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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. i remember a while ago there was a ditching, pilot survived, was spotted by rescue aircraft, but bureaucracy got in the way over who's jurisdiction the rescue fell to, and sadly the pilot floated away never to be seen again.
  2. we had enough of a turnout to fill all the flying slots, and a good crowd arrived by car. sadly not as many flew in as anticipated, but that was to be expected with the conditions, if there is enough interest we will organise another north of Syd.
  3. how about doing the same calculations going down the Flinders Island side, there is a lot more land between Mainland, at Wilsons Prom, and the coast in the top north east corner of tassie. King Island is the only land on the western side of the straight, but the path via Flinders is doted with Islands. so the distance to "land" is far less than 40 Nm.
  4. that looks like a very small cargo ship.
  5. runway to be maintained as part of the cultural lanscape.. said the same about Hoxton park a few days before the tore it up.
  6. As in the title, im after some one piece bubble type doors, does anyone know where to get them, or know of any for sale? my savannah is a VG model if that makes a difference Thanks..
  7. which one is best for the flight? whats the fuel burn of both? the distance you need to go? and cruise speed? and the cargo? 4 adults and baggage, the 182. just yourself and a friend, the 172.
  8. make sure your window doesnt have tine scratches in it either, anything that could allow air under the suction cup seal
  9. http://lessonslearned.faa.gov/ChinaAirlines120/ChinaAirlines120_Downstop_pop_up.htm loss of a 737 from just 1 washer.
  10. 9am to 11am, then BBQ lunch, then actual EMT flying training or aerobatics in a robin if you like.
  11. i usually go down there every few weeks, but the seminar is a once off so far. its about 45 mins each way in the Jab. , and log the taxi time.
  12. If you see a Savannah or hear it on the radio, its me! we only got as far as the loungeroom in the hangar, rang up ATIS, heard 3000mtrs vis. looked outside, went to fridge, grabbed a beer and spent the rest of the arvo talking crap with instructors and other students. if you feel like a nav, and want to learn a little bit more, there is a free seminar on emergency manoeuvers at jaspers brush between 9 and 11 am.
  13. RAM mounts are awesome.. but be aware, gopro camera suction mounts fall off at about 5000ft.
  14. i would rather fly over the straight in anything rather than over some tiger country in the alps regions. very ugly terrain in there, and good chance you would never be found. and statistically, water ditchings are quite survivable. only the temp of the water would dictate survivability. and after crossing the straights recently, it isnt that daunting, longest leg is 50nm over water, and from 3500ft, there is land in sight at all times. if i was doing it in a drifter os thruster, i would probably consider an immersion suit in winter.. actually, navy pilots wear similar stuff when water temps drop below 16degC.
  15. very nice, details please!
  16. As the old saying goes, better to be down here wishing you were up there, than up there, wishing you were down here. i was at Bankstown as well, Planning a trip to Jaspers brush, and came to the same conclusion, not worth the risk. i saw you taxi out, then come back in, very good decision.
  17. The Max Demonstrated crosswind component is the max crosswind the aircraft was flown in during times of certification.
  18. the evens stuff has been used since new, almost at 1000hrs now.
  19. i use Evans NPG.
  20. works fine, on a Mac, with chrome.
  21. i was thinking along similar lines, how many pilots actually observe the turbulence penetration speeds when in bumpy air? a lot seam to confuse the Vra with the Vno speed. (yellow arc) and when loaded sometimes above MTOW as some bombers are when fully fuelled, the Turbulence penetration speed, Vra, comes down significantly. and in rough, windy weather with a huge amount of thermal activity from fires, its easy to see how a waterbomber can break up or severly reduce its fatigue life. Sadly it happened to a C130 Hercules crew in california a few years ago.
  22. yes, a 20 kt headwind, would take 20kts off your 108 kt ground speed, a tailwing would add 20kts, so your ground speeds would be 128kts or 88kts. even though the ASI will still read 100kts all the time.. also, if the wind is coming from you at a 90 deg angle, it will still have a headwind component, as the nose of the aircraft will point slightly into wind as you point it to maintain track across the ground.
  23. i have a pair of Vedalo HD carbone, i found them the most comfortable under my headset and weigh next to nothing, only negative i have is the yellows look more orange with the silver coloured lenses. but everything else is great. not sure if they do prescription lenses though
  24. Carby balance? carby checked for air leaks causing one rich one lean?
  25. a TAS at 5000ft ISA conditions, would be 108 kts.
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