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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. love how the winds and speeds at 70 to 10 HPA travel in completely opposite directions to the usual weather directions, and the wind in the southern hemisphere is pretty uniform compared to the winds in the northern half at those altitudes.
  2. there is a section in the line maint manual on purging air from the cooling system.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA breath in HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA i have seen people careers and lives ruined by CASA acting purely on here say and video "evidence" that proves nothing... or quite simply because the CASA officials involved simply dont like the business operator.. the laws are written in such a way that anyone can be caught out by anything.. we are a nation of criminals who havnt been caught yet.
  4. im not disagreeing with Jabiru airframes, i have repaired quite a few beaten up Jabs that would have written off any other airframe (except a savannah ) and they have proven their strength time and time again, its the engines that most, if not all have the issues with. If they built their engines as tough as the airframe, they wouldn't be able to build em fast enough, and would be selling at great rate all over the world. and the biggest issue is with Jabirus attitude to its customers, almost head in the sand in regards to their engine, and complete denial, blaming everything on the operator. putting all of their efforts into hiding failed engines, not investigating etc, when they should be refining and improving their product by choice, not when forced to. this is what pisses off your customers, not the engines themselves
  5. in my 30 years in the aircraft maintenance game, those with professional credentials are the ones to stay the thurthest away from, and are responsible for almost every major repair failure i have seen in airline and Military aviation, and steadfastly refuse to listen to the guys with 30 years experience on the actual airframe and toolsIsnt the development of air legislation the domain of the legal fraternity? you hold the exact same quals as me, except mine is in military aviation and covers all from fast jet, to rotary wing and drones. having fun learning the new MRH at the moment. ohh, the "professionals" have come up with some doozies when it comes to idea and design failures. because they know everything of course without ever seeing a real life airframe! the overtime and rectification work my teams now need to do is making us a fortune! i know whats going on behind the scenes also, and i know why nothing can be said in public domain at this point.. but as they say, the wheels are turning.
  6. the rudder does one Major function, to keep the aircraft BALANCED! (or unbalanced if the situation, such as strong crosswinds require it to keep the nosewheel straight on touchdown)
  7. Sadly can't fly jabirus in temps above 40degC. In the POH, we'll is in the LSA models and early 170's. Savannah loves the hot weather. Claims a bit less, down from 1000 ft/min to about 700 when it's 42degC.
  8. According to the letter, our membership costs have been covering the insurance for FTF's, fit hey now want FTF's to cover themselves, I expect a decent drop in meh membership fees. As for insurance companies cancelling contracts and still having to pay up, that's not true, insurance companies, we'll car insurance policies can be cancelled any time without notice. I have seen the $70,000 legal bill trying to win that one.
  9. whats the legal minimum height for a go around?
  10. Not impressed.. Headwinds dont count. do it in NIL wind, then ill be impressed.
  11. any more pics from the fly-in?
  12. a Boeing 747 and 767 have very similar numbers also concerning speeds and distances, yet are both very different aircraft. How do Jabiru come up with the numbers? do they flight test their aircraft with test pilots and collect the data, just as all GA aircraft manufacturers do? or are they relying on the numbers from the original aircraft tested decades ago? and not just jabiru, what about the other kit manufactures? i know the Savannah numbers are generic an hence, different built aircraft will vary significantly from book numbers. same goes with Vans RV aircraft.
  13. i am currently studying Aircraft performance for CPL, the amount of info needed to get accurate numbers is quite huge! and also, while researching RV10 aircraft ownership and building, some owners during their 25 hrs flyy off restricted area flying, do nothing but performance testing to get the data for their POH's. some of the data those builders/pilots get makes the Cessna POH data look sparse by comparison. its proven that it doesnt take long to get good accurate data required for pilots to make accurate assessments of the aircraft performances in all situations. When it comes to published operational data, there is a Mandated percentage the numbers have to be increased by to factor in poor pilot performance, and older worn aircraft. CASA mandates between 15% to 25% based on the MTOW for takeoff distance required and landing distance required from 50ft. but reality is, a lot of pilots fly the aircraft too fast for landing to get it close to, or on the numbers,
  14. unfortunately bad airmanship isnt illegal in some/most cases, but if an aircraft landed, backtracked, and a took a little time, then there is no problem with a go around, might not even need to move to the right if the reason for the go around is on the ground. and not taking off under you. as for landing almost on top of another aircraft, thats a different story, and not taxiing at a safe speed. its sad that airshows/fly-ins tend to bring out the worst in airmanship, im not sure if the same pilots fly and act like that every time they fly, and there is no airshow/fly-in crowd to see, or they suddenly get a case of look at me itis and stop thinking properly, who knows, but its obvious that airmanship 101 needs to be added to the initial training syllabus. apart from that, i didnt make the evens head fly in, no hours left on the aircraft. theres always next year!
  15. Lismore/Ballina?
  16. better stop doing max angle climbs in the Savannah out of Bankstown then, i like to be 1000 ft by the end of the runway when surrounded by suburbia. exactly.
  17. would be nice for them to do one at NATFLY
  18. Would have been interesting to hear what CASA would have had to say, as doing a Go around, with another aircraft on the runway is the correct thing to do. backtracking with an aircraft on final, not so good airmanship. if he had landed when the other aircraft was on the runway, then CASA would have something to complain about.
  19. in my understanding, ONLY the builder can be trained in it. it cannot be used to train others in, and the builder can modify it, but a buyer of 19 rego aircraft can also modify and maintain it, as long as its supervised and signed off by an L2. 19 rego cannot be used for hire or reward.
  20. cant help but think, wait for low tide! get the aircraft as light as possible. or ring the insurance company. help them find a truck
  21. what were the conditions when jabiru got the minimum length to 50ft? if you know that, then you can guess at how much runway you might need. just wondering how many kit aircraft builders and pilots do these calculation during their 25 hr test flying period, or just spend the 25 hours just flying around enjoying the scenery? sorry for the thread drift.
  22. Good example of airmanship there, far to often people just blast through drop zones etc, with no idea whats going on. good to see its still taught by some. as for the 600 mtrs, how about you get the details, figure out density altitude, get the loading charts and find out exactly what weights you can carry to safely get in, and out of a 600 mtr strip. dont forget the climb gradient once off the ground also. but also make sure you can fly the numbers accurately and consistently. then practice on a longer know strip, and measure out 600ft. and practice. remember how to use a P chart? figure out Density Altitude? find max TO weight given a set runway length?
  23. the terrain is rough around the snowys, but not exactly pure tiger country. the Alps t themselves are quite flat across the main range and to the east, and the real rugged stuff to the west does not extend very far before your over landable terrain, the real ugly stuff is to the south towards Mt Hotham, and south to gippsland region in vic.
  24. so, did the hang glider pilots know you were coming? and did you know where they were? were they marked on the charts?
  25. its a very active airfield.
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