Lets examine fear. The vaccine kills 1 in 1 000 000. COVID kills 1 in 100. Some people are more afraid of the virus. Some people are more afraid of the vaccine. It depends on how well they grasp maths, I guess.
Lets examine freedom. Vaccines have always been mandatory. The freedom from deadly childhood diseases is more valuable than the freedom to refuse to be vaccinated. The freedom to endanger others is no freedom at all but a power grab. I am irritated that in the US it is the "conservative" people who are against vaccines. Being conservative is supposed to be about doing one's duty, serving the community, fidelity and protecting people. It used to hippy left who were selfish and were just into freedom and individual rights. Now, conservative people deny any duty to the community, do nothing to serve those who can't be vaccinated, and resist having to do things that protect others.
If we had the same death rate as the USA, we would have had 63 000 dead. Some people want to be free, even if it kills 62 000 people, some people don't.