanciful and pie in the sky. To quote a great Australian: "Tell him he's dreaming" Darryl Kerrigan (The Castle, 1997) It's a bit like a Miss World pageant where every contestant wants 'world peace' sounds great but it will never happen, no matter how good intentioned they may be. I want world peace too, as I have said previously in this forum, I want a safe place for my 2 (at this stage) grandsons to live in but reality is, as long as we have radicals of any creed, be it, Islamic, Christian, Jew, Atheist, Anarchist, whatever, this world will never change. It's all very good to talk, but talking is not going to make a difference, the radicals don't want talk they just want to impose their rules on everyone else and rule by fear, in the end it's all about power. Sorry W68, "ya dreaming" if you really think that the greens will make this world a better place, they, like every other political party just want the power and you just watch in the weeks to come if they get the balance of power, as predicted, by others far more astute than I. Happy voting on Saturday, cheers, Da Duk -
Hey Nev, it would certainly put you more in tune with your aircraft, then again it might stop you flying altogether eh? Stephen, did you happen to get any web sites or other info that might spark some interest here? cheers, Da Duk
Hey All, this is a spin off from another thread that I have been stirring the pot in (along with others) Any how, just wondering how much interest there is here in Australia regarding Electric Powered Flight, here is a link to a US site: ElectraFlyer.com - Home of the ElectraFlyer - Electric Aircraft Corporation I am sure there are others out there so lets get the ball rolling, interested in any thoughts, comments etc, Cheers, Da Duk
Of Politics and Aviation, Please, not the greens.
riverduk replied to Ultralights's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
thanks Ozzie, keep watching that web site, looks good, for me just need to get Airborne on side as well as the cash but the concept at this stage is great, perhaps a new forum? why not, cheers, Da Duk:laugh: