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Everything posted by BecM

  1. OK well I can't get the grin off my face Last Sat my instructor stated that it was my turn. Being ill and tired I didn't take the opportunity but this afternoon was the afternoon. Despite the Ambulances being there (very off putting) it was great. Now I have to wait. Two weeks till I can fly again as the instructor heads overseas!! Still stoked and high on adrenaline Bec
  2. I agree with the go slow approach. I trust that my instructor will know when I am ready. I feel much more relaxed with him there (despite his habit of turning off fuel pumps and putting the brakes on to check that I am doing my checks properly before landing) Its exciting each week to see how much I have remembered and how much more there is to learn. The age old the more I learn the more I realise how much I do not know. Bec
  3. Soo not ready to go alone just yet. Just the thought ties my stomach in knots i_dunno But I suppose it will have to happen one day :)
  4. I have just done 12 hours. I am a slow progressor as I like to have everything perfect and practice till it is. Prefer to have it right than have it fast. I know there will be the good and the bad, but let the good keep coming :) Thanks for the well wishes. I love flying Bec
  5. Yesterday was awesome, Finally managed to nail the landings on my own! Was such a good feeling as it was the one thing that I just couldn't seem to get together. But my patient instructor kept things calm and yesterday it just seemed to happen. Also passed the radio exam what a day :) Now to keep practicing (funds permitting) Have a great day Bec
  6. BecM


    Welcome and congrats on making the decision to fly. I am just learning as well and must admit I love it. Have fun :)
  7. The weeks seem to drag but I got in some air time on Tuesday night. It makes for a late one though and then I am zapped for the week. Might shout myself a valentines and go out on Sunday all things being ok. Did touch and go on Tuesday and it all seemed to go well. Just wish I wasn't so eager sometime. I have such a patient instructor. If all RAA instructors are like it I am surprised that there are not more people flying :) Stay safe Bec
  8. Tommo, Its great fun, although I am not landing on my own...yet :) I love the little Jabaru myself. It is very forgiving and despite my mess ups hasn't scared me yet :big_grin: I must learn how to do a few things at once as power down, look, turn, radio call, etc etc gets my head spinning a little. Just wish I could work less and fly more Stay well Bec
  9. Touch and Go Well now I am taking off (kinda) and learning to bring the plane down. I am completely loving this
  10. Congrats Thats awesome. Can't wait to achieve that one day myself :)
  11. Ahh the serenity LOL.. yes well.. I still got serenity. Did fly above the thermals for awhile until my instructor realised that I loved it and didn't want to come down. Night flying.. now that would be nice:big_grin:
  12. Thermals OMG Thanks for all the advice and I'll check out that section. Now why didn't anyone warn me about Thermals? I had an awesome time today... 1st lesson. I have a great instructor who laughs as I freak out being thrown around like a leaf in the wind :) But it was a great learning experience and I did get some "smooth" flying. (Now when can I get another lesson ) Bec
  13. The Jab 120 Dave Thats the one in the glider hanger. I am still waiting for my student license and hoped that it would be here by now so that I can really get into it before back at work 110%. Ohh well must learn to be patient :) I use to live in Finley which is about 100km's from Shepparton so used to know it well. I can't believe how much it has changed. Stay well Bec
  14. Cool!!! Ok well thats the one for me!!
  15. Thanks for that Brett I'll jump online and check them out. have downloaded some of the stuff from the RAA site (Groundschool - Theory of Flight) But there are alot of pages and I think my printer will crack it before I get them all printed out :)
  16. Hi Clint.. A Jabiru J120. About to call the instructor and try and book some lessons in before I "offically" return to work Although I have been in this place everyday thus far. Please don't anyone tell me that Teachers get good holidays or I'll scream!! Now looking at the Theory stuff and wondering what to get that will be helpful. Have a great day
  17. Thats such great news as I really can not wait to start properly. The trial was great and everything but I want to be up there. Must learn to be patient :big_grin:
  18. Really? I'll call tomorrow Thanks
  19. Good Afternoon all, Well i just did my Trial and I am hooked. Loved it ahh the serenity :) Now just have to await my student licence to appear and I am off. Just wish I could make it arrive sooner. Have fun Bec
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