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Everything posted by gofastclint

  1. gofastclint


    I know what you mean by dear braces. I look at it as 5 hours flying time is a 30min visit to the orthodontists, I'm in the wrong trade.
  2. Riding something that is made from meat, poops all over your airstrip and is only 1 horse power can't be much fun. I think the kids toys need to be sold off and with the money you could treat yourself to a new fly toy.
  3. RIP PIP. I imagine there is enough footage floating around for a tribute DVD of pips flying. One of the film guys could do it. With proceeds going to the bush fires or something similar.
  4. This would be great in a light aircraft. ScienceImage - CSIRO
  5. and as for the software. I use open source software instead of windows, the stuff is great, no viruses and no fees. its called freespire.
  6. Brilliant idea. flying and getting people flying just for passion instead of profit.
  7. Desert doesn't have to mean hot, the biggest desert in the world is the south poll. somewhere that never rains is what I was thinking of.
  8. I can't open the link, for some reason my phone can't open links on this forum. but IMHO piston diesel is the future in GA and smaller. I saw mercedies smart engine on a trike a few years ago. The thing apparently had 20% better fuel economy at sea level and that increased with altitude. Since then, there have been massive increases in the number of engine management companies working on perfect maps for direct injection timing in diesel engines and this has massively improved efficency. If I had a trike I would hunt through Ebay for a smart car thats been written off and use the engine as a project, adapt a PSRU, throw it on Mule and put it through its paces.
  9. I like the idea using a slightly larger core for the radiator with a computer like a MoTeC and an electric flap. I would make an electic flap that opens when the water sensors the temp reach a certain point and is triggered by the MoTeC. Thats the good thing about after market EMS, so many analog and digital input and output sensors that can easily be programmed by laptop. The main thought would be in the placement of the radiators, most tuning houses use cardboard mock ups befor going to work on the metal. All comes down to the aircraft you use.
  10. I love Subaru engines and like reading about people who successfully install them in aircraft. I have a simple formula that will get you a Subaru long motor that is well suited to aviation for free or as close to free as possible. This is how it works. It combines 2 engines, the EJ22 and the EJ25. The 22 block is a closed deck design that is very strong and well suited to drag racing. Many drag and track racers use this bottom end as the base for their builds, the only problem for them is the single can head is restrictive compared to the twin cam found on the 25. The EJ25 is an open deck, that while great in stock form is not as good for an all out race motor. Get to the point you say? Well a lot of races buy a complete EJ25 motor just so they can use their twin cam heads on the EJ22 bottom end. Quite often the EJ25 twin cam heads sell for the same cost as the complete EJ25 Long motor, so buy the EJ25 engine, remove the heads and sell them for the price you paid for the engine, if you break even then there is your bottom end for free. Offer free delivery if the customer throws in their EJ22 single cam heads which they wont be using anyway. If all goes to plan you have an EJ22 head on an EJ25 block. Big bore engine good for low end torque with a much lighter head that is better suited to lower speed operations. Both factors well suited to flying.
  11. Word on the grape vine is that stiffie has been talking with Kawasaki about using one of their new engines. Anyone know more on the topic?
  12. So many people contributed to the "ultralight" Moody sounds like a wan......
  13. I was reading some articles on pusher aircraft like the Long EZ and came across an interview of an aerodynamisis who when asked about the best nose profile for a pusher style said "If the aircraft is supersonic the pointy nose is best but for subsonic a curved nose tapering off to a trailing point is best. This got me thinking as to what the best nose would be for high speed subsonic flight. Some streamliner motorcycles are getting great results in the wind tunnels Bub Streamliner Seven and Bonneville LSR Land-Speed Record Motorcycle Racing I also saw that the f1 pylon racer "Pushy Cat" and noticed it still holds a few FAI records. Does anyone have any pics of, or articles on subsonic high speed nose profiles? Or on new development of canard prop pusher high speed aircraft.
  14. does he still get up in the air? I bet it is tricky with his condition.
  15. I have a magnetic sump plug on my motorcycle and was amazed at the amount of particles attached to the plug when performing an oil change. even after the engine was run in there were still plenty of particles. defiantly a good investment in my opinion.
  16. gofastclint


    Love the EJ22, in my opinion, the best 4 cylinder petrol motor for light aircraft. Welcome to the forum. I already have a question. Some one told me with a little practice you can put a gyro down gently almost like a helicopter without rolling, is this true?
  17. sounds great, love the look of a fully polished hummel.
  18. I think wankel engines are definatly the way to go. So much development has gone in to the making them work well. There is a german engineer who has made a 50hp single rotor that is better in fuel consumption and weight that the piston competition with the big plus being the rebuild time. The motor is called the XR50 and someone has already fitted it to a small rag and tube plane, I saw it on youtube.
  19. My wife and I will be out of town for this, both very annoyed! Would one of you good people be able to put some video and or pics up on the forum, just to rub it in and show all the fun I missed. Cheers.
  20. Any pieces of journalism that is negative towards aviation that allows you to comment after is best delt with by explaining the high standards and quality regulation aviation has and all the steps taken to ensure public safety. It is also wise that in your replys you remain totally free of aggression. As soon as you are aggressive you loose all credibility. Regardless of how right you feel. Play their game and play it smart. Don't pass the buck on to GA either, the general public can't tell them apart. So don't crap in your own nest. To the uneducated eye Jabiru and Cessna are the same and a rag and tube is an ultralight or what ever. If you have a real problem with what is being written in a paper or on a news website, offer to write a free article for the paper on some charity work your flying club has done or something positive your flying friends are doing. If you are doing your job as a decent human being then you have respect on your side. If you point out a journalist is writing bad stuff about you that is impeding your charity work, who's side are the public going to take? Like I said, its all a game. How smart are you at playing?
  21. Tracey Crook from Real World Solutions has successfully re powered RV's with a Mazda rotary, his work is backed up by the fact that all his flying is done in his own aircraft powered by what he sells with many hours of trouble free operation. RWS have even made an Engine management system with redundant computer. Just something different and the fact that he backs his work up... we all like proof right.
  22. I like talking about aircraft and I'm a friendly guy, all the guys I go flying with like me, and if you think I'm full of it, that's fine. you are entitled to feel that way. but this is getting very boring. I'm sorry you win. Ive met plenty of mates on this forum and enjoy being here, If you don't like me, that's your problem. Anyway, I don't have time to argue, I have friends to make and BS stories to make up.
  23. How is your mate going with his KR?
  24. It would be good if RAA Magazine did a feature like the world directory of leisure aviation, featuring all Aussie manufacturer of aircraft and engines with a brief description of the company and the specs and model range of all their aircraft.
  25. Thats another great Aussie company that needs more time in the spotlight. It would be great if they had the backing to produce factory built and certified aircraft.
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