Hey Tomo as a 32( weight shift) aircraft that falls under the same general exemptions to the CAO's that all RA- Aus aircraft fly, the pilot licencing rules are the same. The only difference is that powered weight shift also comes under CAO 101.55 (from memory) that is managed by the Hang Gliding Federation of Australia ( HGFA). The training syllabus is slightly different between the two organisations, and obviously weight shift control has some differences to 3 axis, specifically relating to billow shift principles, pendulum physics, and high drag wings, and basic weight shift control vs aerodynamic control surfaces.
At the end of the day, one would think it was just a conversion, if you already have an RA Aus Pilot cert. but in reality, and depending on the student, it can be a little more involved.
Anyway, you got a taste at Inglewood, and we'd be happy to pursue this further, just drop in at Caboolture next time you're over.
You'll be a busy lad, what with Jabs, drifters, GA and trikes- that's one hell of a list!