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About facthunter

  • Birthday 04/01/1940


  • Aircraft
    non pilot
  • Location
    New Gisborne
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  1. Is NOTHING sacred? Nev
  2. A boomerang is a flying wing but has a bit of a Yaw PROBLEM would many of these things FLY if you threw them out of a plane?. Nev
  3. Everyone thinks they will always know which way "DOWN" is . Not so. Nev
  4. They had fire hoses on it quickly, Canadians don't panic easily. They are cooler than most People. They are even COOL on Trump. Nev
  5. ....... and do not collect 200. A Suite with Bubba at Bluestone College. That will keep you on your toes. Nev
  6. Ah. Thanks A Wolloper
  7. Wouldn't work with some planes that aren't spiral stable You MUST roll the wings level with ailerons quickly. Nev.
  8. Mechanical Gyro Gauges cost the earth. Nev
  9. You will learn from your mistakes, ie (the hard way) It is a specialised SKILL after all. Preparation cleanliness and Patience and watch what is happening where the Paint goes on. No crud in the gun, stir and if necessary filter the paint, Nev
  10. It's very satisfying when you get it right. Paints are also EXPENSIVE and can add a bit of weight, Mask off everything you don't want overspray on.
  11. The displaced air movement with that engine in the crankcase is from the front cylinders to the rear ones and back and those pistons oppose and displace more than one litre of air per revolution THAT can move a lot of oil with it if there's no baffling and not a lot of volume in the sump. Nev
  12. I don't like it. Easy to check out with a qualified pilot beside you and you under the hood.. You need a gyro instrument really, The normal compass has errors (turning and acceleration) that require a lot of practice with to use to keep a straight course OR do a gentle turn The usual altimeter has Hysteresis and lags consequently. Better with an IVSI. Nev
  13. Provided you know the one you're referencing is US, and you have time to look elsewhere. Never rely wholly on just one instrument. SCAN. Nev
  14. Have good water separators in your airlines This is NOT easy, REDs fade. Have plenty of tinter so a thinner coat covers it. Have Parts so they can rotate is if on a spit so you don't miss bits. Avoid RUNS and overspray areas. "Lousy finish" Make sure there's no sanding dust or blasting remnants about in tubes or cavities. Retarder thinners in the final coat will prevent "blooming" and give a better finish PRACTICE on anything you can before doing the actual job. Surfaces let dry fully will require Sanding before the next coat is applied Use lint free cloths and air to remove dust, Have a dust free environment. Keep the lids on your thinners tins. Nev
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