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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. yeah, it was an R44, quite a nice one, we taxied out past them before they departed, when we arrived at YWOL 15 mins later, we were told it had crashed with the loss of the crew. quite a shocking and nauseating feeling really. also sadly, it came down right in front of the clubhouse witnessed by the usually crowd there as well as a few younger children.. at the moment Andy, (motz) and Liz are quite shaken up and needing our support.
  2. i thought it was only RAAus pilots who did such things!
  3. i was there last week, there is the Reef HQ aquarium, turtle hospital tour, and a museum all in the same area.
  4. isn't checking the throttle part of the emergency checklist? FMOST anyone?
  5. ahh yes, the unisex lavatory Sea King style.
  6. far too many trees around here for that to work! ill never get to the aircraft!
  7. depends on the aircraft, in the Savvy, find a nice dirt road, land, find tree, relieve oneself, takeoff continue journey...
  8. No, not lost, it was posted somewhere else, and I'm usually pretty good with knowing where places are, but that one stumped me. I haven't spent much time above the western slopes of the snowies below tumut.
  9. By the simple fact there are plenty around is testament to their ease of build. Hopefully someone nearby might be building one, and you might be able to go and have a look at one in the process of being built.
  10. does anyone know what this town is, and where? thanks
  11. if on a limited budget, i would seriously look at a early Jabiru LSA. they perform well, 100Kts cruise! fun to fly, no corrosion issues, and cheap to maintain as nothing to seriously go wrong, except engine issues. basic bullet-proof little fun aircraft. . and all around the 30 to 40K mark.
  12. sweet, now you can come and visit us at wollongong or jaspers!
  13. i think this might have something to do with Coriolis forces and surface friction.
  14. so, nothing really new here, air over the top is accelerated, looses pressure, only change from the conventional taught theory is it doesn't reach the trailing edge at the same time, but in fact earlier than air flowing under the wing. or is it the air flowing under is slowed more than initially believed?
  15. North West NSW to me covers the area from say Lightning ridge to Broken Hill. North east, well, Moree to the top corner tweed area. either area is ok, its about 5 hrs in the Savvy from Wollongong to Lightning ridge, 6 to Bourke. all non stop if you have a big enough bladder.
  16. Thats part of the reason i have started the same degree, in the second year now, though fortunately i have trades in aircraft maintenance discliplins as well as CPL. i am also fortunate in they my employer has encouraged me to complete the degree, so i may be more deployable in different areas of the company.
  17. funny, the only time he is looking outside the cockpit window to see whats going on outside is when he's on the ground.
  18. if the weather gods approve, then yep, ill definitely be interested. whats the proposed location?
  19. There only appears to be more RAAus incidents recently, as it's only the "ultralight" aircraft incidents being reported. Did you know a GA Airvan crashed at bankstown this week?
  20. They look like this, actually called float sticks.
  21. Some here make it sound like VHS regoes never run out of fuel... I dont think I have ever flown a Cessna or piper with a truly accurate fuel gauge. Even with my ppl and cpl training, emphasis was cockpit gauges are a rough guide, the dipstick is the trues reading. Even 747's have dip sticks in each tank! It's not an RAAus problem, or a culture problem. It's an aviation problem, for every jabiru turned into a glider by tanks full of air syndrome, there is a commercial airliner that's done the same, and everything in between. It was only recently I witnessed a Cherokee run out of fuel in the circuit at bankstown. It never made the news. Now there could be the real problem.
  22. So how much do you pay when you purchase your ticket 6 months ahead?
  23. What about 2600LW washers?
  24. haahah, no, i blame the auto correct on the ipad, in the first shot, the low thin cloud on the mountain top on the horizon was rapidly engulfed by the storm front cloud in the second shot as i watched it. while turning around back to Wollongong. the cloud came over it like a big breaking wave, full of lightning flashes behind it.
  25. Just an Iphone image or 2, When to turn around. about now. note mountain top engulfed in thick lightning filled with the 3 mins between photos.
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