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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Back to Basics. GPS is not true airspeed unless you Know the Wind velocity, your groundspeed and track and sum the vectors. "Pilot Institute" will give you this stuff FREE.. .Nev.
  2. I do too, But is anyone really Interested anymore? Nev
  3. There's no need to bring in the election aspects of it in a scientific based article. Economically it either stacks up or it doesn't. I come for a Town based almost entirely on coal and steel production. Newcastle NSW Most of Australia's alloy steels were produced In Commonwealth Steel Companies Electric Furnaces. AWESOME things to be NEAR when they are operating... Nev..
  4. What are Pateys? Aspergers has been removed from the List. There's all sorts of Conditions. Panic attacks Claustrophobia, Motion sickness. arachnophobia (spiders) Fear of Heights .Yes you Point out I also got it wrong (Less HASTE More SPEED) Mine's what GON has (I think) A product of what he's been through. Common with People who have been in War situations. Nev
  5. It only works when there's too Much of the Wind and Solar to use for anything else. An excess. Ammonia is another way to use Hydrogen. I would also Point out that the MINING INDUSTRY and the AUSTRALIAN are very unlikely to say anything positive about Hydrogen and the article is around the Politics of it. Nev
  6. Push the Tail down is the easiest way to lift the Nose. Lift near the strut attach point (carefully). Nev
  7. We've switched from PTSD to ADHD. TS means Post TRAUMA STRESS. NOTHING Generic or "Spectrum" about that. Nev
  8. Ther's not much likelihood of such structures being available again. Old jetliner fuselages , maybe It's been done. Nev
  9. You da Man, Boss or you da Boss.,Man. ALL good. Nev
  10. They mention Rotax 100 ULS. Nev
  11. Yes I realise I've done it all wrong. I have Principles, and seek to find out what's really going on and that's definitely a Handicap.. Having an addiction for Aeroplanes hasn't helped either. Nev.
  12. How will your MOD be approved? Nev
  13. It's "Conceived "In South Africa. I can't see why anyone would certify it. The concept is much the same as a Miles Gemini, of the fifties. We've gone a long way since then with performance and control requirements of Multi engine planes. Nev
  14. If you get LOST in a fast plane you've covered a lot of ground by the time you realise it. You have to be AHEAD of the Plane. ALWAYS. It also FEELS turbulence a lot harder. Don't own a plane to impress others. You'll run out of MONEY doing it. ADHD sufferers.( Incl. ME) aren't ALL as you describe. Nev
  15. The MORE engines the more chance of having one fail, IF it wont fly on ONE, what use is it? Take a look at what the Plane IS with one engine stopped But NOT feathered It's VERY Assymetric. (Hard to control) and the best you could achieve is an extended Glide for all your good work. On top of that you have the annoying out of SYNCH Inevitable without CS Props in normal flight. Constant fiddling with the throttles. Nev
  16. Nice looking plane . I nearly Bought VH AHD when I was at Marshalls at Bankstown, Ex Stan Hone CFI at RNAC. Getting upside down with those is risky There's usually a Pylon in front of the forward cockpit to hold the Plane off the ground. I can't see it there. A friend of Mine currently has one at Bendigo. Most went back to the STATES years ago. Aerobatic with a Supercharged Menasco Pirate engine with open valve gear, 150 HP. Delicate U/C structure easily deformed. Under all that "tin". Nev
  17. Lubricant on a lapped rivetted Joint can weaken it. Some of the strength is by friction and the clamping action of the rivets. Lube it and you just have the rivets in SHEAR. That is why Bonding as well is so good particularly with thin sheet. Nev
  18. I've got some good Motorcycle tele forks that would do that job wel, Damped and all. Are you using scissors Links? Nev
  19. It CAN weaken a riveted structure by the lubricating effect. An etch prime (thin coat)? Tyr to get in the Laps. Nev
  20. Good Motorcycle stuff would be best practice. IMO. Nev
  21. Boom Boom. The engines now are NOT THAT BAD. Nev
  22. Yeah. Everything's the SAME. Who are you trying to fool? None have EVER got CLOSE TO The "Current Mafia COUP" Leaders where LAWS don't mean anything anymore. This is NOT a DRESS Rehearsal. People don't have "rights" unless Trump says so. Don't crash into a TESLA or you might not be seen again.. You'd get less time if you shot someone. It's a VERY divided Country . Nev
  23. I doubt anyone would record those calls. If you are going to crash do it near a road. What happened to EPIRBs? .Chances are you won't be found straight away in outback areas ,. Nev
  24. Next to the "Indispensable People", There was also the One where Beethoven was De Composing. Nev
  25. Quick all right. Nev
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