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Everything posted by Pusher

  1. Hi Geoff I purchased a Sky Arrow which has a side stick. On the ground doing control checks it felt slightly heavy. On first takeoff I was concerned I would not adapt too well as I am well aged. As the aircraft rotated I was concentrating on all the other related issues in getting airborne and the side stick became a non event. Control feel was moderate to light. I quickly realised I prefer the side stick for a couple of reasons. It is more comfortable with your arm supported . If you use a kneeboard it allows greater flexibility as it can be a folding type spread across both legs. Ie iPad plus scratch pad or notes. Pusher
  2. Hi Sue Thanks for the welcome. I started to build a Lovings Love single seat racer. Was well into fuse build when I met a chap who had just survived a crop dusting incident which made him want to quit flying, as in wife. He had a 90 % complete Stits aircraft that he wanted very little $ for so I jumped at it and I went from racer dreams to very slow and docile. The key was flying within months vs years..was good aircraft for flying in the prairies. Land almosr anywhere, Second effort started after I came to Oz and retired. Got a T 51 kit and spent two years on it. Biggest problem was a suitable engine. I was wanting to fly again so sold the project and then bought the Sky Arrow, Turned out to be a very good decision. The Sky Arrow is a great plane to fly. Cheers Gary
  3. Hi All My name is Gary. Used the I'd of Pusher as I currently fly a Sky Arrow. Have owned two other aircraft and worked on building two others. I was a member of EAA for a long time until moving to AUS. in 1984. I have been doing various research on aviation matters and used this forum often. Thought I had better register to get rid of the note. Gary
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