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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. if you have a lift strut braced wing, then the wing root is under some considerable compression loading. even more so when you extend the lift struts, as it will provide more leverage. so is the upper cockpit area designed for such loadings? and the gust load peaks during turbulence?
  2. If he broke the law, he should be prepared to face any penalty the authorities see fit. That's all there is to it. End of discussion. It's nothing more than that, people break the law all the time, it's not a regulator issue, or RAAus issue, or training issue, everyone has an adrenaline system, everyone has some level of ego, and as long as theses are a part of human physiology, people will do stupid thing. It can't be legislated against. Take an example in Melbourne a while ago, road speed limit is 100kpm, some idiot kills himself at 200kph on that road, so the response is to lower the speed limit to 80kmph. So next time so idiot drives like that he will only do it at 180kph.. My point is, no amount of laws, or tarring an organization with some brush. Discussions, retraining etc etc etc etc will prevent such things occurring. All we can do is minimize risk, but the urge still remains, me included, only instead of driving stupidly fast Or flying low, (though I will do it on private land in an sweet mx5) I choose to get my fix tearing down snow covered mountains which as others have discovered, can also be fatal.
  3. Why the big storm? Low flying. Nothing new. Unlicensed? Half of India's airline pilots have been found to be unlicensed It's not an RAAus issue, it's a human issue. just give him a fine, suspend his licence, and get on with our lives. To put it in perspective, just look at the body count resulting from boat owners who have caused collisions while drunk in overloaded boats in Sydney harbor alone. I've lost count of the number of GA registered aircraft I have seen flying stupidly low in my time, many in the training area over the dam west of Sydney while out logging solo time!
  4. I wouldn't say that, more accurately "risk assessors" that have a slightly higher level of risk tolerance than most. Then again, I have friends who love to ride motorcycles real fast, but won't fly in light aircraft.
  5. Paint them yourself, or order stickers through clear prop shop. Or other parts suppliers. Don't forget clear prop shop is an agent for Wicks aircraft supply, or aircraft spruce
  6. almost identical situation to the dash 8 that went in in the USA, that has now resulted in all airline crews requiring ATPL licence, and minimum 1500 hrs! the crew failed to recognise the stall, and held th aircraft in the stall all the way to the ground.. very sad. something that really annoys me when i get told when applying for airline flying jobs "sorry, you have too much experience for us"
  7. 100Hp in a 280kg empty aircraft will easily drag the wheels across the tarmac while the brakes are still locked.
  8. im obviously flying from the wrong airport!
  9. i have the usual, NAIPS, IE6B Ozrunways, Dial-a-wiz sunrise clock but a few new ones now, Avplan TafGraf
  10. i think that was the least of the problems Tomo! untrained, low hrs, at night, and in IMC most likely, it was almost guraenteed to happen.
  11. Dont forget, the Rotax 912 is about 40% oil cooled already! oil in the tank looses heat rapidly as well as the oil cooler itself, our savvy has the cooler about 1/3 covered in summer, and about 2/3 rds covered to maintain oil temp at around 95DegC. the other coolant is Evans waterless coolant, though a similar product, well, its identical, glycol propylene or whatever it is, made for racing motorcycle engines, its far cheaper than evans.
  12. where is this airstrip? and can i visit?
  13. Using a Cannon 450D, a few lenses, and polarising filter Off Cronulla beach, from 500ft Mt Kosciuszko Perisher Valley, and Ski resort Mt Kosciuszko from the north
  14. it the problem with the aircraft radio, or the transmission from LIVE atc? are you using a frequency scanner? or is it received via internet?
  15. thats sad news, Brian was my initial and PPL instructor, top bloke, and a fantastic instructor..
  16. a prop spinning at idle speed will produce less thrust than the glide speed, so actually creates drag.
  17. Only the G models were buried, as they were the oned bought from the US Military, and part of the contracts for sale stated they must be destroyed upon retirement. something to do with sale of arms act or something.. basically stating, you buy these from us, and you alone, no one else shall ever have them.. so when we are finished with them, they get destroyed.
  18. yep, the C17 has been the wisest choice of aircraft the bureaucrats in canberra have made! we use them constantly to move the military helicopter fleet all over the country, and not to mention keeping supply lines open to Afghanistan. even the F18 Hornets have been transported in them. not to mention the work they did last Feb in QLD during the flood disaster. just dont mention the sea sprite, or now the MRH90 debacle unfolding as we speak.
  19. i dont understand how this happened, the pilot was wearing a Hi-Viz vest! everyone knows that a Hi viz vest is the answer to prevent all workplace accidents!!
  20. i wouldnt say its $300M wasted, when they are put to good use serving australia, whats a waste is giving $100M worth of refurbished Hercs to Indonesia just to say sorry to them for some strange reason, you would almost thing we need permission off our regional neighbours to do anything in our own country now..
  21. i think the normal Gopro, still HD resolution, is about 199US, and the HD2 is 299USD, im thinking of adding a HD2 simply for the 120 frames/min film rate. and the 1 second time lapse, and greater wide angle lense
  22. you want minimum 1 thread and max 4 thread showing after the nut is fitted. you can use max 2 washers of any thickness on any one side of the fastener. (general aircraft structural engineering principles)
  23. Yes, Camden haven is a brilliant spot, privately owned but hangarage is available if it's not all taken. Bob and nelly I think are the owners. Also they have cabins to rent and allow underwing camping. The sealed strip 2 miles south is also private owned by someone who is not a fan of visitors.
  24. yay for "viral" advertising that doesnt quite go viral.
  25. maintaining heading after take off doesn't mean you wont drift off the runway.actually make it more difficult, as keeping a runway heading after take off will mean you are not correcting for slipstream and torque effects. sure, you will be on the same heading, but rapidly drifting away from centreline. not a good thing in area with parallel runways. the only way to ensure you are TRACKING the runway heading is to maintain it visually until it becomes second nature and you automatically correct,
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