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Everything posted by Ultralights

  1. i think those drain holes are to allow water to drain out if any leaks through the skins, or the cutout for the fuel cap when in rain, also, as a drain if you have a fuel leak to stop it draining into the cabin.
  2. i have a 3 tank setup, left and right inboard tanks are setup via taps, on and off only for left, and the right side, is switchable between right inboard and right outboard, ( or reserve as i call it), and off. the engine return feeds the right inboard main tank. when i fly with 3 full tanks, i take off on right main only (with the engine return otherwise it will overflow) , and fly for about an hour, this drains about 18 ltrs from it, then ill turn that off, Then i run on the right outboard reserve tank until its dry, as in, when the light comes on in the header. (the reserve tank has no level gauge) the inboard right tank is almost full again as well. i have noticed that when i open the right main tank, after the light in the header tank goes on, it takes a while to go out, sometimes quite a while, but thats usually fixed when i open the left tank as well, and fuel can then crossfeed between left and right inboard tanks to even out their levels. if i get a bit worried, or annoyed about the header tank light still being on sometime after the tank change, i will fly unbalanced for a min or 2, this fixes it pretty much every time.
  3. mine has rubber fuel lines throughout, the only aluminium lines are under the floor from the header tank to the firewall water separating fuel filter. I just recently replaced ALL of the rubber fuel lines, (they were 5 years old) I made sure all the rubber fuel lines are rated for fuel use only and according to the hose people, the lines are fume proof, and since installing, have never had any fumes in the aircraft. also, i do have a return fuel line setup.
  4. yes, but a STOL aircraft gives you more options. and a few more hours in the logbook.
  5. what ever happened to TAS = IAS + (IAS/60 x Ht (in thousands of feet))
  6. pretty much identical numbers to what i get, cruise at 5100 rpm is 87 indicated.
  7. Oil filter cutters are not cheap, yet you can get a large diameter tube cutter for a lot less, basically the same design.
  8. is it possible some holes are tooling holes? as in holes made to locate the part into a cutting, folding or forming jig? when the part was made?
  9. one word when it comes to any turn, any bank angle, and AOA..... BALANCE. keep the aircraft balanced, and you can turn at 60 Deg AOB at 15 deg AOA. if you stall, a recovery will require nothing but a small reduction in back stick, just enough to get the wing back to 15 Deg AOA or less (depending on wing stalling AOA) if the aircraft is unbalanced, then you will have problems.. big ones.
  10. i just wish there was a more accurate way of judging maneuvers, other than looking at it from the ground, you would think a GPS track in 3D would show exactly how well the maneuvers were performed.
  11. there is a list of seruial numbers the bullitin is applicable to, fortunately my engine is not on that list..
  12. the 912 induction airbox? with the temp sender probe, and carby heat inlet? then yes.
  13. how about warning pilots of the risks of high AOB turns onto final at 1 Kt above stall speed as well.
  14. flown my Savannah from Broken hill - narromine- sydney, get to 9500, take advantage of the increased TAS. took 5 .5 hrs from Broken hill to Narromine with a 10 Kt headwind all the way.
  15. sideslip...................
  16. i thought to word boomerang, was to describe something returning.. i know the word was originally an aboriginal word, but in Australian modern culture, its still a word to describe something coming back. are we to stop using words that are french, german, Italian etc to not fall foul of cultural misappropriation?
  17. apparently the use of the word Boomerang in the add has been deemed racist! seriously, WTF? the whinging in this country makes me hate the place sometimes..
  18. stating something is a fact must be able to be backed up with references. are there any TSB reports concluding the cause of the accident, (or coroners reports in the case of a death) stating those things listed were the direct cause? i dont remember seeing a check valve in the cherokee
  19. and just how many accidents, and lives lost are a direct result of not complying with the items you mentioned above (and FYI, my savannah complies) then again, factual data means nothing to CASA and its decision making process.
  20. 12.7 L/ hour, thats good, i plan for 18, but i do cruise at 5100 rpm
  21. ahh yes, Flightchops, a very good youtuber documenting his aviation career, well worth following.
  22. i wonder how they will go recovering the aircraft this time?
  23. nice nosewheels!
  24. yes, there is always a wrong way, but there is almost always more than one way to do things, eg, crosswind landing... different aircraft have differing performance envelopes, some things tries in one aircraft wont work in another...
  25. i use whatever technique in whatever it is i wish to do, that will do the job. there is no right or wrong way to do anything, just different ways.
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