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Allen Tromp

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About Allen Tromp

  • Birthday 04/11/1949


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    Currently not flying
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    New Zealand

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  1. OK, so your fitting thread detail is male 1/8" NPT x Dash 6 JIC (9/16" thread) male adaptor. To recap, you wish effectively reduce the length (ht) of the adapter once it is tightened into the fuel pump port. If this is correct then it is relatively easy to achieve if you have access to a lathe. You will also need a female dash 6 (JIC) blank cap to hold the fitting in the lathe, and an NPT die/die nut. In brief the concept is to shorten the NPT by about 2 to 3 thread pitches and recut the NPT thread. You may need to machine off a bit of the underside of the adapter hex to clear the die nut. Clean up the lead thread, mark the thread end with a felt tip, then do a trial fit in the port. The felt tip will indicate bottoming in the port. You may need to repeat this as it is really a trial and error "jobby". Now if you still need more clearance then you can take a small shaving off the JIC 37' seat taking care to check fit the female nut does not engage the adapter hex and correctly seats on the JIC sealing cone. Trim either or both as required. There is always a little bit of wriggle room in the original design that needs imagination to find. Avoid recutting the female NPT port for obvious reasons.
  2. Hi Skippy, My apologies for my suggestion about using BSP in an NPT port (13 July). I made the BSPT suggestion as I had assumed you were trying to do the same as "Onetrack" with a 1/2" fitting. Your posting about the 1/8" NPT showed on screen AFTER my suggestion posting, hence my confusion. Can you tell me the size of the JIC end of the adaptor (either the dash size or physical thread dimension).
  3. Depending upon how critical the application is you can use 1/2" BSPT to achieve what you seek. 1/2" & 3/4"BSPT is physically less than 0,010" smaller than NPT and for most industrial (non-critical) applications can be interchanged. The TPI is the same for these two sizes only. Generally where space is limited it is better to recut/resize the male fitting to get it to sit deeper in the port. Over cutting the female thread ( say in a case drain or sump plug) may create problems later should you wish to revert to the original configuration. Just be careful not to go too deep with the thread recut particularly if the port fitting being used is an angled fitting as the corners of the hex nut of a hose or tube fitting might not clear the casing around the female thread. Another thought might be to recut the tapered 1/2" NPT to a parallel 1/2" NPSM (or BSPP) and use an adjustable angle fitting with an O'ring seal and locking nut.
  4. Hi. You might try Colin Alexander, owner of Solo Wings ( also known as Mr. ROTAX) in Tauranga, New Zealand. He currently has a Pipistrel for sale, and has also rebuilt a wrecked Sinus. I'm not sure if Micheal Coates still has anything to do with Pipistrel in Australia. Otherwise talk to the Pipistrel "Boss Man" himself, Ivo Boscarol in Slovenia.
  5. I'm with you on that comment Danny. Az a nold fula aaa lyke ta kipit simpul.
  6. Have a look at the simulated damage demo on the Oratex website. A ball pein hammer is used to dent the fabric on a control surface assembly. A heat gun is used to shrink out the dents back to a flat surface. For outback repairs involving punctures of fabric on critical surfaces, a patch and glue method can be used in the field, so you can fly home. The up front cost of the fabric is expensive. However, Oratex gives a significant saving in time and cash when compared to using the conventional fabric and paint covering method ---and NO TOXIC materials.
  7. I believe the photo shown in your article is of a Mosquito built by Mr. Glyn Powell and his team of volunteers in Drury, South Auckland, NZ. The aircraft now resides in Canada. Anyone interested in the Mosquito project might wish to contact Glyn. Having seen some of the construction at his workshop, I am astounded by the high quality of the work completed. Many component assemblies were constructed without original plans, using salvaged parts unearthed in various states of decay, from the four corners of the world, as patterns. It is a credit to the skills of the many craftsmen involved in the project, and an absolute joy to see airborne. Incredible given that in the day, everything was designed using pen and ink on drawing boards, and calculations done on slide rules -- Real Engineering, no computers - ( but then I'm of that era ).
  8. Many thanks Tony, much appreciated.
  9. Cheers Marty !
  10. G'Day. I am just returning to aviation after a few years earth bound. Originally a glider pilot, I now want to train in microlight /LSA aircraft with a view to constructing a kitset - (yet to be determined). I've accrued enough brownie points with "Err indoors" so now is the time to make some aeroplane noises. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the Recreational Flying website, and the friendly exchange of ideas and advice from the many contributors. When I have something to say I'll post it. Until then, I'll say nowt. Keep your yaw string straight.
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