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Everything posted by gofastclint

  1. Very Naughty Elephant
  2. Does anyone know the list price of the Williams fj44 turbofan? I know it comes in 4 main models. a current price would be good.
  3. Thats an interesting one. There is not much data on the 5100, I've never even seen one in the flesh. I'm already dreaming of a MoTeC Duel EMS with EFI and a redundant fuel delivery system.
  4. I was thinking of a static display's for 12 and maybe one kept flying by the government for air shows.
  5. So I guess the high speed cruise is out, and if the configuration was built a tow plane would be its only real use.
  6. The last remaining 13 Caribou are about to be retired. So where are they going? Too often are great aircraft scraped for parts. As the last (to my knowledge) radial aircraft in RAAF operation, I would like to see them preserved for the future. Does anyone know if they will be put up for private sale? If not, where are they going?
  7. Because generally GA planes have much higher operating and maintenance costs. So going to a smaller aircraft will save you money.
  8. It does seem a little funny that they don't fit it into a 230, especially with the financial crisis affecting GA so much, it would be a great alternative to a cessna 182 or one of those other GA planes.
  9. Cheers BC, Just out of curiosity what is the first factor of the VNE on the Jabiru? Alot of planes start with vibration.
  10. Has anyone installed a Jabiru 5100 in a Jabiru aircraft? Just curious. Think it would make a nice hot rod aircraft. I see there is ample room under the engine cowling of a J160, match that with a decent prop and mount some things farther back to get the weight right. Be good on short runways. The first all Aussie muscle plane lol. Just for fun of course.
  11. set up a simple hotmail account and use that.
  12. Thanks, like your work. the more content on this the better. I just acquired http://www.aviatology.com and will be adding content to it in good time, The first event I have on the cards for Aviatology is "clothing you don't want fly in" at The Oaks with all old clothing going to St Vincent De Paul. With a fun auction for nice clothing donated.
  13. More pics would be good. Even if its just the petrol version.
  14. great, that one got 2 extra members, how many more can i get?
  15. I'll pass on the Hippy stuff and stick to burning fuel. People who complain about the comments you just made are the ones who should be banned.
  16. Aviatology is a a group of people from every race and religion who share a common passion for aviation. Eventually the hope is to get the group to a size in which it has political force, group buying power etc. With the dream of being recognised as a religion to aid in tax breaks and the many other benefits associated with that title. The more members who join the better. So join in on the fun.
  17. Worth every cent. I bet after less than 30min of flying you would be stuffed.
  18. Is a weapon. Don't think you would get any change from a million dollars though.
  19. I would definitely loose the rotary term, not to be a bugga but its not a matter of what "is" the correct term, your business needs customer and the least amount of confusion the better. people look at it and see a radial regardless of the inside workings. I can't wait to see your engine up and running on diesel, an exact release date would be good, I'll even get all my fly buddies down for a fly in BBQ for you to show your work. everyone wants you to succeed, its just that there have been so many flops in the past. In Russia Vedenyev use their radial engines to power generators, recreational aviation is too small a market, if you hooked your engine up to a stationary generator you would expand your business ten fold. Vedenyev engines run up to 20,000 hours as stationary generators, and thats good advertising. If your engine is more efficent than the others it will naturally be bought as a generator. Cater for the masses and have your nich as well, like how honda has their F1 and their family cars.
  20. Oh, I see you have posted on home built airplanes and got bombarded by the caveman holding a wing, yeah, he likes to do that. just don't make direct eye contact and you should be fine.
  21. I feel sorry for the crew, to believe that they didn't lower the landing gear is bull, how many crew fly these things and they all forgot and the computer didn't let them know on approach? Governments always pass the buck to the people doing the hard yards. Venezuelan airspace and a SAM? Now that's what I'd believe, Especially with all the USAF aircraft activity happening in Chile. Victor Chavez is building plenty of Kalashnikov factories and arming everyone in Venezuela for a reason.
  22. Very true, I was talking about a Jab as their heads are rather cheap in price compared to the rest. I never new hydrogen embrittlement was the reason behind the heat treating of new bores, that is something I will read up on cheers. As they say, "if you are not learning you are dying".
  23. I know this is going to sound a bit odd but.... An hour before a test, on an empty stomach I eat an apple and a banana, then 15 min before i drink a can of coke. though not really good for you, it will give you just enough caffeine and sugar to function well with out getting the jitters. All my mates I have suggested it to now swear by it. An edge is an edge as they say, good luck and let us know on this thread how you go.
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