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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. sorry i didnt see this thread earlier! congratulations. and 8 hours is a long day , its still a great experience that will see you better equipped to deal with longer navs if you decide to head into the great interior of this country!
  2. my 8 year old lightspeed Zulus with bluetooth last about 30 hours. with music playing for most of it, using 2 AA batteries.
  3. nice file work there!
  4. interesting post, my savannah is 30 hrs off its 1000 hrly, i already have a pile of parts the replace and upgrade, didnt think of the nylon plates, and thanks for reminding me to order a new bungee for the nose gear. fortunately the red nylon buffers on the main gear are still there, though they have moved around a bit, one is in its original position, the other is in the centre. With the Xcom radio, recently my one has been tripping the circuit breaker occasionally, and when you reset the circuit breaker its displays PTT fail momentarily before normal ops, until it does it again. last flight it happened a few times, yet not once in the 10 hrs before, but a few time before that. any ideas? the radio was sent for overhaul approx 250 hrs ago, and the PTT switch replaced 10 hrs ago.
  5. no dramas, remove cargo, and just enough fuel to get the 12 miles to the intended destination, should get off in 6000ft easily, even wait for a day with decent headwinds if need be.
  6. i remember looking for town names written on the Pub roof when flying long ago in Oz. there is also a big arrow painted on a water tower pointing to Bankstown airport somewhere in the lane of entry to the north.
  7. what about an air bubble in the system somewhere?
  8. The EMT day consisted of a seminar on EMT that lasted for about 3 hrs, after which, pilots had the opportunity to go up and have an introduction into the EMT training, see how the seminar subject matter put into practice, or just go up and have a go at a loop or a roll, or spins. the day was an introduction with the aim of getting pilots to think about how they fly, dispel a few myths with the seminar, and if they choose, to complete the full EMT course. the aim of the day was to ultimately make safer pilots.
  9. Awesome, couldnt have asked for a better day for it
  10. i know, i want to do the same things, but sadly as said before, in todays whinging do goodder society, you cant invite a bunch of friends and others to join you.
  11. whats the EGT redline? and why would that be relevent to rough running? onvce it hits peak EGT, it will not go any higher.. hence "Peak"
  12. why cant we have such flying here?
  13. thats nothin! (wheres my chewin grass?)
  14. the hours required for any rating, instructor, forst solo, anything is a just a number in a book, nothing more.. how many people ACTUALLY went solo in the minimum legal time? i have never seen 1. same with the Instructor rating, and the flying component is just the start of it.. I hate giving briefings, always will. i prefere sitting down with the student and going through a booklet, or drawing it out in front of them.. thats just my method. must have worked, i take great pride in knowing that some of my students, some on here, and others have gone on to bigger and better things, and others have bought their own aircraft, and can fly well and safe. even as an Instructor, you are always learning, just as the student is, every student is different and learns by a different method... Does the 30 hrs cover that, not a chance.. even after completing another course recently, a lot of stuff i thought i knew, from decades ago, and what i knew was right, was proven to be totally wrong.. Same goes for the EMT course. you never stop learning... if you feel you have nothing more to learn, then get out of the game..
  15. polarising lens on a camera does that through aircraft windows, i have ruined many a good photo by forgetting the polariser was on the front of the camera.
  16. so where does the PMI course fit into all this?
  17. There's almost no curve at all to the top of the wing on a F18, or similar fighter aircraft.
  18. Ihud remote, i thinks its a payed app now, but on the AHRS site there is a list of compatible apps. airnav pro is another good one that works with it, the levil unit also comes with its own free app as well, below. and it has a Magnetic compass as well.. no GPS data. all air data and magnetic compass. even works with windows devices. im just waiting for Ozrunways or Avplan to support it as well, and give a synthetic vision capability to it. the way it works is it sets up its own wifi network, and you connect to that with your ipad/iphone/windows device just like any other wifi, so more than one device can use the data from the unit. its battery powered, but can also be hard wired into the aircraft like mine is, so if i have an electrical failure, the unit will still work for a few hours. (ipad and iphone charge cables are also hard wired into the Savannah) so as long as the avionics are switched on, everything runs off aircraft power. no risk of batteries going flat. when im finished flying, shut down as normal, take the ipad from the holder on the panel, and take it home.. panel is still the usual instruments that a savannah has, just the extra ipad holder is the only visible difference. and a small usb lead hanging from under the panel. the cost of the AHRS unit is comparable to a vacuum system and gyro instruments. probably cheaper when you consider the cost of installing vacuum pump or venturi to the side. and the instruments themselves.
  19. or did the chase aircraft roll into the lead aircraft, with all the extra drag and weight of the divers hanging off the lift strut? or the lead aircraft seamed to be in the blind spot of the chase aircraft, and the pilot simply did not see it?
  20. is it a demonstration of Bernoulli's theory or a demonstration of flow separation over the wing commonly called a stalled situation, and how the air moves over the wing in a spin manoeuvre? The best example of Bernoulli's theory in an aircraft would be the carby venturi or a airflow Vacuum venturi system seen on older aircraft. and let me get some popcorn..
  21. i have just modified my Savannah and fitted it with a AHRS G mini. 3 axis digital gyro. and plumbed into the pitot static system. The trick it to mount the AHRS unit, (about the size of a cigarette packet) as close to centre line as possible. so mine is under the right hand seat as close to the centre as i could get it. it also has to be mounted as close to horizontal in both pitch and roll axis when the aircraft it as its flying attitude. this was pretty easy to do, mounted the unit temporarily, and flew straight and level, and noted the indicated pitch and roll indications on the screen, the screen being an Iphone mounted on the panel.in a RAM mount. , then on the ground, adjusted the screw length and washers under the unit to compensate for the pitch and roll in flight. so now the savannah cruises at 87kts indicated, and 1 deg nose up. this is the unit and runs on quite a few apps. i use this one. (was free when i downloaded it a while ago.) altitude and airspeed data are all pitot system actual air data. even the slip ball is more accurate than the traditional glass tube and ball.
  22. i challenge anyone to get a marshmallow up to 170Kph! i dont know enough of that math stuff to figure out its terminal velocity..
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