yes, the Jabiru engine is still a good engine, and trying to compare it with rotax is a bit of a stretch, especially in light of recent events, Even the Rolls Royce engines fitted to the early B747-400s wernt as reliable as the GE options, for a while, so instead of just banning pax and others flying in roller powered aircraft, CASA suggested a slightly stricter maintenance regime until it was sorted. same has happened with the rolls Royce trents on the new A380's
Jabiru, with a little refinement, and small changes, and an understanding of the causes behind their engine issues, can make their engine into a reliable machine, if only casa would allow them breathing space, just changing the maintenance requirements will help a lot, eg, head overhaul at 350hrs etc.
removing jabiru from the industry, or killing their market will help no one..... except CASA, Empty skies are safe skies in their eyes... (wonder what they will do with so many staff and no industry left to regulate?)