If he broke the law, he should be prepared to face any penalty the authorities see fit. That's all there is to it. End of discussion.
It's nothing more than that, people break the law all the time, it's not a regulator issue, or RAAus issue, or training issue, everyone has an adrenaline system, everyone has some level of ego, and as long as theses are a part of human physiology, people will do stupid thing. It can't be legislated against.
Take an example in Melbourne a while ago, road speed limit is 100kpm, some idiot kills himself at 200kph on that road, so the response is to lower the speed limit to 80kmph. So next time so idiot drives like that he will only do it at 180kph..
My point is, no amount of laws, or tarring an organization with some brush. Discussions, retraining etc etc etc etc will prevent such things occurring.
All we can do is minimize risk, but the urge still remains, me included, only instead of driving stupidly fast Or flying low, (though I will do it on private land in an sweet mx5) I choose to get my fix tearing down snow covered mountains which as others have discovered, can also be fatal.