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Everything posted by biggles5128

  1. You'd be 500 feet below the ground where I come from, probably exploring for coal seam gas.
  2. Y Yes, a J230
  3. The advice I would give is exactly what I have done, speak to any neighbours, lodge a development application with the council for an airstrip and a hangar, be up front, council will and must work within environmental planning guidelines. If you are not seeking to breach any of these guidelines, council should approve your application despite any neighbour objection. It is much more peace of mind to have your strip approved and not worry about fighting down the track once you have done all the hard work building it. My strip has an elevation of 3500ft, 600m long, I comfortably get off in less than 300m, landing in 350-400m. If you have a short strip, Dont be at MTOW and pick your day when you go flying, suitable winds etc. There will be some compromises to having your own strip but it is worth it. I will say it again.... Do not use carpet on the floor of any hangar, static electricity charge build up is lethal where fuel may be stored and fuel caps will be removed, seen the results.
  4. Be very carefull with carpet on the floor of a hangar, the static electricity build up is a big risk when you walk on it and then open your fuel cap.
  5. Peter I have a similar situation. I changed over to mogas about 6 months ago and yes it seems worse. I found slight discolouration at the header tank, have tried using epoxy ribbon while the tank is in situ however it has not improved, if in fact that is the source. I will next remove the header tank so that I can get a good look at the fix and see how that goes.
  6. When did that tower fee come in?? mind you I haven't been into Coffs for a couple of years now.
  7. I fitted a set of air horns to my aircraft in an attempt to minimise the risk of that very thing. On landing if a critter crosses your path you have an option of a go around, however on take off until you reach TOSS your options are limited. I have used the horns with great success on more than one occasion.
  8. Good ol "left the fuel in the bowser"...
  9. Just received information about the 230 crash, it was a result of fuel starvation. Belongs to a mate of mine.
  10. Just received information about the 230 crash, it was a result of fuel starvation. Belongs to a mate of mine.
  11. Firstly, a factory built Jabiru does not allow left or right tank selection. My 230 had the same issue when I picked it up from new, I was apparently using more fuel from the starboard tank. I have a Dynon EFIS and a steam guage skid ball, they do not read the same. I trust the Dynon and when flown in balance according to this electronic gauge I get even flow from both tanks.. maybe a source of your issue.
  12. It would be a fool hardy pilot that doesn't keep his/her dead reckoning skills up to date despite all the modern technology...
  13. biggles5128

    160 or 170 jab

    A number of years ago I was to ferry a 172 back from the Phillipines, unfortunately the deal fell through. I do remember that when I planned it that it was reasonably straight forward as long as you had all the i's dotted and t's crossed, thats was even before the bl@@dy ASIC card too!!!
  14. "Its the vibe...."
  15. To me the regs are crystal clear, but in saying that I have always wondered why you needed a CPL to take a bloke up so he can take a few pictures but you can throw people out of your aircraft with only a PPL.
  16. Received information back from my local Caltex dealer today. The 95 and 98 both have 1% Benzene and between 17-45% aromatics. Much higher than I would have thought. This might just sway me to travel the distance and go back to avgas.
  17. Construction certificate from a DA submitted with approval to construct the hangar and operate from the strip.
  18. Despite plenty advice to the contrary I decided that I would go through the correct channels and apply through my local council for approval to construct and operate from my airstrip. It has taken a little while but I got the nod today.... all good, this way I will have less to worry about if in the future someone builds a mobile home park on a neighbouring property and tries to shut me down. (As unlikely as that may be).
  19. I remember when they upgraded casino to take RPT jets, the council at the time believed that casino would be the hub for Lismore and Ballina areas. That was short lived then suddenly a housing development.....
  20. Bought some fuel today for the J230, took the advice of Jabiru and went with Vortex 95. I have a good relationship with my local fuel supplier, I have no doubt in what he is telling me. I am informed that this fuel does not contain any ethanol, he is going to find out what quantity of Toluene is present in both the 95 and the 98 (Caltex). I am happy to report that the engine performed just the same on the 95 as it does on 100ll Avgas and 98 mogas, no increase in CHT, or EGT. I did er on the side of safety and only poured the amount of fuel I needed for the flight plus reserves to avoid the fuel going stale over the next week , the tanks were down to minimums prior.
  21. Downwind, finals (PUF) and something I introduced into my checks years ago...just as you cross the fence confirm 3 green again, that gives you 3 opportunities to confirm the dunlops are dangled. I still do this in the J230, old habits are probably good ones.
  22. As CASA is the overall authority, I say it again, if they felt there was an issue that needs addressing, they would act, CASA would have all the facts make no mistake.... and before anyone suggests it.. No one would be getting a back hand payment. IMO
  23. Its getting a little off the track... however I feel the need to express my view on some of the posts. Those that choose not to wear or disagree with the law in relation to helmets while riding bikes, let me say this... If you are involved in a collision you are more likely to be seriously injured or killed, the paramedics that attend your accident, the police that investigate the incident, the hospitals and rehabilitation centres that try to save your life all come at a huge cost, thats if you survive. Now if you don't survive do you have any idea how much it costs to respond accident investigation and possibly a coronial inquiry, the many hours police will spend preparing a report for the coroner (while their time could be much better spent patrolling your neighbourhood to stop people from breaking into houses). That is only the monetary costs. Have a think about the cost of emotional trauma of the rescuers, the police that have to knock on the door of your next of kin to inform them that you have been killed, to see that person fall into a screaming heap on the floor because their world has just collapsed. The driver of the other vehicle involved has to live with this fact even if was not their fault. The laws for motorcycles have been made for a reason. I have never suggested that helmets be made compulsory in aircraft just opening a line of discussion. Zibi, I don't condone smoking however I think the poor old smoker has well and truly paid his medical bills through the enormous amount of tax he has paid while buying every packet of cigarettes. One reason I love Australia is the freedom of speech, I do think that we at times don't look at the big picture and the ramifications of some of our actions or inactions as the case might be.
  24. Chocolate, each to their own but why don,t you like apple products? greatest things since sliced bread I think.
  25. I know the suggestion was to use 95 octane instead of 98, my concern would be that it would lose potency while sitting in the tanks after a week or two whereby 98 gives a little better margin.
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