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Everything posted by gofastclint

  1. Wow. To think what you can get in the bush compared to sydney. My sister in law just paid over $600k for a run down 2 bedroom unit 20 min from the city. I will look into that for sure.
  2. Guess that's what makes flying RA great, all different people from all different backgrounds with different opinions all just happy to be flying. PS my first ever ultralight flight was with Wayne Fisher in a drifter and I have been hooked ever since, now lets get back to the Lightning promo :thumb_up:
  3. you'll be right sunshine :thumb_up:
  4. Its sitting on my lap, the reason for the post is I would like to see Dennis Borchardt get as much coverage as possible. The review gives the bloke a great rap and I wish his business well, especially in these quiet times.
  5. What a cool looking aircraft with great performance figures. Anyone flown this mighty beast? 158 knots in level flight!
  6. He goes camping a lot with mates in the red center on their properties and always comes back with all sorts of trinkets from fossicking, it would be good to keep him out where his heart is.
  7. I was talking about going for an hour flight, isnt that the usual lesson time? Lets not get personal.
  8. The site didn't open for me but one site I did find was talking about an odd number of blades, for example, 3 on the front and 4 on the back. Something to do with the harmonic pulse of the front prop working better with a different number of trailing rear blades. Sounds interesting.
  9. befor you jump on the RV band wagon, have a look at the latest issue of Recreational Aviation, Feb09 and have a look at the the Lightning. Web site http://www.lightningaircraft.com.au they even make reference to it being alot quicker to build than the RV kits. When you way up the cost, it will be cheaper, and its the highest performance ultra-light you can get. Some people spend 20+ year building RV's, I can't see this kit taking a tenth of that time.
  10. there is an RV tool kit that has everything needed to build an RV, have a look at the Vans airforce web site. There should be an add on the side for avery tools or sometiming like that.
  11. I saw a few props explode on you tube, not fun. Is that why Jabiru stick to them. The good thing about this forum is if I can't find the answer on the net I get it here. Guess I'm back to the drawing board.
  12. After watching a few videos of a mustang fitted with a CRP at reno, It got me thinking of what one would be like in a smaller aircraft.
  13. I'm looking for a place for my dad. He has always wanted to live in a re fitted mine, like an opal mine. All my dad wants to do is fly planes, watch tv, smoke and finnish the day with a beer or two. There are miners who will build 1 standard room in rock for 10k thats cheaper than a brick house. So extentions are cheap. All depends on what you want out of life.
  14. I recently watched a clip about an air park in the desert in the states. It was set up for retired couples to keep on flying into their twilight years. I don't know why we don't have more of these Air parks in Australia in the middle of no where. Land in the desert is cheap and if you built all the houses underground like some parts of lightning ridge, it wouldn't get too hot. All you would need is a decent runway so people could fly what ever they wanted. The only cost would be in maintaining the strip and the aircraft as if nothing grew there is nothing to mow. Hangars would be very simple as the dry air preserves alot of things, just a shade shelter would do. And with no rain, flying could be all year. A regular day could be a fly in the morning, followed by breakfast with the wife. Then off to the rec center for a game of cards and a swim with mates. Just a thought. Always loved visiting the desert, and I have seen some amazing underground homes.
  15. Point taken and reworded.
  16. Brett is right, I have seen 3 older chaps in the past month trying to learn in a Jabiru, 2 were used to flying Cessna's and the other guy flew a trike. the trike guy flew twice a week and picked it up quick as he is used to a steep landing, but the 2 gentlemen who were used to Cessna's really struggles in the Jabiru. Like Brett said try flying a Sportcruiser or something like that. Not naming any names we will call him "Qantas Captain Too Proud" QCTP for short, anyway QCTP bought himself a Jabiru and being a Qantas pilot everyone would assume the guy could fly, Jabiru #1 bought brand new from the factory crashes on take off, not to worry QCTP is rich, so he buys Jabiru #2 and crashes it on takeoff too. both aircraft were factory built by Jabiru and both had all the required hours to prove they were airworthy. Just goes to show 3 things, never be too proud, never fly with QCTP and Jabiru's can be tricky for beople who are used to heavy docile aircraft.
  17. only problem is they are too short and flimsy, I'm going to make one myself.
  18. We all love em, their unique noise as they fly by and they eliminate torque roll, so has any one seen them for light aircraft? are there any people thinking of supplying them or making kits?
  19. nah mate, too many people would love an excuse to go nuts for real lol.
  20. Just like the the buggers who moved near Luna Park and then complained of the noise. Ear plugs or Bugger off, plain and simple.
  21. Space Port Australia I would like to build the worlds second civilian space port in the Australian desert like what they have in the Mohave desert, $40million would not be enough but it would get the basics done for other people to chip in, notice how I didn't say "investors" as they only want a financial return and the this would only benefit mankind and education not leaches. The next logical step for man kind is to build a space ports on earth then the moon then colonize Mars. I would like to have a pylon racer like Nemesis for personal use too.
  22. Sugar & caffeine! Eat a ligh breakfast of just 3 basic fruits. Like a banana apple and a mango with nothing else at all 1 hours befor flying, then 20 to 30 min befor have a red bull. Don't have a coffee, trust me, it will keep you sharp for 1 hour till it wears off, increasing blood flow to the brain will not only help you function better, it will re open old instincts and help you learn better. Try it, it works for me. I had a severe head traumer with swelling to the brain and an inch deep puncture wound to my skull and a broken neck. I didn't even know my name ems a week. My left hand is still half papalised but if i do this diet trick it gives me the best chance of being sharp.
  23. Thats right folks, that time of year is upon us again. The 15th of Feb will see many antiaviationists being flogged by random people who think flying is great. Last year my local flying club made it a family day, getting the wife and kids involved. We all remember Jim Brown's son 8 year old Jonny Brown managing to KO 3 antiaviationists to take gold in the Junior class. Oh the memories. Last years figures stood at an impressive: 211 noise complainers punched. 12 letter writers punched.(hard to track those buggers) 564 greenies punched. And the best one of all we managed to trap and punch all the members of the "we moved into a flight path and complain anyway but we still fly places on holidays so we double suck association" Lets try to break some new records this year folks, for the 1st time ever we have a full green light from CASA. This years theme is "Sucker Punches" so lets all keep it safe, clean and respectable. Happy Punching Everyone.
  24. guess I'm being little bull. The drifter I saw going for it now that I think back, was YH registered and certified for aerobatic, so to compare its not fair. Also I looked up the pros and cons of participating in advanced skills courses as opposed to people who didn't, in germany they found that the people who took the advanced courses were twice as likely to be killed as the people who didn't. So I guess I was double wrong.
  25. I have seen a few GA guys who have come down to where I fly. These guys have 100s of hours flying time and when they hop in a small Jabiru, they can't even land the darn thing. Its just like driving, some people have many years driving but all they can do is go from A to B. If they were faced by a tricky situation they would not no how to react. But someone with not as much time can be a better pilot, if they take advanced lessons to hone their skills. Aerobatics, mustering and crop dusting skill call all be learned at various schools around the county. If part of your 40 hour included these lessons you would kick butt.
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