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Posts posted by APenNameAndThatA

  1. GA members have been dodging costs and ruining it for all of us. Suppose that it is grossly unfair that (RAA) pilots are charged and licence/membership fee and aircraft rego. It's about time GA pilots paid for their licence and rego and stopped ruining it for the rest of us..... 

    Are you suggesting that GA pilots are refusing to pay landing fees and getting GA pilots and RA-AUS pilots banned from airfields? No? No. So you sophistry is boring. 


    If you think VH rego will be cheaper, register VH. Duh. 



  2. Everyone needs to email the CEO and let him know what they think, united we stand divided we fall

    ... and tell him make sure it's legal, then go ahead and release the details. RAAus members have been dodging costs and ruining it for all of us. Suppose that it is grossly unfair that pilots are charged for using aerodromes - the members doding costs have still been ruining it for the rest of us.


    Personally, I don't even care if releasing people's details is illegal. If the people who wrote the constitution had foreseen this problem, then they would have made it legal to release members' details to those who collect landing fees. 



  3. Hi

    Quick question, can an RA 19 registered plane be converted over to VH?


    This would be a plane using factory plans, approved engine such as Rotax 912 or Jabiru?


    The reason why I ask is that there are a number of very capable 19 registered planes that I like but my requirement is to fly into controlled airspace etc.

    There is a lot of nonsense spoken about this. A flying instructor once told me that a 24-registered plane needed to have a certified engine to fly in controlled airspace. 



  4. Councils are charging fees to RAA users to cover RPT security and runway lengthening isn't fair or reasonable, then in fact moving to CLOSE smaller cross strips.

    this is ON TOP of rents and rates for hangers being doubled or more and contracts rewritten to allow this every 2 years


    This is an acceptance of councils cash grab with little in return.


    RAA need the AAA support for CTA and increased MTOW - the members who are keen on this, (75% according to research) may not have been aware what was being traded off for these benefits. Nor that it would apply to very few and would not be available under existing RAA exemptions ie with self Maint or self declared medicals.

    "This is an acceptance of councils cash grab with little in return"... Except for the use of the runway. I have never seen the books, but my guess is that RAAus fees do little to make up the cost of maintaining the airport. 



  5. Imagine chasing that $10M by spending more money on Wellcamp's 1 flight a week freight business


    Wagners to submit business case for massive freight hub




    2-3 minutes


    18th Mar 2019 5:00 AM | Updated: 12:51 PM


    Subscriber only


    WAGNERS has been invited to submit a business case for a multimillion-dollar agricultural export distribution centre at Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport.


    State Development Minister Cameron Dick said the State Government made an election commitment to provide up to $10 million from its $150 million Jobs and Regional Growth Fund for the project.


    Wagner Corporation and Air Freight Handling Services in Cairns were the two companies selected to put together detailed business cases.


    "The delivery of this election commitment will support the development and construction of an agricultural export distribution pilot centre in regional Queensland," Mr Dick said.


    "Wagner Corporation will now start work on a business case for Toowoomba, after progressing through the expression of interest process, which attracted detailed proposals from across Queensland.


    "An export distribution centre of this type is new for Queensland, and we are taking our time to get it right.


    "A final decision on the outcome of the process and the location of the regional export distribution hub will be made later this year."


    Mr Dick said a Regional Export Distribution Centre would help boost rapid airfreight access for Queensland agricultural producers.


    "This type of facility has the potential to help our primary producers access key international markets, while supporting regional jobs and enhancing agricultural productivity," he said.

    343893993_WagnerInfrastructure.png.33c4dfa301dd5991ca39df2168b24c2f.png/monthly_2019_03/911751779_WagnerInfrastructure.png.aaeb8ca4fdfed37f419ca162e3cb647d.png" data-ratio="75.21">


    This should be sufficient for current, and future, needs. 



    • Haha 1
  6. I am disappointed and disgusted. If these 'build experts' are the cause of eventual airframe failures, I  wonder if their guilty consciences will get them to get back to all the other planes they have built and correct the  deficiencies? ...I would say not!

    The main problem is that the media will report something like "catastrophic ultralight airframe failure leads to multiple deaths". They may add the word "home made" in their article to make matters worse for careful home builders.


    Before long, CASA will launch an Enquiry. This Enquiry could recommend a strict (and costly) inspection regime and/or tough restrictions on home builders.


    I am glad you're discovering their shortcuts Mark, and correcting them.

    Disclaimer: 25 total hours, 5 recently. 


    AOPA says that the five bad attitudes are impulsivity, anti authority, macho, invulnerability and resignation. I think that it might be better off changing resignation to agreeableness. The example of resignation is of someone thinking that no more can be done in an emergency. It is much more likely that someone will "resign" to going along with something when they are under social pressure and don't want to back their own judgement to say that something is wrong. Classic crashes, like the ones where copilots did not say no to their captains could be seen as examples of this. The relevance to this situation is exactly how pissed off someone might get because someone tried to kill them (so to speak) through dodgy building methods. Another example of agreeableness causing problems might be someone not wanting to offend and thereby not doing their own preflight.


    Another way of looking at emotions is that the primary use of the emotion of anger is to push back forcefully when that needs to happen. Anger is a very primitive emotion. So an excessive lack of anger might incline people to go along with situations where someone desperately needs to be told to f--- off. Of course, too much anger will cause really big problems. Anger literally stops the brain's frontal lobes from working as well. The theory is that thinking messes up anger the same-ish way that thinking messes up a golf swing.  



    • Agree 1
  7. Disclaimer: 5 hrs total recently. 


    I think that a better method than not flying if you are worried about the conditions is to have a specific personal minimum. For example, having a personal minimum of a 5 kt crosswind component. That way, you have half made the decision before you get to the field, and will be less likely to make a mistake when weighing variables about if you should fly or not.


    Emotions, such as fear, are good overall methods of making decisions. Helping decision making is probably the main point of emotions. However, by taking the emotion out of this particular decision, you will make it less likely that your decision will be swayed by the emotions associated with impressing people (women) or getting home urgently. 



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  8. The terrifying, and overwhelmingly problematic fact remains, that two virtually brand new 737 MAX's, with experienced pilots at the controls, have flown straight into terra firma/ocean in recent months, and this is a situation for grave concern - for all concerned.

    It simply means that technology must be overwhelming the pilots, and that there are automation conflicts that were never envisaged, or thought through, simply because of the vast number of possibilities, multiplied by the number of components in the systems.


    Sensor errors are common, and every failure in the chain should mean the systems automatically revert to a simpler, fail-proof system, for backup.


    It appears the automation designers are designing electronic systems that are falling back upon reliance on other electronic and electrical backup, thus compounding information errors.

    Donald Trump said pretty much the same thing. (I actually don't mind The Donald. Unlike GWB, he didn't start an illegal war and kill 500 000 civilians and counting. And unlike Hillary, he is capable of intimidating China.) 



  9. This discussion of details needs to stop because of the current court cases in progress. 

    As far as I can tell, this is wrong, and there is no reason for us to not discuss the incident. If someone can correct me, by referring to a law, then that would be great! The only issue that I can see is defamation, which would be an issue at any time. 


    My own view is that if it can happen to him then it can happen to me. 


    I am not surprised that the people stuck in the ferris wheel have psychological injuries. Judging by their screams, they were truly terrified. After seeing the video, I can still hear them in my mind's ear, as it were. This is like the cherry picker being between the runways at the airshow. People need to not put stuff in the road of where aircraft fly. Latent errors, one can call them. 



  10. The RAA Constitution says

    34.6 The Directors may appoint a person as a Director to fill a casual vacancy if that person is eligible under Clause 36.


    It does not outline how this person is chosen, except by the Directors.  As a recent election had been held the results show who was the next most popular with the members.  They could have just picked a mate - then we would have something to complain about ....


    As for Tony King's resignation, best to wait for reliable news.  He can't be voted out by the Directors, only by the members, under the Constitution.  Reading the Board Audit, he does not appear to be the problem.


    The Constitution again:


    37 A Director immediately and irrevocably stops being a Director if they:


    (a) give written notice of resignation as a Director to the Company with the resignation becoming effective as of the date specified in the notice,


    (b) die,


    © are removed as a Director by a resolution of the Members,


    (d) stop being a Member of the Company,


    (e) are absent for three (3) consecutive Directorsmeetings without approval from the Directors, or


    (f) become ineligible to be a Director of the Company under the Corporations Act.


    Tony has been on the Board for many years

    37 (b) seems fair. 



  11. I always thought that the Brisbane West Wellcamp name, was a way of not confusing the old toowoomba airport with the new one, now that the new one hasn't significantly impacted air traffic in Australia they've gone back to the more obvious name. Wellcamp has been going now for 5 years, still no closer to getting a flight to Bali.  

    Toowoomba North?



  12. the local chamber of commerce getting ready to put their hands out for some sponsorship, but probably not a good idea to mention that its been 4.5 years and the traffic growth has plateaued 



    Wellcamp underpinning Toowoomba's growth


    by Jo Sheppard, Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce CEO


    12th Feb 2019 5:00 AM 


     Subscriber only


    ON NOVEMBER 17, 2014, the first scheduled passenger service started operation between Sydney Airport and Wellcamp airport and the airport, and our community have not looked back since.


    The connectivity that Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport provides not only significantly improves the liveability of our city, but it is also directly and indirectly supporting business growth across the region.




    Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce CEO Jo Sheppard.Contributed




    Last week, the chamber was pleased to be involved in Provincial Distributors Food Services Trade Show held at the showgrounds here in Toowoomba.


    The trade show was the biggest of its kind held outside a capital city and considerably boosted by the connectivity now provided by Wellcamp Airport.


    The trade show saw more than 70 exhibitors come together to showcase their products including local food suppliers supported by the chamber's FAN (Food and Agri Network) along with some of the biggest national food brands as well.


    In speaking with many of the exhibitors, the direct Qantas and Air North flights from Sydney and Melbourne into Toowoomba made it feasible for national food brands based in the South to participate in the trade show.


    Weekly Cathay Pacific cargo services started in November 2016 from Wellcamp to Hong Kong and we have seen confidence in Toowoomba's future as a transport, logistics and export hub continue to grow.


    From the establishment of new businesses such as freight forwarding company Australian International Logistics to the continued growth of the likes of AgEtal (agricultural testing and export compliance service providers) the flow on effect from Wellcamp airport is evident.


    Join the growing community movement powered by people who believe in our region, and who believe that we deserve great connectivity for our families and businesses.


    By taking the pledge to fly local you are working alongside the rest of the region to grow air services for the region.


    If you would like to get involved in I Fly Toowoomba, head to Wellcamp airport's website or contact the chamber.

    Didn't she get the memo? It's not "Toowoomba", it's "Brisbane West". I know I'm repeating myself, but fancy naming an airport with a lie. It's like Donald Trump saying that his towers had more floors than they actually did, so they would sound more impressive. Except worse. Worse than Donald Trump. I can't get over someone not piping up and pointing out that doing that just makes the corporation that built the airport look like a duplicitous c***. 



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