Safety, safety, an more bloody safety.
It's just so those at the top of an organization can express a concern to justify holding their position.
I worked in the higest levels of health and safety for years, and seen no positive change in the workplace.
People need to be held responsible for their own actions, and not have others force them to comply with unrealistic procedures.
If these people want to see change in safety, get those push bike riders off the roads and on to cycle tracks.
I fly and have done so for over forty years, l never take passenger's because flying, driving or riding a bike is risky, when you rely on mechanical devices at altitude or speed you risk your life, that's why l don't involve anyone in my activities.
It's a matter of preference, what we choose to get our kicks is our choice, and accept the risks involved, l don't ride my Harley chopper anymore, it's too risky on the roads today.
I drive a beefed up Land Cruiser to protect myself from idiots on the roads but still fly because there's much less risk involved.
It all comes down to luck, good management and preventative maintenance, even then it can still stuff up a good day.
It's called Murphys Law.
l should know, l wrote the book and have survived, ( so far )