Best news report of a light aircraft accident I have EVER seen. Factual and reasonably unsensationalistic.
Actually, the media did a pretty good job for once, perhaps upside down isn’t accurate, but I think we can all see that, and the aircraft did hit trees before hitting the ground, the aircraft has hit trees and has yet to hit the ground , so that means it hit trees before hitting the ground. The passenger is also a qualified pilot, not just a passenger, and finally, they were not trying to land at Yarram, they were trying to land in the open field just beyond the trees. The pilot’s only crime was to misjudge the aircraft’s gliding ability with a dead engine... and who really knows how well their aircraft will glide with a stopped prop? I know I wouldn’t. Stretching the glide leads to stall spin loss of control at low level. The best thing the pilot did was NOT try to stretch the glide. A controlled impact with trees is much better than a stall spin impact with the ground. Finally, we do not know what altitude they were at when the engine failed, we do not know the wind direction, the weather or any number of details that may have led the crew to believe that the paddock they were aiming for was their best choice. So please don’t judge what you think you know, just hope that the next light aircraft accident that hits the media results in a similar successful outcome. The aeroplane can be replaced, the lives can not.