Setting up a production run to assemble light aircraft is out of the price range of the average flyer; what IS in the price range is a jig for something like the wings or the fuselage. How hard would it be to get a group of people together with the intentions of getting planes built just to go flying? Tom could build the wings, Dick could build the landing gear and Harry the fuselage. it all comes down to being naughty at school; who wrote "I must do what teacher says"?? nobody, we all wrote a line of "I's" down the page
as you get the 50 lines done much faster.
Have a look at the lazer Z-200, my favorite aircraft, I bet it would be much eaiser and cheaper to make 20 sets of hoizontal stabilizers than to build the whole plane. for larger items like the wings have a team of 5 building them.
Not only are we Aussies we are flying brothers and sisters, I guarentee if something like this took off alot of good friendships would be made.
I would rather see 20+ aircraft in the air than see one dodgy half finished scratch built in the shed.
I want a show of hands of how many people would be interested in such an idea?
From there i will organise a meeting so we can all sit, eat and have a chat.