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Erik Snyman

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Everything posted by Erik Snyman

  1. LOL......yesterday the terro`s killed 10 journalists in Kabul...Erik in Oz.
  2. MBY, some people just know how to put thoughts into words......excellent piece.Erik in Oz.
  3. LOL......you know, it is very difficult to argue against one line statements. You get pulled into the narrow and shallow, and it becomes emotionally exhaustive. So I am just going to say.....Ya well, no fine.Erik in Oz.
  4. You are either very naive, or know something the rest of us don`t. Let`s hope it is the latter.
  5. HelloI don`t post much on this site, but have to reply to this post: I would like to mention a thing or two regarding the reported terrorist incident in Israel. Having spent a great part of my younger life involved in the art of, and defending against, unconventional warfare, it scares me s***less to know that the terrorists have evolved from suicide vests to drone-delivered devices in such a relatively short period of time. Knowing what can be produced, manufactured and the delivery methods of such, I can assure you that they are not even past the introduction page of the book on Terror. We are living in la-la land if we think they will not embrace any viable way or means to deliver their terror. Yes, it happens mainly far away at the moment, in Israel and Syria, etc. but let us be very glad that Israel is standing in trenches against the war on terror, and is taking the punch at the moment. Because believe me, as sure as God make little green apples, if this was is not stopped there, in the Middle East, it will be on our own doorsteps. What we have seen up to now in Australia was child's play. A few dim-witted youngsters with time on their hands and no work to do. And I sincerely hope, Mr. fly_tornado, that you go on your knees and pray to your God, that, when the first explosive device gets dropped on Australian soil by a drone, it is not on you or your loved ones. It is not "IF" anymore, it is "WHEN". I also note, Mr. fly_tornado, that you don`t have much to say about the Gestapo tactics employed by the guy next door to Israel, Bashir al-Assad. Now HE doesn`t play around when it gets to wiping out people......what drones? Wholesale is the word....It makes a drone-delivered mortar bomb almost look humane.... Ok, I am off the box. Getting the asbestos suit on against the expected flaming... Erik in Oz.
  6. Exactly my point, said with a slight chuckle of irony.Erik in Oz.
  7. Sheezzz, don`t you have anything better to worry about? A friend of mine used a combine harvester to cut the words into a field of ripe wheat, but I understand your problem....too much snow and not enough wheat...Erik in Oz.
  8. LOL.......ah, but you miss the point: It is cheaper to fly RA.......
  9. Bruce, I absolutely agree with you. My father-in-law is German born and raised, and he lives in Durban, South Africa, the home of a multitude of Indians. He cooks the most divine curries, from recepies (sp?) given to him by the Indians working for him. Delicious. Erik in Oz.
  10. Australian exports. Erik in Oz.
  11. MORE miss-information? What other miss-information are you insinuating?Erik in Oz.
  12. Real world use. Not paper manual use. When was the last time you took off, flew for x hours, and landed on full power? Get real.Erik in Oz.
  13. No aero engine runs at rated power continuously. At most take-off +5 minutes.Erik in Oz.
  14. Good on ya, Mark. Keep us updated as to the performance of the little diesel. I still love all the alternative power plants used in aviation.Erik in Oz.
  15. This is becoming like the old argument....what was first, the chicken or the egg? I agree totally that the pilot will justify the plane he wants. I am on the tail of a very nice MiG17 ex-Russian air force. It does not cost much, but I am still trying to get my head around the fuel consumption.....:>).....Also, from MY point of view: I don`t HAVE to fill 4 seats. I also don`t HAVE to carry 120 pounds of luggage. But I CAN if I want to.Enough from me. Erik in Oz.
  16. I just checked the invoice for the last annual on the 172.....$2215. That includes the cost of an avionics person to fix a fault on the transponder. Now, in anyone`s language, that is not too bad.Erik in Oz.
  17. I have to qualify that $2500 annual for the 172, though. I am pedantic when it comes to my own backside, so the plane gets new sparkplugs every annual, all new filters, in fact, anything that my friend the LAME can change with new, (consumables) gets changed.So, on a normal annual on a 172 or a PA28, you could probably get away with a lot less. Erik in Oz.
  18. If at first you don`t succees
  19. If at first you don`t succees
  20. The point is, I see no advantage of RA over GA if I LOOK AT MY OWN COSTS. A medical every two years, which is probably advantageous at my age, anyway. If you fly the average 50 hours per year, a few bucks more for 100 LL fuel. Hangerage costs the same. Plane`s annual....I don`t know what say a Jabby`s annual costs, but if nothing is wrong on the 172, I pay $2500. If you do your own annual, you still have to figure in your time at a price. When I look at prices for RA aircraft, for the price of a VERY average ultralight, I can buy two used 172`s. And I have two extra seats, to boot. The initial cost of the PPL is more than that of a sport pilot, but by the time you have done all the "add-ons" on a RA certificate, like radio, nav, flight in restricted areas, etc. I think the cost will come out about even. I MAY be wrong on the last point, as I can only go on what I hear and read.As always, this is MY OWN findings. Your mileage may vary. Erik in Oz.
  21. Boys and GirlsAfter being a PPL pilot for a long time, and a military pilot for even longer before that, I played with my share of home-builts and various ways of powering them. I returned to GA and bought a C172 for very reasonable money. My LAME is a personal friend, and he maintains the 172 as needed. Now the point: Anual for the plane: AUS$2500. Hangarage: $80/month. And this is the crux:..........Peace of mind.......Priceless. Erik in Oz.
  22. Hitler and his party cronies were fat, middle-aged racists. The German Armed forces were well trained, professional, and led by the old Prussian officer corps. Because of disillusioned, drug-addicted s***ts like Herr Adolf, brilliant engineering ideas and the brains behind it, were lost. Von Braun, possibly the better known individual to be captured by the west, almost singlehandedly sent Armstrong to the moon. The German "thinking in the box" way of doing things, almost got the better of the Allies. What won the war for the Allies, was a person called Adolf. (Dickhead) Erik in Oz. (German descendant)
  23. Would LOVE to see GYROGIRL fly up there... Erik in Oz.
  24. Thanks for the update, Bex. Always loved the Dakar, but am sort of missing the "old" Dakar days, with the BMW 800 GS being the king of the pack. When "Paris to Dakar" meant exactly that. Good stuff. Erik in Oz.
  25. I agree 100% , Rollerball. I NEVER leave my base without full tanks, EVER. Reminds me of the three useless things in flying: Sky above you, runway behind you, and the fuel you left in the bowser. Erik in Oz.
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