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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. it looked like it had retractable propellor, so find lift, throttle back the engine to stop it, blades fold, glide away..
  2. Not exactly a drone, but an RC glider.. very surprising wildlife under water there..
  3. i remember living in a country where an adrenalin rush was still legal. i cant believe those saying it was stupid... crazy, yes, an massive rush, hell yes. its nothing military pilots dont do as part of their training... and still do as part of exercises.. Im just happy there are still countries around where you decide your level of risk tolerance, and not the legal society like it does here.. awesome video...
  4. did they get out easy? i love the RV series of aircraft, but the flip over and exit situation is probably the only negative i can think of with the RV's
  5. so, an aerobatic endorsement required for flying in turbulence now....
  6. i have thought about something like this when tying the aircraft down, when the wind pics up, your aircraft is not likely to try and lift the pegs out of the ground or fly away in a storm.
  7. i dont think the $50 to $100 quads are capable of maintaining a signal from the controller to reach up to 500ft.
  8. Ultralights

    Drifter Pics

    nice to know whats hiding in the clouds around the Bankstown camden training areas...
  9. almost dont, just waiting on laser cut panel to suite 2 ipads, and a MGL AHRS and engine management, and transponder install.
  10. you might not be doing much following in a GA aircraft, more the other way around....
  11. yes, just let air services know where, and when, so they can notam it. and divert traffic if need be. most are launched from way in the outback for this reason.
  12. i think getting the UAV operator certificate requires the passing of the PPL theory exams, as well as a 5 day course, and training with the manufacturer of the drones. and logbooks. then submit paperwork to CASA..
  13. i bought one of these drones before christmas, and it came with a CASA form outlining the rules and restrictions for flying it. max height of 400ft agl, not to be flown out of visual range, not to be flown within 30 ft of other people. not to be flown at night. all offences of strict liability of course. also, notes pointing out that to make money using the drone, you need a UAV operators certificate and a licence. it also has a built in airport database, and wont fly within 5 miles of an airfield, restricted and prohibited areas, or if it flies into a restricted zone, it will land.
  14. not normally, as these aircraft fly well with no rear door, or custom photography door. what is common to hear from photographers in the back is.... "can you get a bit lower....... a bit lower, can you go just a bit lower? " it takes a well disciplined pilot to to tell the photographer to shut up, and no, im not going any lower than this.
  15. after doing a 100hrly on my savannah, i have come to the conclusion corrosion will almost always be on the external skins, and will form anywhere.. not just rivets and lap joins. just in random spots. although mine has been etch primed internally, i have not found 1 spot of corrosion internally, including inside the wings.
  16. remember the early F18's were reported as being Lemons, the US Navy should have bought F16's etc etc... the F18 has since proven to be a far better aircraft and the F16 a 1 trick pony.
  17. Hell No! after the part 61 debacle, no one in Australia now can get an ATPL licence! CASA require a Multicrew licence test to get an ATPL now, but no one in Oz, or even the world, can do it... Banner towing? forget it, its a section completely removed from the regulations now.... and dont get me started on Medical dramas! CASA have ignored the advice of all their DAMEs, and now make licence decisions based on, whatever they feel like regardless of what their own doctors think.. such as the colourblind BS.. i know personally of 1 person who has had his career destroyed by it, he is colourblind, and has 16,000 hrs capataining a B767. then one day, CASA says he not safe anymore. but funnily enough, they approve flight using Night Vision goggles, where everything is a shade of green
  18. Casa made sure the timing does the most damage, release the report and rules right on the last day before they go on holidays, so you have no right of reply for a while, they are well know to give notices at 4.59 Pm on fridays..
  19. i remember the new Rolls Royce RB211 engines fitted to the Qantas B747-400's had a miserable reliability rate for their first few years of operations, did casa ever think about restrictions on Qantas aircraft then? so why now are they so hard on Jabiru?
  20. there is a reason the ASI can jump around in turbulence...
  21. One thing i have seen spending time with an Aerobatic flying school, that hours in the air account for zip most of the time... we have seen 10,000 Hour airline pilots fail to recognise stalls, and really struggle to grasp advanced manoeuvres, yet low time PPL's pick it up real quick and can win aerobatic competitions with only a few hundred hours. or in some cases, before they even finish their PPL. even the worlds highest time B747 captain admits himself, from his book, he doesnt have 30,000Hours flying experience, he has the same hour, 30,000 times. Its the High time pilots that come in looking to do an aerobatic endorsement, bragging that this will be easy as they have so many 1000 hours in whatever, are the ones who make the biggest mistakes. as for the question, When is a stall more likely to happen? the correct answer should be.... "when i make it happen"
  22. i could think of a few others, but not many, the article seams ok to me, not sure about the rudder part though... :)
  23. YWOL, Wollongong, on the Sydney suburban train network, 5 min walk from the train station, outside CTA..
  24. but at what % of horsepower was being used at those highway cruising speeds? my bet is average about 30%.. with peaks of 100% for overtaking, and hills. and aircraft engine has to run at 75 to 100% output, constantly... not many car engines would do that for hundreds of hours...
  25. wern't CASA told to get on with airspace reform and get it done by 2000? then 2005? then 2010?
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