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Everything posted by Mikey_A

  1. Hi everyone, haven't raised my head on here in a while but have been following all the interesting topics the whole time. I'm about to get involved in a syndicate down at Aldinga with a Sportstar. It's a 1/8 share (we're still after 3-4 more people if interested, msg me) however I'm after other people's experiences and opinions on syndicates. Everything I've looked at regarding this particular syndicate looks quite appealing for starting out in aircraft ownership, especially after a new arrival in the family. I look forward to your thoughts. Cheers, Michael.
  2. I've been to France, just got back from Bali, nothing beats packing up the car and heading north (from Adelaide). Being a country boy, I can't help returning to the country to do some fishing/camping/have the odd beverage etc etc. Now with my rec license, it's even better. We are the lucky country too by the way.
  3. Hi all. Just letting you know my trip to Broken Hill was awesome. No drama's at the airport (except everytime I went to land there was a REX aircraft departing), no problems with fuel and as my ASIC hadn't arrived, no problems there either. But I have some news, my ASIC arrived today so now I have yet another expensive piece of plastic in my wallet. I'm flying to Sydney on Sunday with the family (with QANTAS), you reckon having the ASIC would help in getting myself and the kids into the cockpit?? Can only try I guess. Cheers Michael.
  4. Hi, it's me again with yet another question about Broken Hill. To those who have parked their aircraft there overnight, which apron can you park on (out of the three shown in ERSA)? I just called the Broken Hill council and Kate had no idea, there was no one out at the airport and Geoff didn't answer his mobile. I'm making the assumption that I can park over by the hangars where the other light aircraft are parked (looking on Google Maps) which is just off taxiway Bravo. I'm on the eve of embarking on my first long cross country flight since gaining my license and have a lot of things running through my mind and this is one which I hadn't thought of earlier. Cheers Michael.
  5. There would be more than rain at my place if I did though!
  6. I'll do it one day, even if it has to be in my dreams!
  7. I'll be there in a minute!
  8. Hey there, after my thread a couple of weeks ago, I'm now with Deskpilot, not with the Bali trip (that's in July but not a romantic one with two mates!), but with the rain. Still nothing like the eastern states but I copped just over 10mm in about 10mins and had a bucket sitting on top of my computer. I cleaned out the gutters the next day and just as well, we copped another 31mm. Happy Valley AWS weather That's my weather station, this was my test to see if the rain gauge on it worked and it was very close (within 0.5mm) of my rain gauge in my front yard.
  9. 80mm??? Here in Adelaide this year, I've only has 20mm in my rain guage with 2mm of that falling early last week. We've got forecast showers for the end of the week, I bet it rains for my planned flight to Renmark next Monday though! Can I post a link to my personal webpage which has got my Automatic Weather Station (AWS) broadcasting on to it on this website?
  10. Keep the posts coming, I'm taking all this on board. This is my first trip away after obtaining my pilot's certificate a couple of weeks ago. Also, I called Waikerie airfield yesterday, they don't have fuel at the moment but are getting some tanks put in and will have some in the coming months. Cheers
  11. Thanks all for your responses. So it's safe to say that I should get my ASIC through RA-Aus within the next fortnight, and if I don't get it by the time I leave, I should be ok anyway because this whole federal airport security setup is a fast. Is that a good summary?
  12. G'day Just wondering what my backup plan should be if my ASIC doesn't arrive by the time I'm due to leave for Broken Hill. The reason for my concern is my application only got sent off this week after the arrival of my pilots certificate and I have been told up to 6 weeks for the ASIC. I'm a former employee for Adelaide Airport where, as an ASIC holder, I used to escort contractors around to work sites and would like to know if something similar could happen at Broken Hill. Would it be beneficial in getting in touch with members from the Aero Club up there or is there a fellow rec pilot residing in Broken Hill with an ASIC which could help me out. Cheers Michael. PS. There's going to be a couple of more threads in regards to refuelling at Waikerie and Broken Hill, how it all works etc. So stay tuned.
  13. I intend to, don't you worry. Cheers.
  14. G'day all, Early last year, I created a few posts in the "Just Landed" section introducing myself as a student at Aldinga, south of Adelaide (Adelaide Biplanes), learning to fly the Sportstar. Today, I past my final test and have been signed off as one of you guys, a recreational pilot. Almost 12 months to the day, flying once a fortnight, I'VE DONE IT!!!!! I just want to say, even though I haven't contributed much to the posts on this site, reading about other peoples problems, or about other peoples adventures really keeps you interested in this recreation. So keep the discussion up and who knows, one day we might be sitting around a BBQ at a fly-in swapping stories (only one can hope!!). Happy Flying. Michael.
  15. "Happy Valley" sounds a bit sus. its not a nut house or hippy commune is it?? It brings immages of meadow flowers, butterflies and loonies running around in white gowns.hahahaha Sometimes I ask myself the same thing! The only loony running around is my 41kg Black Labradore named Monty. But I know what you mean.
  16. G'day all, Just would like to share that I finally got to fly solo away from the airfield for the first time in the Sportstar. I rocked up for my lesson where the instructor advised me that we'll be looking at the boundaries of the training area (at Milang - roughly E from Aldinga), doing a PFL then depending on weather and money, I'll be off on my own. So we took off (after all the preflight checks of course!) and headed out at 3500'. Got to Milang, showed I could get it down onto the deck if need be, then headed back. Joined the circuit with a Cherokee and two Sports Cubs in the circuit, and pulled off a sufficient landing (while avoiding the lake which had formed in the middle of the airfield!). Then there was 1. And I did it again but all on my own, it was great. I even let out a "woohoo!" once I was over the hill and out of site from the airfield. Flew around for a bit and came back. On final I was a bit high but fixed that by another stage of flap and a bit of side slipping and topped it off with a text book landing. I'm still smiling now 2 days later. Next up is navagation on the 17th. Can't wait now, only thing holding me back is money.
  17. I can thank my Mum. Growing up, my mum was a sole parent trying to raise me on the pension while studying. Because of our circumstances, I used to go on these camps through an organization I can't quite remember the name of, but something like The Children's Foundation. Through this I got to go on a joy flight out at Parafield when I was about 7 or 8 and to this day I can remember the day being warm, blue skies, light breeze AND I got to sit in the right hand seat. That was it, I was sold. Everything after that day had to have something to do with flying, my matchbox cars, my leggo, everything! I found out years later that my Mum saved really hard to pay the fee required (the foundation only subsidised these things) to which I'm very greatful (my hip pocket isn't though). Today I have racked up 32 hours towards my recreational license and are just about to embark on my area solo, and my Mum is working in Vanuatu as an accountant, running her own business. A feel good story! Michael.
  18. G'day all, I was up in Whyalla, South Australia on the weekend just gone and where my friends live, he gets a lot of the traffic coming into YWHA. From there I saw a couple of Jabs flying around. Was there anyone from this site flying up there on the weekend? Just curious is all. Cheers Michael.
  19. I'm down there every second Monday at the moment as that's my rostered day off and the kids are at school. Plus not usually many others flying on Monday which makes it more enjoyable in the circuit area. When I finally do get my license, I'll probably start flying on weekends. I have a friend who flys down there and I catch up with him occasionally, usually on the weekends so we might bump into each other.
  20. G'day, A while ago you may have remembered me from my thread "Newbie from Adelaide". I just want to share with you my progress in my recreational training in the Sportstar at Aldinga. I managed to go solo yesterday and pulled off three pretty good circuits. I was nervous but not as much as I was the first time I went solo back at Parafield a few years ago but it still got the heart racing. I'm pretty chuffed that I've got to go solo after only 7 hours (plus my 20 odd hours from previous training) and look forward to the next stage of training until I gain my recreational license, where I'll be ecstatic!!! So there's my little spill, and I still enjoy reading everyone else's experiences, keep it going. Cheers Michael.
  21. Well done Bec, I know the feeling well, I've just gone solo for the first time a second time. Will explain in another post. It's a great feeling, enjoy it. Congrats.
  22. That looks like a really nice aircraft. And the airfield doesn't look to shabby either. My Father lives in Bunbury, the next time I visit him (later this year or early next) hopefully you or I (or both) will be licenced and maybe we could share some costs and go for a small trip!!! Michael.
  23. G'day all. I just wanted to share with you my flying experience on Saturday. My lesson was set to begin at 10am & for those who weren't here, the forecast temp for Noarlunga was 34C with strong winds. We did our start up checks for the Sportstar then taxied to do our run up. Just turned into the wind when there was a squall (a tree came down in the paddock behind the hangars) and I witnessed clouds forming then eveaporating at about 500-1000ft above me. It was quite humid as the front approached and the cool moist air was meeting the warm dry air right about where the airfield is. We taxied back and waited, fortunatley the winds settled down and we taxied out to runway 21. Funny enough, we were the only ones out there at this point of time. Lined up and took off. The first 400ft were ok then the turbulance started. At circuit height (1100ft) it was bumpy, hot and windy, not very enjoyable. I did my BUMPFIS checks and radio calls and started concentrating on landing the damn thing. Sure enough there was a cross wind too at this point in time (the winds were varying between SW & NW). The instructor asked if I wanted to keep going, I said I'd give another circuit a go before I decide. On final at about 400ft, the air settled making the approach a bit easier to handle. So we did the touch and go but sure enough 400ft on the climb, back to the crappy weather. I decided if the landing bit isn't too bad I might as well continue the lesson. We ended up doing nine circuits in total which were quite satisfying. We even practiced a glide approach and a 'go around'. However I do look forward to a nice calm sunny day to really enjoy the flying.
  24. I'm still trying to get used to the Sportstar as I only had my first two lessons in one the Monday before last. Were you flying that day Jodie? I heard a female voice on the radio. My next lesson is next Monday, forecast 35C again!!!
  25. The BAK is handy! I quote "The windsock is a vital indicator to the pilot of wind strength and direction. Your instructor will show you how to read the windsock" end quote!
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