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Everything posted by D-MDTK

  1. D-MDTK

    Rotax 503

    My experience in hovercrafts is that the 582 is much more reliant
  2. For we need to have 8,33 kHz frequency grid in Europe, so I will sell my ATR 600, which did from 2007 on a good job. Price is 550 AUD
  3. Hi there! and I am smiling because of "Deskpilot"´s question and the help from "facthunter". Nevertheless I will answer: It´s my daughter
  4. hi! I am Joachim from Germany. Flying since 2001. Soaring with my DG 800S Using an engine (Jabiru 2200) in my Corvus Phantom and sometimes fly the motorglider Super Dimona from my club. The right one on the photo is me
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