Crap. The aim of RA-Aus does not to be going to buy a $100 hamburger. The aim might be to have fun monitoring the engine. I actually dislike flying but am learning how so I can travel to places that are inaccessible by land. Facthunter said to keep your eyes outside the plane. That is very good advice, and easily observed by having making sure that you *can't* observe any of the parameters from inside the aircraft. This is consistent with the monitoring of heavy machinery where, I imagine, the powers that be make sure that the operator cannot be distracted by information beyond a warning light.
I imagine that Jabiru might give you a very warm welcome or a very cold shoulder. I would be more interested in what Jabiru said that the engine monitoring! I wonder if they cooperate with you if they will want you to not make your findings public? I expect that they would be able to tell you which bits of the engine to monitor. If they were willing, or not, to tell you what to monitor, that would be interesting. I wonder if there is something measurable that would alter the TBO? I imagine that that is one of the main ideas in monitoring other things.