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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. You don't want to go past the extended runway centre line when turning final. You could see those ahead of you while on Base and should be looking for traffic on final on your right before you lose sight of them when Banking., When turning left BASE before you turn, clear for traffic on your left. This requires looking back behind you. Way back we would press left pedal and apply aileron to the right to keep the wings level and fly straight This helps you see behind you. Some people Poo poo this but it works for light aircraft as long as you are at the right speed to do it safely. Nev
  2. Depends on what can be reached from the RHSeat and the instrumentation Layout. A multicrew panel is usually a near duplicate. The PIC normally occupies the LH seat in aircraft except Heli's Stick to what the POH says and you can't be wrong. Nev.
  3. There was some kerfuffle at Tulla recently because some feeder Airline PAX weren't Checked. I've experienced a Bomb scare and welcome all security measures that help. Bomb scares are no fun. As to the effectiveness of an ASIC, how it's done is up to the mob who run the Airport and it didn't count for any points towards my last Passport. Rex is a feeder Airline NOT necessarily a Budget one. It goes to the more remote places that wouldn't get any service if they didn't do it and it costs much more per seat kilometer to operate and where there's no servicing of the Plane IF it goes US. Nev
  4. Don't be over stressed by it. You must have done quite a few right hand turns.. Get the instructor to give you a circuit and area familiarisation flight. You don't forget how to ride a bicycle. Some anxiety is natural . Nev
  5. The view outside a lot of Civil Airliners is not that good either. Landing anything into the sun is difficult also. Nev
  6. It's all out there for people to attack or appreciate. It takes effort and runs risks which I'm sure he accepts. People posting here are not a lot different in Principle. They should be prepared to answer for what they print and do it all nicely. Nev
  7. I don't think it's the KEY issue here which you seem to want to make it. and don't verbal people if you want a worthwhile debate.. Nev
  8. Fair bit of discussion about this today. Connellan was always subsidised. Had more air Route miles than BEA.. Remote stuff will never pay otherwise. I had a fair bit of respect for Eddie Connellan. Nev
  9. I guess because you can't see as well.? That's only in turns and when side by side. SO be extra careful. Nev
  10. Emulating Don the dummy spitter? Nev
  11. Wot not a free market where competition gets the best value for the customer? Oh dear!. Nev
  12. Some of these things get a life and impetus of their own and the opportunists move in and it's a big marketing event. The PLACE to BE if you have something new.. Could result in some "Impulse" buying. Nev
  13. It's NOT your "ordinary" 150. Nev
  14. You have to operate the Mel-Syd-Mel run to make the money. Nev
  15. The preference is for STANDARD circuits to be left handed, . It became quite difficult to prescribe RH circuits about 20 years ago. If you want to observe the windsock etc over the Drome is the only way. The likelihood of descending onto other traffic is to be minimised. The turn onto final is historically the most dangerous.. extending the downwind leg is the best way to get more space from aircraft in front of you. Concentrating on the talk-talk can lead you to miss the Point of doing a SAFE circuit. IF you get too close on final have a place to go that is safe. Be ahead of you plane. ALWAYS. I think the CASA made a shift in advice on radio calls that doesn't fit the 'prescribed " Format.. It's now a different CONCEPT, IMHO more subtle to comprehend.. Nev
  16. Bob Hoover's routine is more planned. The main thing I'd be concerned about with this demo is overstressing the Airframe, particularly the T tail and effect of negative "G" on the fuel and oil systems, A beyond vertical banked turn is not hard to do but it cannot be sustained. Nev
  17. Bit hard on them aren't you? I'm SURE they were under pressure to comply. Nev
  18. Been around a long time. Be a shame if they go belly up. Nev
  19. A Piper Cub or Supercub is the best for that kind of stuff.. Nev
  20. When I've had the opportunity to compare the same plane with say a Fairy Reed aluminium Prop and a Wooden one the wood equipped model seems less rough. It's NOT because of Balance . It's how it handles torsional vibration. Nev..
  21. It's far from standardised so make sure you know. Don't move your hands around the cockpit like a BLADE off a ceiling fan. I've known people to actually breaks the switch off with "ACE of the BASE" rapidity. Planes aren't built like Bulldozers. Nev
  22. It's not new. a bloke at RNAC did that in a Tiger as far back as the late 50's. He called himself "Bent Strut". His real name was Bill McRohan. Takes a fair bit of skill. Nev
  23. Windy City has it's own problems, Like not much rain. These challenges harden up the inhabitants., Nev
  24. Colder climate makes you more intelligent. Nev
  25. Why use a RESISTOR plug? Nev
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