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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. nope, that pretty much how that hangar looks today.. and has for some time..
  2. dont need to see the windsock if there are already aircraft in the circuit, or you listen into the AWIS..
  3. dont forget Operation Red Flag. an IMAX film, the fighter pilot competion held in the US every year.
  4. dont forget, its "traffic" first and last. eg, Traffic Wollongong Savannah XXXX turning downwind runway 16 wollongong traffic. aparently according to CASA, its so that if you clip the call, you still get the location out.
  5. a NSW location, close to Sydney.
  6. 4 little words i have seen on any discussion about weather closing in.........."Precautionary search and landing"
  7. Bankstowns not that bad, there is very little of the GA industry left, so no more taxi delays at YSBk anymore...
  8. just like a Jabiru, not coming up with the goods when its wanted most.....
  9. at some airport, such as YWOL, you can be outside of the airstrip gable markers, but still not past the taxi holding points..
  10. nothing comes close to the Gopro for picture quality... just look at how many are used to make documentaries... broadcast quality image.
  11. too many of those bloody plovers anyway....
  12. Actually you can do circuits on 26, only 08 its not permitted.
  13. this is the usual circuit for YWOL. for BOTH runway directions... runway 16-34. the circuit for 08-26 is to the north for both directions. but 08-26 is rarely used unless dictated by crosswind limits, noisy neighbours and all. basically try to avoid overflying the houses to the south and north.. crosswind/base legs.
  14. i have noticed the same, and a yellowish exhaust staining on the bottom of the aircraft from lots of ULP use, i reckon its the yellow dye used in the premium unleaded... dont get it with the Avgas, just the nice old light grey tinting in the exhaust.
  15. just use avgas till you get back home.
  16. thats a nice shot that!
  17. It's not illegal for RAAus aircraft to conduct a straight in approach, but as Nunans said, aircraft on a straight in must give way to aircraft already in the circuit. Keep the straight in for quiet days, and make your calls!
  18. little less zoom next time... i mean, none.. actually, looks like the same airside scenery in my avatar pic!
  19. i wouldnt say sh1t happens, when you see the video from another angle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spNF69Lf7Sg
  20. i think that turn would have been more than 6G..
  21. Sadly i cannot make it with the Savvy. unfortunately have to move house and all the drama that goes along with that.
  22. just remember, not many, if any countries have a Justice system..... as a barrister once told me in Oz, we have a "Legal" system, designed by the Legal system, for the legal system... no one else. we do not have a Justice system, never have. (just think about who is the actual winner in almost every court case? and why they advise appeal appeal appeal.)
  23. i have 3 go-pros now, and learnt to edit watching youtube tutorials. and to stop the fogging, if the weather is fine, use the open back cage, if not, then if you have air con in your car, just direct some of the air conditioned air into the camera housing before you close it up. if not, then the small silica gel that comes with electronic toys works well.
  24. I have heard a rumour, and its only a rumour, that YKAT has been closed permanently.
  25. depends on the aircraft, Gazelle, Savannah, Thruster, just land across the stip...
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