Hi to all, my name is Ross and @ nearly 50years of age I think I must be the original frustrated flyer, I've had a couple of goes @ starting to learn, once before I was married, got 2 or 3 hrs up in a Cessna 150, fiance cracked em so I gave up, then tried again early 07 got another 5 hrs in a Tecnam P92 Echo Super, great aircraft, just forgot to tell the wife I had started, got the guilts and stopped. Any how lots of talking and frustration later she now wants me to learn, but the question is what?????
Rec license seems the way to go but the wife will not commit to flying with me when I do get my wings, I checked out gliding recently, great fun, but I do not want to rely on others to get me in the air and I don't have a spare 100k + to buy a self launch glider.
I did a paragliding intro for my 40th, loved that and could look at powered as an option, the other option is powered trikes, they look like fun and am planning to go to Yarrawonga next week to have a TIF @ Nav-Ex, a bit nervy though, although I know that hang gliding, trikes and aviation in general has come a long way in 35 yrs, I still have visions of a leading edge on a hang glider folding in half after I had just been for a short flight with it @ Barwon Heads back in the mid 70's, really put me off anything that looked like a HG.
Anyhow that's my little tale of woe, the up side is I can now get to do something, when I decide what, I just need to get a couple of thousand feet between my bum and the ground, I know my wife will never understand why that is, but anyone who's passion is flying will understand completely, cheers to all and happy flyin'