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About Seehowetofly

  • Birthday 11/01/1956


  • Location
    Florence Oregon
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  1. Sadly you’re example is exactly what the world has become. A society of victims with no personal responsibility. Any reasonable person should completely understand any activity they are about to undertake and not live in a world of its not my fault, especially if they sign a wavier. Maybe I just expect to much of society.
  2. Sadly you’re example is exactly what the world has become. A society of victims with no personal responsibility. Any reasonable person should completely understand any activity they are about to undertake and not live in a world of its not my fault, especially if they sign a wavier. Maybe I just expect to much of society.
  3. I’m sorry I just don’t understand this. A guy who WILLINGLY steps into an ultralight should know there is a chance things could go wrong, unless said person is retarded to the point of not knowing an injury could occur. Unless the pilot pointed the aircraft at the ground and purposely injured this guy in my opinion he deserves zero. This is the kind of thing that makes everybody pay to much for insurance.
  4. I’m sorry I just don’t understand this. A guy who WILLINGLY steps into an ultralight should know there is a chance things could go wrong, unless said person is retarded to the point of not knowing an injury could occur. Unless the pilot pointed the aircraft at the ground and purposely injured this guy in my opinion he deserves zero. This is the kind of thing that makes everybody pay to much for insurance.
  5. Like all other Rotax products, it's over priced. Every time I have to rebuild my 582 (it's on an SLSA so I have no choice) it's about $1800 to $2100 depending on what's needed. It's a 2 cylinder 2 stroke for goodness sake. Personally I'm sick of Rotax gouging the light sport market. Hoping UL Power, Hirth, Jaburu and others can put a nick in the market.
  6. Thanks guys
  7. My name is Larry Howe I'm a CFI in both PPCL and WSCL and am working towards getting CFI rated in gyros. Just found this forum and am looking forward to reading the many posts.
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