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Everything posted by BecM

  1. Ok I was trying to not wade into this one. As the initial pilot in my family (and gasp gasp female) I love flying but aknowledge that female pilots are few, therefore comparisons between male and female pilots are difficult to make. (there are imbalances it seems in numerous areas as Qwerty pointed out) I would therefore, like to know on what research hostonbarry you have formed your view that QUOTE: "Male pilots are known for the Safe Flying so they should be given the highest priority, while the females are the good instructors." ? It appears like the age old who are better drivers? I am all for the encouragement of ALL pilots male and female, there are the good and the bad in all I do not think that we can make generalisations. Fly safe Male or Female Bec
  2. Ohh yeah if there is some extra large ones can we get some really small ones as well?? Like bub size :big_grin: Bec
  3. Bumper Stickers and Hats Darky (My 2 cents worth.. or should that be 5 cents now?) Well personally I like the funny politically incorrect stickers as it gets people thinking and asking questions if nothing else. "nice ones are forgotten" As Stan used to say "Nice guys come last".. well the same is true in advertising the ones that are a little risky are the ones remembered. I'll be in for some of the funny ones as my students would get a kick out of it I am sure. As for hats, when colour etc is decided I am sure Stan and I would be ordering a couple as well. Fly safe Bec
  4. Was sorry to read about the exam Brett, I am considering doing GA but the exams seem killer. Good luck for the 29th and blitz it Bec
  5. Congrats Bec
  6. Welcome Ryan, Go for the rec lisence its great fun and opens up the world of flying. I got mine (finally) last year after waiting a few years and its awesome!! The forum is good to when you are not sure, have a question or just want to know something. Keep us up to date with your training and have fun :thumb_up: Fly Safe Bec
  7. Congratulations!! :bounce:CONGRATULATIONS Thanks for the letters Gomer interesting, informative and a great read. Fly safe Bec
  8. Greetings Hi Ray, I believe your lovely wife took me for a fly in the Eurofox. :big_grin: Bec M
  9. Welcome Jack, Congrats on finally realising your dream :) I realised the dream this year and also managed to convince my Husband to learn to fly as well. Enjoy the addiction :thumb_up: Fly Safe Bec
  10. BecM


    Rory, Tomo is a young'un he started his training at about the same time as I did but seemed to beat me each step of the way :) Must be youth I'd say ;) Fly safe Bec
  11. BecM


    Hey Tomo... you're a young'un?? at 18 you're as old as the hills Welcome Rory, Enjoy the addiction and keep us up to date with your flying Fly safe Bec
  12. I always re-do the checks. Its the way that my instructor taught me and since I think the man could land a plane on a dime I trust him. For me its piece of mind that I haven't forgotten anything. Just my two bobs worth (I actually have never had a two bobs worth or a dime but hey it sounds good) Fly safe Bec
  13. Landings, the non-optional part of flying. I had trouble mainly because of the weather, crosswinds, thermals, rain, etc etc. BUT now I feel well equiped. I agree with Tomo I use the arm on the armrest to guide myself, I look down the run way to get a sense of hight. But all in all it just came together. You just have to relax. (Easier said than done) Oh yeah by the way, you'll nail your landings until solo, about the second or third one you seem to completely forget how to do it again :) Fly safe Bec
  14. Sounds like a plan to me Could be fun at Natfly.. the RAA formation flying squadron.... Bec
  15. Byron, I feel like an 18 year old, but my missus wont let me have one :hittinghead::kboom:: offtopic: Scary enough you sound like my husband.... Bec
  16. Actually... very very good. I am due to have our first bub in March :) I think flying is already in her blood:big_grin: She was with me for my exam etc Its all good. But I'll be back up as soon as the Dr gives me the go ahead...... Fly Safe Bec
  17. Sounds like heaps of fun... I think I'm a bit far away though... That and I won't be back in the air until April at least.. Let me know if its as good as it sounds Tomo:big_grin: Fly safe Bec
  18. Welcome Welcome Kialla, Be prepared to become addicted :big_grin: Have fun and keep us all informed of how you are doing. I used to live in Shepparton almost ten years ago... sheesh I am getting old Fly safe Bec
  19. I want one All I can say is it looks great and I think I may convert from the idea of a Jab... WOW Fly safe Bec
  20. Solo I remember my first solo, I got a handshake a hug and a kiss on the cheek from my instructor (may have something to do with me being a girl??) Also got a certificate on our club night which was nice. No cutting of shirts or buckets of water or soft drink though. Bec
  21. Weather We went from a nice rain fall (looked like the drought may have been breaking) to a week of 40 degrees and no respite in sight. So all that nice rain, has basically dried up. And its a bit to hot to fly nicely :( Stay well and fly safe Bec
  22. Welcome Welcome to the addiction Russell. Enjoy it :) Fly Safe Bec
  23. J120 Personally, I love the J120. Being vertically challanged may have something to do with that. However, as far as ease, value for money and just damn good looking. It'll be my choice when I get the funds to purchase one myself Fly safe Bec
  24. Welcome Hi Stan and Welcome. Have fun and fly safe Bec
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