just had a quick read through the 2014 incidents, Im shocked! well, not by the prevalence of engine issues from somewhere, but more by the obvious lack of training displayed resulting in large number of preventable accidents! how does one get distracted, and loose control of an aircraft while landing?? what are they thinking, flare height, speed ok, look down the runway, speed ok, oh look a birdy! wow, interesting colours, oh crap, i forgot what i was doing, oh thats it, Flying an aircraft, opps, too late, landed nosewheel first/ hit something etc etc..
i cant help but wonder, who is teaching these people! and signing them off as competent to fly?
i wonder if these same people who require retraining are the same who brag about how they went solo after just 5 hours? got my licence in the minimum time, to tell everyone how good they fly?
and how does a light 5 kt quartering crosswind (whatever that is) cause loss of control and prop/wingtip strike? 5 kts at 45 deg (if thats whet they mean), so a 2.5 Kt crosswind and you lost control? seriously?
and not to mention the over reporting of everyday issues, "engine ran rough during runup, flight aborted"
yes, correct result, but was it carby Ice? running a little rougher than usual on 1 mag? is good airmanship worthy of a formal incident report?