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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. casa cant act unless there is data... something that doesnt come out of jabiru in regards to engine issues. the only way that will happen jabiru operators submit reports to casa on the issues they are having.. something else that many dont do.. but of you do report everything, you seam to attract unwanted attention.. its not just Raaus operators, but GA and airlines as well.
  2. 2 stroke powered?
  3. 2 things i find worrying, 1st, is this is the cause of almost all the negativity about their engines. what are they doing to prevent thurther issues? are they doing anything? do they just throw it all, sweep it under the rug, and get another engine out to you, with no research into probable causes? how many SB's (service bulletins)are issued by Jabiru? being a Rotax engine owner, i regularly get SB's from Rotax to prevent issues, and to rectify faults, improvements etc.. do jabiru do this with the research they have done on their engines? 2ndly, SARTIME? was anyone holding a flight note with destination and ETA? how long before anyone went looking for them if the forced landing didnt go to plan? or both became incapacitated in some way? and waiting the night before alerting someone? hmmm
  4. nice....
  5. carbon tax obviously
  6. thats what i was thinking, apparently ATSB didnt investigate the aircraft, so how can they rule out that it wasnt an aircraft issue, i have heard rumours around that the aircraft was susceptible to FOD issues with the exposed control lines under the cockpit. or even if the passenger was the cause.. i have personally seen one accident that almost destroyed an aircraft when a pax grabbed the stick in freight and didnt let go until impact.
  7. there is a difference between running through an emergency checklist, and actually doing whats on the checklist. rather than just saying, check switches/fuel/oil etc, actually perform a check on those items. check, touch, the switches to confirm position, visually check the fuel gauges and read out the contents level. read out oil pressure etc etc.
  8. Standard practice in the airline game.
  9. in winter, the water can freeze out as well.
  10. "left the aircraft intact" really, both wings destroyed, rear fuselage severely damaged... and by prop damage, the engine was still making power.. interested to know why he went the chute option.
  11. very poor airmanship. even if the pilot diverted, they should still know everything they need to know about the airfield. thats why you have to carry a valid ERSA! in the planning stages, diversion options must be considered.
  12. from what i have read so far, both engine cowl latches were not closed at all, and missed during walk around, if one was even done.
  13. A5 flight plan page, and learn the art of cockpit origami! to keep map to same size. or, draw a quick mud map of the plan and keep the map in a door pocket or somewhere and put all nav info on mud map. something like this, but also make on where to see highways, towns etc.
  14. love the card table getting pulled out occasionally
  15. very sad, i will miss the good food and interesting conversations had there over a nice huge chicken sandwich!
  16. i would look seriously look at Vans, RV's there are plenty flying, 1000's! and built by people from all walks of life, that to me says a lot about the ease of building a vans.. you can start with a rudder and stabiliser kit only, and buy the next kit as you go. or buy a complete kit, or quick build. or wings kit, fuselage kit. etc. plenty of unstarted kits around o the US second hand markets. The Savannah is another with a large completed fleet. i am not sure you can buy separate kits for the Savvy though. another i like is the Sonex, again, nice looking aircraft, plenty of model options, and i have seen quite a few around, again, suggesting ease of build and support available. i am a little biased, the next edition to the hangar will be an RV7A to keep the Savannah company.
  17. walk over to the microwave and go along with it, whe they tell you to d something, just add a few seconds, wait for the ding, and say, wow, it worked, my food is actually hot! awesome! thank them, then hang up.
  18. Ultralights

    Latest Jab chat

    The engine pods do not look very slippery, lots of drag, they look quite deep, identical to the single engine front end, and cut off sharply at the rear. looks quite draggy.. i think the aircraft they looked at for inspiration is the Dornier DO28.
  19. the beaver arrived at Bankstown last weekend, the caravan returns to bankstown every evening
  20. forgot a bushing somewhere under an engine mount?
  21. works fine on my 5 year old apple system. Awesome video by the way, one of the best i have ever seen on the internet!
  22. another cash making scam, Defence force member IDs are no longer acceptable within a security controlled airport.... so now all Defence force members now have to pay for an asic. funny, a blackhawk full of SAS soldiers, cant land at a civillian security controlled airfield unless they have an ASIC holder on board.... im sure the $$ have nothing to do with it..
  23. only way to get real good enjoying a crosswind, is to not be afraid of the windsock, and get out there on crosswind days.! now you know that 14 kts is nothing to be scared of, get out there and get confident in them
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