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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. gday, the rubber mounts on the undercarriage are just the flat pieces that sit above the flat part of the undercarriage piece, the round larger ones on the outside edges are fine and have never moved. I am treating all the corroded areas with Alodine 1200 before priming with a 2 part polyaramid resin strontium chromate primer. A few smaller corrosion repairs done about 2 years ago still show no sign of the corrosion returning.
  2. nice! thanks for posting
  3. vans airforce has a huge amount of info on all vans aircraft models, lots of rv12 builders there.
  4. how dare you come back from Oshkosh and not post pics!
  5. i think the cooling system is well designed, as in my savannah, the oil sits around 90 in cruise, and the coolant temps are around the 100 mark in cruise, i like to get the oil temp over 100 in a long climb to boil off any condensation in the oil occasionally. if the oil and coolant temps are pretty close, then is it safe to assume both temps are reading correctly? I have the oil cooler partially covered about 9 months of the year, only during the peak of summer do i need it totally uncovered to maintain 90 deg C, only on the hottest days, over 40deg C outside do i see a rise i oil temp in climb with the cooler totally uncovered. the hottest i have seen it in cruise was about 105 deg, when OAT was about 40 deg.
  6. Actually 90 deg c is about where you want the oil temp according to rotax.
  7. i see what you mean, but bring the silver tick shape down with it,
  8. while im at home with the flu, i got the pencils out, and tried to come up with a unique paint design for the Savannah, it currently undergoing a 1000hrly overhaul, and with lots of spots of surface corrosion removed, its now covered in spots of primer and requires a complete repaint.. here is whats floating around in my mind at the moment, sadly im not very creative.. \ this is the current design, but recoloured, again, same design, but colour changed. camouflage colours? got the idea after reading about the polka dot warriors of WWII, definitely Hi visibility. idea came from seeing a Yak painted in similar scheme memories of Ansett and Compass airlines. any other ideas or suggestions? feel free to use the top ones and photoshop something..
  9. but also, there are lines stating that an ALA can be anywhere the pilot has permission to operate from, and the pilot in command deems it safe to do so..
  10. i think you will find that kind of info in the CAR's regulated by CASA.. ALA and airfield requirements
  11. why is there a runway number on an aircraft carrier runway? , awesome news for Brumby and the guys at cowra.
  12. but could you use the Icon A5 as a floating camper/small boat with accomdation?
  13. $160K for a kit, considering what it can do, its not bad! engine is a turbo rotax,
  14. once you finish your PPL, a NFVR rating is nice, you can do the harbour scenics at night!
  15. I think this is a bad line of thinking, Accidents happen, whatever the cause, and yes, it can happen to any of us, but stop to also consider the hundreds, or thousands of pilots that end their careers, many lifelong careers, in happy retirement every day around the world.. not to mention how many are killed an maimed on the roads every year, and those that do survive a serious road accident, always leave the hospital in a car. Fatal road accidents occur quite regularly, many dont make the news, but that doesnt stop me driving, even after more than 1000hrs flying, i still get a little nervous before every flight, the adrenalin levels rise, it helps keep me alert, and i try my best to reduce the risks should something go wrong to their lowest levels, and i still practice emergency manoeuvres such as forced landings, EFATO etc quite regularly.
  16. just dont ask the Americans how many drones they have been losing over in the middle east due to crashing in bad weather, or just plain old comms failures. from what i have been hearing around work is the number is nearing 1000. i have seen a video, not on the internet, of a predator drone arriving at an airfield in Afghanistan in a 30 kt crosswind, lets just say, it never flew again, and gave the fire crews something to do for a while. And on another note, with current automated airliners, whats the first thing the computer does when it encounters something thats beyond its programming? such as Air France flight 447, and others, at the first sign of trouble, the computer hands over to manual control and says im outa hear!
  17. nope, they had the -200 in the early days, then the -300 and finally the -400, as well as a few combies, and my favourite, the SP model.
  18. i dont think any QF 747's had the tail ballast, i have spent a few days up in that area, climbing through the bulkhead, over the rear stab, through the battery room, and up into the rudder. fwd of the APU firewall. i know the elevator and aileron balance weights were depleted uranium. make some fantastic sparks when a new employee from South Africa decided to remove a few grams with a grinder in the hangar!
  19. no, but the people that code them do...
  20. After reading all these stories about a great man, i am saddened that i will never have the pleasure of ever meeting, or flying with him.
  21. Im thinking i might keep the design, i still like it, but change the colours..
  22. might have something to do with what was reported in the WX?
  23. sounds like someone forgot how to recover from a spin, hope they recover fast and back to full health
  24. The dash is still in its flat uncut phase, still planning locations for warning lights and switches and will be laser cut when done, in a few weeks.
  25. Started work in Feb this year, only about half way through at this point. Hoping to have it airborne by spring, but sadly i am only working on it on weekends.
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