-AVMed (and "DAME'S" system) is a pure nonsense, that country, and the strength of our dollar can do without.
(DAME's have no chance in a freaking moon to know (properly) about you - what your GP does, and
DAME's will definitely mis-diagnose you, on almost every step of the exam).
-I'd share my example here on my current medical, on the stupidity of CASA and DAME's: for few months i used my own made diet for vision improvement, so it improved, and DAME logged my results, so CASA sent me an additional form "from that reason" for a "complete ophthalmic review" (another $160 on my own pockets damage). Is this reason you'd ever send anyone for extra complete ophthalmic review ? Duhh.
-During the same exam with DAM'E, i answered few mobile calls to my staff, who call me very often, so DAME logged "from that reason" that i have "displayed some signs of preoccupation and disordered thinking" and CASA now emailed me another "extra" exam request for full Psych assessment (another $1600 +900 suggested out my own pocket, these exams are not even bulk billed, people :). Show me a single person who is not preoccupied these days, and does not answer mobile calls ? Duhh.
-Also my current blood pressure is inside of the normal limits, and they also emailed me another "extra" Diabetes test request form, just because i'm 50 now, and i'm also called "pre diabetic" by them, though i don't have that, and no one in my family never had one. Duhh.
-We should have all pilots (and i mean ALL) joined one day for not flying at all, for as long as necessary, until AVMEd, and DAME, and Class 1 Medical bullshit is abolished, from the reason that (as evident): DAME's and CASA can't do anything right, other than weakening our aviation more, increasing it's operational costs to ASTRONOMIC now, , and our: dollar down.
-This country is a world champion of tolerating stupidities, and outdated nanny state laws, like no other, we even tolerate nonsense's like: DAME system, CASA, AVMed, and useless ASICS - airport security is an expensive JOKE, mate, everyone knows that. We RAAus members are now charged $100 every year to access our own aircraft, a darn passport costs $200, and you can use it for 10 yrs, or so. All this only further damages our economy, aviation, and making our dollar strength: down.
-If there is still (any) sanity in our govt left - they should put someone like RAAus in charge of CASA, for them, and not the other way, and do away with all that unnecessary (billion-dollar-cost) outdated red tape system. We are not that rich anymore to keep it, so i'd suggest that madness has to stop one day, and we do what makes our dollar STRONG and not the other way.