I don't like it all coming down to just weight. I will relate this to motorcycles, in NSW you used to be limited to a 250 on your L plates, this was a totally stupid when you had RGV 250s that were total death traps for 1st time riders. So savage were these bikes that of all the bikes purchased by people on their L plates that in its 1st year 100 of bikes were written off and of those 80% were fatal. Over 10 years later the LAMS (learner approved motorcycle scheme) was introduced, it was based on a power to weight ratio and on how easy it was to ride for learners. So you could ride something like a 660 single that was far more learner friendly. All you need to do is look on the net at the list to see if your bike is approved, if its not you can seek to get it approved, easy!
Our RA is so much smaller than the motorcycle industry and people who fly in general know alot more about their machines than say a motorcycle rider knows about bikes. We also have so many officials and engineers working in aviation that it seems silly to base this on anything but case by case. What if a 1 ton aircraft is so easy to fly with great STOL qualities. Well with this weight law we are stuffed. Wouldn't it be great to find a GA registred aircraft, book someone who is qualified to fly it and make the judgemet on weather this plane is suitable to be put on the "RA-OK" List.
This is our recreation, lets trade stupid numbers that only LIMIT for practical decisions made by aircraft engineers and RA-AUS officials.
RA officials are obviously capable of this and I know they are not lazy as they are here based on passion. So lets get rid of communist/robot to the number ways and make RA as Unique and down to the individual as possible.
I think the only people who will complain about the individualism idea don't belong in an aircraft.