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Everything posted by Hughesy

  1. Gday bolero Try soaking an old rusty tool tool over night. Brings it right back. The acidic nature of vinegar gently dislodges any rust and gunk. If you have an old kettle that’s blackened on the inside over time Cut a lemon up and put it in the kettle and bring it to boil for a few minutes and then have a look at how clean and pristine inside the Kettle is the lemon acid gently removes all the buildup it’s pretty much the same when you use vinegar in a tank but you may have to leave it in there for a while and slush it around Cheers. Hughesy
  2. Could you use vinegar.? I’ve used it successfully on old Porsche fuel tanks with complex baffling Just a thought
  3. Dave def still there. I'm currently training with him.Call Rhonda on the land line to get contact. Dave does not answer phone when flying and reception is dead out there for Voda fail
  4. Sorry to hear you lost her Neil. Would like to ask you some questions if that doesn't open up old wounds. Cheers Hughesy.
  5. Do you still have it. Are/were you satisfied with it.
  6. good evening gents Was just wondering if there's any knowledgeable info from the collective about this bird. Scarce info on the web and less from anyone who has flown or known of one. They do seem a good option at first glance but I'd like to dig deeper Thanks Hughesy
  7. Thank you 80. Looking fwd to getting amongst it.
  8. G'day Tony. Thanks for the advice and encouragement Will def keep you posted. I'm thinking this could all be quite addictive I've always been around professional sporting teams and the camaraderie is what I missed the most when I retired. This group feels a lot like a team. Common goals and a bit of piss taking along the way. I like it.
  9. thanks for the warm reception frank, must say im a little excited.. cant wait to get into it cheers hughesy
  10. G'day all. seems like a great forum I've joined. New to flying but keen as mustard to get flying. Lots of reading to do and the learning curve is quite steep. I'm in the ryde area of sydney. Would you have any recommendations for a flying school. Perhaps a more patient instructor for 60 yr old learners It's been a long time desire to do this and I've finally got all the pieces in place. Looking forward to picking your brains when it get closer to buying my own ( jabiru and savannah appear to be high on most lists ) Cheers Hughesy
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