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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. I vote for Katoomba. The airfield lease for the next 50 or so years is up for tender....
  2. http://www.flybetter.com.au/ free books that sgould be part of the syllabus
  3. even though hangarage is expensive here in Sydney, every time a storm like that passes, i dont regret a single cent of it!
  4. theres not that much extra paint.... the recolured parts are back to bare metal, corrosion removed, retreated with Alodine.. then. resprayed. part of the reason its taking a lot longer than originally planned. then again, a lot of Savannah have 4 fuel tanks, i only have 3, so even with a bit of extra paint, the weight will still be close to, or still under those with 4 tanks fitted.. i hope
  5. yes, the Jabiru engine is still a good engine, and trying to compare it with rotax is a bit of a stretch, especially in light of recent events, Even the Rolls Royce engines fitted to the early B747-400s wernt as reliable as the GE options, for a while, so instead of just banning pax and others flying in roller powered aircraft, CASA suggested a slightly stricter maintenance regime until it was sorted. same has happened with the rolls Royce trents on the new A380's Jabiru, with a little refinement, and small changes, and an understanding of the causes behind their engine issues, can make their engine into a reliable machine, if only casa would allow them breathing space, just changing the maintenance requirements will help a lot, eg, head overhaul at 350hrs etc. removing jabiru from the industry, or killing their market will help no one..... except CASA, Empty skies are safe skies in their eyes... (wonder what they will do with so many staff and no industry left to regulate?)
  6. you must admit, a 5 blader would look cool, and whats a little extra drag, what with Tundra tyres and all already fitted.
  7. i dont think jabiru will get to this level, as they dont have the economics of scale like rotax has building other engines.
  8. Is that a 5 blade prop? Any info about it?
  9. New paint scheme has been decided, and has begun... a preview..
  10. actually, you can buy a similar item, worn like a condom, but with a tube to dump urine overboard. or into a tank.... Military pilots wear them, or as space shuttle and astronauts wear, adult diapers...
  11. im trying to look at everything the same way i do at work, there is obviously one major failure mode, the through bolt failure. if its operator or maintainer error, then you would look at your published procedures to determine what are these maintainers and operators are doing wrong, and re-write the manuals, and publish a procedure to follow to prevent errors, if this cannot be done, or fails to solve the issue, then you would look at a re-design of the problem area, so it can be maintained with no error, or eliminate the problem altogether. its called R&D..
  12. settle down everyone, its still in draft form, not law, maybe this is the incentive jabiru needs to act before it does become law...
  13. theres a good reason Gopro cameras are used by TV production and other cameras arnt, simply unbeatable picture quality.
  14. sadly it sounds like the poocarie publican doesnt quite know the rules in NSW, apparently children are permitted in pubs, as long as they are accompanied by an adult, and not at the bar or gaming areas.
  15. theres an interesting bit of info in that report, yet the engine
  16. chances are the idiot who made the hoax is watching pprune or even here to see the results of their handywork...
  17. i wouldnt use that an an excuse not to look at a 19 rego aircraft, i bought a 19 rego aircraft, built by someone on here, who built 4 previously.. but yes, he did fly some hour in it himself before i bought it, i also know of a tradesperson in the aircraft industry, who has built quite a few aircraft, to a phenomenal standard, far better than any factory, he hasnt not flown any of them, his passsion is in the building to the best standard possible.. actually, i have not seen any better workmanship in any aircraft ever! he has no real interest in flying them.
  18. thats actually very tempting
  19. just listening to the atc recording, even before reading anything else, sounds like a hoax, quite a few things dont add up..... for a start. the wedge tail aircraft wouldn't use the callsign "wedgetail7" the voices of the different pilots sounded almost identical... the incorrect terminology and the hydraulic failure in a fixed gear, pushrod and control cable flown aircraft.. hmmmmm not only that, i think by the changing tone in the ATCers voice seam to hint at hime becoming aware its a hoax quite early on, and was stringing it out... Someones been watching to many air crash investigation episodes. hope its not, or is this guy https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/6525694/boat-hoax-man-admits-fake-distress-call/
  20. why cant it be combined into Austfly? the flying industry needs to accept and share if we are to help it grow and survive.. a bigger event for Austfly, and will attract a bigger crowd, and might also some new pilots...
  21. <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/103777875" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="[MEDIA=vimeo]103777875[/MEDIA]">Hawaii Stick & Rudder</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user24791785">Hawaii Stick & Rudder</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  22. that is an awesome series, but appears to have been stopped after the 4th episode... been a few months now since the 4th aired..
  23. so, what about the room temp cured hand wet layups on those pre preg parts? like, say, rotor blades? painted flat black, subjected to huge centrical forces, that are still flying since being repaired long before Jabiru first hatched.. and are fine after siting in the sun at temps well over 50deg C in some cases.. and where are the reports? or faults caused by black painted hand layed up, room temp cured epoxy layups? i have never seen 1, but if the evidence is presented, i will re asses my position.
  24. How about a nice striking vinyl wrap? a company in the USA called aircraft wraps have been doing it for ages, no reason why you cant design and apply your own..
  25. funny how heat absorbency doesn't seam to effect military aircraft, or any other civillian aircraft for that matter, even in desert environments of the Middle east.. and yes, im referring to composite structures.. and no, in my 25 yrs in aircraft composites, have i ever seen 1 incidence of delamination or damage due to black, or matt black painted composite aircraft or parts sitting in the sun..
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