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Everything posted by dewie

  1. Sent an E-mail to Landings .com, got a reply that the problem has now been fixed.
  2. Geoff, how much do they charge for the shell 15w50
  3. No it's the times I was looking at! Should read !!!!!! Todays Sunset: 09:25 UTC (20:25 AEDT)Tomorrows Sunrise: 19:50 UTC (06:50 AEDT) Todays Evening Twilight End: 09:55 UTC (20:55 AEDT)Tomorrows Morning Twilight Start: 19:21 UTC (06:21 AEDT)
  4. (ICAO: YLED)LethbridgeLethbridge, VictoriaAustralia Latitude: 37° 55' 19.90" SouthLongitude: 144° 6' 8.20" East Approximate Elevation: 568' (173m)Max. Runway Length: 4180' (1274m) Comments: Runway info: Runway 17/35 (3010' x 62'), Surface: GRASS, Runway 10/28 (4180' x 49'), Surface: GRASS; Airport frequencies: CTAF 127.65 Mhz Todays Sunset: 09:25 UTC (21:25 AEDT)Tomorrows Sunrise: 19:50 UTC (07:50 AEDT) Todays Evening Twilight End: 09:55 UTC (21:55 AEDT)Tomorrows Morning Twilight Start: 19:21 UTC (07:21 AEDT) I think those times might be a little bit out !! (copyed from the flight planner) Thats 12 hours in front not 11 hours
  5. dewie

    J160 oil comsumption

    Was reading with interest the oil consumpsion in some Jabs. Mine was using 50ml per hour untill I changed from Aero Shell W100 to Aero Shell W15W50 multi grade. Have since clocked up 9 hours without topping up and with no oil in catch bottle
  6. Opps !!! Photos and report is already posted in Trips & Flyins thread
  7. A few photos of the toy run at Lethbridge [ATTACH]9467.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]9468.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]9469.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]9470.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]9471.vB[/ATTACH]
  8. Test photo:sorry:
  9. Some of this info may help :thumb_up: NOISEin Radio and / or intercom Our strobe driver units are designed with filtering and internal shielding to keep radio interference to a minimum, however occasionally noise will be heard over the radio or intercom. This noise is almost always caused by the way the systems have been installed. One must remember that noise does not always come from the power that is being supplied to your equipment. Especially if the radio has it's own power source (battery ) and the strobe is powered by the aircraft battery. Installations vary greatly from aircraft to aircraft. Do both systems share the same power source? Is there an external antenna? How close is the antenna, radio, wires, etc. to the strobe driver box and wiring? If both systems are not sharing the same power, then where is the common thread? In most, if not all cases the problem is GROUNDING. The ground path is very, very important. The strobe circuit draws high current through the ground circuit. The radio, intercom, head set and mic circuits use that same ground so it is important that there is NO voltage drop between where all these grounds are connected. In other words lets say the strobe driver is getting negative battery or ground from a bus near the battery that is also grounded to the metal frame of the aircraft. The ground plane for the radio antenna is connected to the aircraft frame further back near the tail and the radios are grounded near the cockpit to a screw in the frame. This array of connections can be a source of noise. The following list is intended to help in eliminating noise. 1. Power for the strobe system should be on the first fuse of the power bus. In other words the closest fuse to the battery. It is also very helpful to run BOTH the POWER and GROUND in a twisted pair all the way from the source to the strobe driver. In other words don’t pick up ground for the strobe near the driver and the hot on a single wire from another location. 2. The strobe driver's metal case should be solidly connected with a ground strap or 16 ga. wire to the aircraft ground system. 3. The audio ground and aircraft ground should be commonly connected only at ONE SINGLE POINT. Ground all the audio equipment; radio, mic, antenna, headphones, intercom, etc. to an "audio ground bus" (16 Ga. or larger wire). Then connect that bus at one end only to the aircraft central grounding point, preferably near the point the battery is grounded. 4. Do not run audio related wires next to power supply wires. 5. Shielded wire is not normally necessary, however, if it is being used ground that shield at only ONE end. Usually the end closest to the source.
  10. I believe Shell have threatened to remove the tank if sales don’t rise
  11. .-- . .-.. .-.. / -.. --- -. . / -... --- -.-- ... / .. / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / .... .- ...- . / .- / .-.. --- - / ..-. ..- -. / .-- .. - .... / - .... .. ...
  12. dewie

    Ignition question

    Our 2.2 always starts regardless of temp, but the Odyssey battery is only 3 years old :thumb_up:
  13. Hi all. Paul Bruty goes home to Ballarat this Friday the 20/06/08 if be behaves himself that is. ;)
  14. I hope you all weren’t trained by the same instructor
  15. :hittinghead:Their add claims it to be a 2000 build!!!!! I did my navs in it long before then.
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