herein lies part of the problem, the fear of seeking help, and ruining your career in the process. this has to change, the body count is already high enough, the Germanwing pilot, taking 130 people with him, failed to seek help out of fear for his career, the signs were there, but ignored, to save a career, but ultimately cost well over 100 lives. our regulatory environment is responsible for that, depression and suicidal thoughts are NOT an incurable disease. but we seam, as a society, to treat it as such, ending careers of those who do find the courage to seek help.
I know of a few airline pilots, many 1000's of hours in a B747, being diagnosed with the likes of diabetes, boom, career ended. that person has since moved on to become an expert in aviation medicine. another great example is the CASA crusade against colour blindness. 30,000 safe flying hours, suddenly, unsafe! based on what safety case? another career destroyed.
Maybe the solution is, if someone shows to their doctor with depression, anxiety, or other symptoms, and seeks help, how about supporting that pilot, as best we can to help them get through, in the mean time, keep them flying, but as a second officer, until they are recovered? then they will have a far less of a chance of becoming suicidal having to deal with a career ending at the worst possible time for that person.
As mentioned, some might see suicide as a way to get back at someone, usually the heartbroken choose this path, but sadly, most suicides see it as the opposite, those people, see it as a way for them to no longer be a burden on their families and loved ones. they are suffering, see the effects on their family and friends. and decide that suicide is the only solution to end the suffering they feel they are putting their loved ones through.
unfortunately, its a societal norm to stigmatise suicide and mental illness, it will require time, regulatory change, and the media to stop calling it a mental illness in a bad light, and report it as a treatable medical condition that you CAN get support for,
i also think, in a bigger picture view, the current nanny state bubble wrapped society we live in also induces an increase in suicides. you simply cant have good old fashioned fun anymore without fear of offending someone, or someone being sued. where are all the fun park in Sydney? the NSW government has decided that no one should be out late anymore... you cant even fly a kite somewhere without breaking CASA regulations, in most people, just thinking of those regulations and rules and restrictions on everyday mundane stuff will cause most to feel a little upset and depressed.. i know it does me.