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Everything posted by BecM

  1. HEY CONGRATS :thumb_up: WELL DONE:clap:
  2. Ahh my dream plane.. My God it's gorgeous!! I will convert to GA to have a chance to fly this plane!!
  3. Well that makes me feel a little better. Nothing anyone could have forseen as we had checked the tyres before I got in with the pre-flight checks. I did ask if that counted towards my license and did I get brownie points...:big_grin: Have a great week all Bec
  4. Thought I'd post this one as I have not had the best of weekends. Saturday saw my landings all over the place and my dreams of getting my Cert quickly vanishing. Did some solo time but brought myself down as I was tired and just not 110% So today jump in (Solo again) feeling GREAT... Fantastic circuits, textbook landings and having fun. Then coming in... perfect, nice line up, back off the power, flare, and ahhhhh beautiful...WHAT THA??? Ok so its scary and the plane veers nasty but I kept her on the run way and upright with no damage apart from a wreaked tyre. Anyone else lived through this one?? Hopefully next weekend goes better than this one Fly safe Bec
  5. ;) Well there are 7 learning at the moment at just our flying school in Horsham. But you are correct. Stan is my other half. I started flying and then the bug got caught. Yes it is great to talk about what is being learnt and what has happened all week :big_grin: Hopefully I'll get the remaining hours up for my cert this weekend...Weather allowing. Stay well and fly safe Bec
  6. Welcome Stanzahero, I believe I have seen you screaming around in the lil Jab.. Hope to hit the sky soon. Have fun Bec
  7. Well Done. It's a great feeling to have them out of the way isn't it??
  8. Ahh Brilliant.. I am looking at weather stuff and funny looking maps at the moment .. Hmm flyin in.. Sounds AWESOME :thumb_up: Count me in:clap:
  9. I hope to get my Cert in another couple of weeks. Bad weather has meant little solo time but hey still loving it. Maybe we should all do a fly in when we all get the x-country endorsement :D Went up today and it was crazy... but still fun :)
  10. Jodie, I do dream of instructing one day and would love to be as good as my instructor. He is so calm and clear. Can not wait to do my cross country so I can start flying around further.. not that the 25 nautical is bad but...... Well best get ready.. going across again today YAY... Have a good one Bec
  11. Hey Jodie, I work full time as I am the Assistant Principal at the local High School. This means 7am starts and normally not home till late as well. I travel over an hour to my flight school. I work hard and study hard. Always wanted to fly and this is my dream so I am going to get there no matter what :) Tomo, Yeah done stalls before and in the little 120 they are a "non event" but still not something I enjoy. I hear the stall warning and react. Can't wait to start the cross country so I can fly back home and to the airfield... seems backwards doesn't it?:confused:
  12. Nope not that bad.. common sense plays a part although not the case in all. Yeah was quick, I can retain information when I need to. Forced landings today and more crosswind landings... I want more solo time but not when it was a gusty as today.. Loving it.. was soo peaceful being up at 4000 just cruising before stalls etc were thrust upon me by my wonderful instructor.
  13. Well it's done and passed. What a STUPID exam... Hope yours goes well Tommo :)
  14. Tricky... I have started reading and I am confused... nutrition... Are they joking?? Hmm what comes after this??
  15. Let me know how it goes.. If I had more time to study I'd give the HF a go on the weekend but I don't think I'll be up to it. Haven't even read the book yet :) Well done on passing your BAK Tommo :thumb_up:
  16. Thanks all. I am glad it is all over the BAK that is.. Physics and me don't mix Tommo, Yeah I am a teacher but it doesn't mean that I like exams... I t is a good feeling to get it out of the road but now... Human Factors. Just when it seems close there is another exam to go... Ahh well.. Any tips?? Bec
  17. Ok so I hate exams and this one was no exception. More solo time, more touch and goes... But I passed and that was the main thing.. I am planning on two days flying next weekend as there is no AFL umpiring for me to do ... YAY can't wait!! Have a great week....
  18. So now my instructor is back I wanted to get back up as soon as possible. Well you can imagine I was all over the place. Went up for .7 of an hour and came down to clear my head. Just couldn't seem to get the landings back together. Went up again after a couple of others and JOY nailed the landings again. So out got the instructor and away I went... Now looking foward to it next weekend... Bec
  19. Congratulations and well Done. Its an awesome feeling and don't stop smiling for at least a week!! Bec
  20. Well Done, Such a great feeling and one that only those of us with the flying addiction can relate to :thumb_up:
  21. Withdrawl Symptoms Well now its withdrawls,,, my instructor went over to NZ for the past few weeks. I know I have it bad, been reading everything and anything on flying and awaiting a call to say he is back.....
  22. Yes I am telling everyone although they don't seem as thrilled as I am.... :confused: Bec
  23. Dwarf Hey I know I am vertically challanged!! (Have to use the blocks on the pedals) but a dwarf, sneezy (well I do have a cold):big_grin:
  24. I can't stop smiling and being at work where I am meant to be grumpy doesn't help :big_grin: I have been reading articles on planes and dreaming of the next flight. How am I meant to concentrate on educating children and running a school?? Bec
  25. Thanks Thanks heaps for all the congratulations. I loved every minute and can't wait to get back up there. Have an awesome day Bec
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