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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. just as long as your traffic pattern would not interfere with the pattern at the certified aerodrome. and call airservices to have the location added to the next chart amendment. or permanent NOTAMS for the certified strip nearby
  2. normal car wash and lots of water, soak bugs first, then let them sit wash the whole aircraft, and bugs last, they come off so much easier.. for the exhaust staining, i use Iso Alcohol and Mr Sheen for the windows.
  3. if your EGT's come up with throttling back, it means your running lean of peak at open throttle, no problem here. save fuel, engine runs smother and cleaner. This is where you want it for longest range. so if your closing the throttle, less air, mixture is getting richer and EGT is climbing, your are approach Peak EGT from the LEAN side. so throttle back until you get to peak, the add a little throttle and you should be about about 50degF lean of peak, getting the most power for the fuel burn. BSFC is the Horsepower per fuel burn, the higher the better. high CHT and ICP (internal combustion pressures) are bad. High EGT temps are a non event, remember PEAK egt is the PEAK, it cannot get any higher no matter the mixture.. it will either cool as you get leaner, or cool as you get richer from peak. and dont forget, the LOCATION of the EGT sensor will have a huge effect on the reading... nothing to worry about with high EGT's its the CHT you have to watch, a CHT runaway with preignition can kill an engine in no time. (minutes or less) EGT is only a measure of the fuel air ratio. at above about 6500ft, running just lean, or peak EGT will be the most fuel efficient and wont hurt the engine. at lower levels, you either want full rich and a cool egt, or lean of peak. just rich of peak means highest cylinder pressures and highest CHT'!
  4. im surprised he can afford to come to OZ now with the costs of all those Airservices charts he needs! and i call fake on the flight plan video, its IMPOSSIBLE to submit a flight plan via NAIPS that quick, or without changing errors into codes you can never understand. i call BS! he would have had at least 10 errors before it was accepted.
  5. The Ultralight pilot on Mythbusters TV show, about the myth of an aircraft taking off from a moving conveyor belt. the pilot stated "i dont expect to be able to take off" sure enough, he did.. i cant believe he has a licence. i have had passengers ask "how do we keep moving when the wheels leave the ground?"
  6. flying around Jindabyne and the snowies is always fun.
  7. A new one i have recently picked up, and just started, Full Throttle by John Deakin. very interesting so far.
  8. Best book i have read are titled Fly better. by Noel Kruse, free, but they are focussed on the hand a feet skills involved with flying. Just make sure the books arnt focussed on passing your licence tests, as the USA syllabus is vastly different to ours.
  9. Apparently the sale fell through, the $250,000 DA application fee killed it http://www.theherald.com.au/story/1978899/belmont-airport-sale-falls-through/
  10. In the past as a courier, my van clocked up over 500,000Km in the first 5 years.. and the other rodeo ute, had 680,000 before we removed the heads for a look, both engines, Petrol, still had the hone marks on the bores. If the oil is clean, and the engine kept cool, then 1,000,000 is no drama for a modern engine.. 1.5Million Km is considered Low miles for some truck engines. High revs, and lean of peak mixtures, and the engine will run clean, be under less stress, (true if you have seen an aircraft run on a modern dyno), and have no reason not to go to TBO. what will kill an engine within minutes if not seconds, is Pre ignition. detonation isnt too bad, still not good, but light detonation will not harm an engine in the short term. heavy will. running in the red zone just rich of peak, creates the most stress on an engine. that stress being internal cylinder pressures, running lean of peak, and higher Rpm, and full throttle will see pressures around 600psi. just rich of peak will have them up around750 to 800. detonation, just a little higher, but pre ignition will get them well over 1500+ psi, and into destruction territory. best to be full rich, or lean of peak. anywhere in between will increase wear through higher internal pressures. i would really love to see a jabiru engine put onto a proper modern dyno with real time monitoring of internal cylinder pressures, timing, mixture, CHT and EGT's. a lot of issues can be resolved with that kind of data! after seeing a lycoming engine on a dyno with the parameters above, its easy to see just how a bad mixture, bad plug design, plug damage can cause the stresses that result in the kind of failures that show up all to often with jabiru engines. i hope the modifications and changes by Camit are a result of such research, if it is, then they will have a winner of an engine on their hands! also noted on the dyno run and data i saw, Lean mixtures had nothing to do with detonation. or burnt valves... flame suite on..
  11. Fortunately those SD cards in the go pros are pretty sturdy, and one the info is recorded to them, it would quit easily survive a good dunking even if the camera itself does not. Forensic investigators are pretty good at retrieving data from submerged and destroyed cameras/computers/hard drives and CVR's
  12. pretty much down to wing loading.
  13. The Robin, my partner flying after gaining her NVFR. sadly no wine rack...
  14. 78 kts, full power, sudden pull up, Possible G Stall situation?
  15. flying an aircraft with runaway trim is usually pretty easy, might be a bit tiring after a while, but easily doable. i have experienced it 2 times in aircraft with all flying stabilator. easily overcome. maybe we need to look at pilot incapacitation at some stage?
  16. The Tecnam P96 golf can be flown with canopy open, and i have done it quite a few times. according to the POH, speed below about 70kts, and canopy fully open. you do notice quite a bit of lift lost when its open, requiring a bit more power, and nose up trim to remain straight and level. we made up a cable to secure the canopy in the open position, just in case. all you were relying on is the stops in the track to stop it disappearing aft and into the tail. the cable made it easier to open and close as well. didnt want it racing back into the stops.. Had some lovely flights up the Victor 1 off the coast of Syd, with arm hanging out the side. great fun summers flying.
  17. wing down, no need to adjust or "kick it straight" as you flare. hold wing down, all the way, even through flare and touchdown.
  18. they look very similar, could even be the ones, but the ones i have seen were on a Savannah i looked over before deciding to buy mine, i have only seen them on 2 aircraft, i have been in contact with aerokits, but no mention of the bubble door, very helpful with everything savannah so far. Might fire off an email to Zenith and see how much just the doors are.
  19. Does anyone know if Camden Haven is still operating? last time i was there was about 12 months ago, and all was well, sadly Bob had passed away, but his son is now managing the place, taxi up to Accommodation, 2 cabins with 4 beds each. no food on site.
  20. Another nice place near Broken Hill is Bindara Station, approx 150 km south south east of broken hill, great condition airstrip, about 5km from the homestead, but call ahead, you do need permission, and they will come out and pick you up after you overfly the homestead. fantastic home cooked meals and all levels of accom, from campsite, to drovers quarters, right on the darling river. very aircraft friendly, but no fuel. http://www.bindarastation.com/bindara.htm Google Maps link to Bindara Station Airstrip Google Maps link to Bindara Station Homestead ~5km to the south east of the strip. yeah, i know its a little more than a 1km walk from the airstrip. but still a great stopover with food and accommodation easily accessible
  21. now forecast weekend weather, yet more bloody rain...... as for the tyres and tubes, Aerotrainer 6X6.00 on the original ICP wheels, and tubes from a supplier i have found in the UK with bent valves. (ebay) ever since using the tubes from the Uk, and the new tyres, i have had very little issues with wheels. the nose wheel that went flat was the last of the treleborg lawnmower type tyres with the old tubes. though i did get 600 hrs out of it. the tyre that is.
  22. yes you did, but didnt need one unti now, wheel is all fixed, ready to be installed this weekend and go flying.
  23. yep, it works hard! actually, was going to put another 3 or 4 on her today but sadly stopped by a flat tyre, so hired a robin and did some aerobatic flying instead. great day over the coast, but a little bumpy everywhere else.
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