GForce, the aircraft is a very well built aircraft and very good value, Peter used an expensive paint system and the quality has a massive cabin area with adjustable seats and will easily fit too large Aussie blokes, also a big parcel area similar to Sav.
As I said , I flew it with a clear view to purchase at Natfly in 2011, went there specifically to do the deal, but the price was firm at 100k, and being experimental VH it was IMHO outside my budget and value proposition without the ability to use it to teach in my school. If your needs don't require this then no concern.The aircraft is a class offering at the current advertised price in Sport Pilot. It is a very slow market at present so buyers can take advantage if you are cashed up.
Word of caution tho- tail draggers are not for every one, if you are still learning then get lots of tail time before you dive into your purchase. I love them and are happy with wheel back or front. You may not yet know about the difference enough to really make a good value judgement for YOU. Many a plane has been bought with the heart not the head.
Good luck with baby and plane.