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About Kctoothman

  • Birthday 12/02/1964


  • Aircraft
    Thorp t18
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  1. Was just having a chat to my mate a very experienced pilot who was a ga instructor and 737 captain. He reminded me of the incident he had with a student in a 150 Aerobat years ago, when the seat back failed in a manoeuvre.???
  2. My 0360 burns.... let’s say 40 Litres an hour. I have 9 grandchildren and I don’t feel that I’m destroying their future with the residues of that burnt fuel. I do feel that if they choose, they may one day be able to enjoy and maybe understand why their grandfather chose to FLY!
  3. I think there’s probably a lot of activity out there, it’s just done quietly with not that much fanfare.I’m aware of quite a few projects atm around SE Qld. I’m presently on my 4th and a half project after a long hiatus and all my aircraft have been plansbuilt.
  4. May have been blinded by the shiny Alclad finish. Not as silly as it sounds. Built a Teenie Too that was polished alclad, had to be painted in the end it would blind you if the sun caught it. Doesn’t excuse the other poor airmanship of this pilot though.
  5. Yes, all those solutions and sunscreen.
  6. I built a Kr2s,started in 2003 first flight 2005 sold it 2008. It was my third aircraft project. Lovely flying plane. Fast,120 kts responsive and easy to fly. Now finishing a Thorp T18. Go to YouTube and look for West Australian Kr 2s video by the guy who bought it from me. Cheers Ken
  7. Kctoothman


    [uSER=321]@Methusala[/uSER] thanks for the reply. Built and flew mine in Qld.first flight 18/4/96 by me as VH-XNX later ,19-3742 Revmaster 2100 . My VP was modelled off the Neil Stevenson VP from Wedderburn, in fact I had the canopy mold from him. Flew it to Narromine in 2003. My last flight was October 2004,delivered to Childers Qld. I have pics but don't know how to post. Cheers Ken.
  8. Kctoothman


    Many happy and also frustrating hours building and flying my VP2. A safe and stable flyer, with fantastic ground handling courtesy of the all flying tail. My last flight in her 8/10/2004. Delivered to the new owner in Childers, Qld.
  9. Kctoothman

    Imported Item

    The wonderful Mr Graham Schott and his Kr2. Met Graham back in around 95 at the Kingaroy fly in after breaking the Tailwheel spring on my Vp-2. Loaned me his car to drive into town to the local springworks to quickly fabricate a new one. The guy charged me nothing, and I got back to YCAB the next morning.Never had a problem with that tailwheel spring again. Graham some years later checked me out in the KR2 (VH-XXS) before I test flew mine at YCAB. Graham and His wife Sue flew that plane all over Oz. Graham passed away from melanoma a few years ago, his KR is on permanent display at Caloundra air museum, along with his famous RED bucket hat. Wonderful, joyous man, my pleasure to have known him.
  10. Hi new to this forum. Am considering a return to recreational flying after a 9 year spell. Previously I had built and flown 3.5 aircraft Evans Vp-2 (VH-XNX) -19-3742 Teenie Too 19-3392 Rand Kr2-s 19-4318 Corby Starlet was the .5 Im keen to know of the whereabouts of my firstborn Vp-2 last known position Childers Qld where I delivered it to its new owner on 4/10/2004. The Teenie is still at YCAB. And the Kr wound up in WA. The aviation mistress is calling me again, and it's hard to fight. Kids are grown, and I still have a set of Minicab plans stowed away.
  11. Hi all new to this forum. Considering a return to recreational flying after a spell of nine years. In years past I had built and flown An Evans Vp-2 (VH-XNX) 19-3742 A Teenie Too 19-3392 A Rand Kr2s 19-4318 The lure of the aviation mistress seems to be calling me again now that I am in my 50's and children have grown. I would love to know the whereabouts of my first born Evans Vp-2 first flight 18/4/96.YCAB. Last flight by me 4/10/2004 YCAB-YCHI (Childers) Anyone knows of its status. Would love to hear. Currently looking at my old Minicab plans
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