all this talk of sensors, CHT's EGT's etc etc, i try not to fly with anything less than full EGT and CHT monitors, My 912ULS is currently being modded to have all sensors installed.
Its nice having all the data from EGTS and CHTS, but, the BIG question, is how to interpret what its telling you!
assuming you are in cruise and have been for say, an hour or more.., your flying along, all temps normal, EGTs are all equal, and CHT;s the same, then suddenly, EGT starts rising on 1 cylinder, and the CHT is falling.. whats happened?
2 flying along, both EGT and CHT start falling on 1 cylinder at the same time, quite rapidly.. whats happened?
3 EGT falls to zero in 1 cylinder, everything else is normal...including CHT.
4 EGT is significantly lower on 1 cylinder, all others are normal, as is CHT for that cylinder..
5 alls well,, engine stumbles very slightly for a second, then, CHT starts rising rapidly. EGT is normal, all other indicators are normal.. what will you do?
6 EGT slowly rising in 1 cylinder, everything else is normal, CHT for that cyl is normal.
7 ALL EGT's rise at the same rate without any changes, CHT;s the same on all cylinders.
some of the 7 are minor, others can become a fatal situation rapidly if no action is taken with regards to the data..
and this kind of data is of very limited use if you only have 1 EGT/CHT..
Answers this time tomorrow..