Brett is right, I have seen 3 older chaps in the past month trying to learn in a Jabiru, 2 were used to flying Cessna's and the other guy flew a trike. the trike guy flew twice a week and picked it up quick as he is used to a steep landing, but the 2 gentlemen who were used to Cessna's really struggles in the Jabiru. Like Brett said try flying a Sportcruiser or something like that.
Not naming any names we will call him "Qantas Captain Too Proud" QCTP for short, anyway QCTP bought himself a Jabiru and being a Qantas pilot everyone would assume the guy could fly, Jabiru #1 bought brand new from the factory crashes on take off, not to worry QCTP is rich, so he buys Jabiru #2 and crashes it on takeoff too. both aircraft were factory built by Jabiru and both had all the required hours to prove they were airworthy.
Just goes to show 3 things, never be too proud, never fly with QCTP and Jabiru's can be tricky for beople who are used to heavy docile aircraft.