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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. i have not asked about talbingo strip, but i have asked and received permission from snowy hydro to use the Khankoban strip. i asked about Island bend and told No, as the strip is not maintained or monitored.
  2. looks photoshoped, the image has a sharp line around the aircraft.
  3. once you go through the rigmarole of getting it to work, all the info is there, but not in a user friendly way. but i still support the product by buying the paper copies.
  4. i bought the country airstrip guide for all of Australia online, I am not impressed, feel ripped off. firstly you have to register and make payment, then get sent a link in an email, to download a specific app, then need to download the file itself. Basically its a big PDF document, that can only be read on the specific application, which is pre loaded with a few other documents that are meaningless to me.. the apps is just a pdf reader, and a very poor one at that. No indexing, no chapters, no page listing, nothing.... so you have to scroll through every page to find the info your after... in this day and age with apps, its a disappointment, so much potential. i have given up on using the digital version and only use the printed copy. so much easier.
  5. yep, there are a few SB's that have to be done to increase 912's TO to 2000 hrs.
  6. looks like we are going full circle, early days, jet airliners crashed due to design flaws, then weather and bad navigation, now those two problems have been reduced, it seams almost all airliner crashes are now caused by bad crew training..... cost saving i guess, everyone wants to fly for $10...
  7. if you want to record headset voices and radio transmissions, all you need is an adapter like this
  8. but for the decades before, it was perfectly ok to operate RPT... but now its different?
  9. A dam west of Sydney, that a Mr Flannery told us, "would Never be full again!" overflowing for the third time in the past 2 years...
  10. what we have above, soft, normmal sheep. here below, hardcore Aussie sheep in their paddock.
  11. Something with a different perspective
  12. some memories there, The Kurnell sand dunes are long gone, mined to well below sea level to build everything in sydney. all the old cars at Camden.
  13. what ever level gives the best tailwind, or least headwind, with respect to hemisperical levels. if winds are negligable, then i aim for 9500 east and 8500ft west, as this will give a higher TAS. still fly with the same throttle settings and rpm. IAS will be a bit lower, but with temp and pressure calc, you can get a TAS. in the Savannah. at 9500, on a hot day in summer, the TAS will be about 15kts faster. im not sure how it will be much different it will be with a Jabiru engine.
  14. Most of the reasons for using a T tails are aerodynamic. mainly drag reduction. Just like the wing, the horizontal, and vertical stabilisers create tip vortices, and drag, with a T tail, there is only 2 tips, not 3. the top horizontal stabiliser works like a winglet for the vertical stabiliser. having the horizontal part out of the prop wash also reduces parasite drag created by the additional airflow passing over it, The negatives are structural, a stronger vertical stabiliser is needed to transfer the control forces to the aircraft as well as rudder forces. more complex flight control cable/rod routing as well. The aerodynamic drawbacks come when the horizontal stabiliser is blanked by disturbed airflow from the wing at high AOA situations. this can be stopped by good design. The main reason for their use is drag reduction.. just look at almost every high performance glider..
  15. its a commendable effort, but as said, he is doing it at 170 kts, at flight levels, with autopilot and the latest GPS equipment. his longest leg just finished, 14 hrs from Hilo to LA. i think he is going for the record of youngest and fastest around the world. hope he gets it, at least he is putting GA back on the map in Oz.
  16. so, who approves a retirement village at the end of a runway? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-07-07/light-aircraft-narrowly-misses-crash-landing-near-casino/4804458?section=nsw
  17. the difference is not just in the aircraft handling, but in the rules for VH are far more complex than Raaus. the level of theory work for a PPL is higher, navigation for a start. PPL requires 3 hrs of instrument flying under the hood.
  18. sadly just not trees.
  19. with the gopro, go the Silver, the Black is awesome, but the extras are only really worth the extra if your a pro, we use the Gorpos in instructing with great success, great for debriefing, each flight is recorded with 4 cameras,1 with audio.
  20. i wonder if this might be part of a root cause for the failures? http://www.advancedpilot.com/articles.php?action=article&articleid=1838
  21. get the engine off the top, and put 2 on the front like Jab have with their new prototype!
  22. isnt CASA the only aircraft operator in Australia to have crashed ALL their aircraft at some stage?
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