The advice I would give is exactly what I have done, speak to any neighbours, lodge a development application with the council for an airstrip and a hangar, be up front, council will and must work within environmental planning guidelines. If you are not seeking to breach any of these guidelines, council should approve your application despite any neighbour objection. It is much more peace of mind to have your strip approved and not worry about fighting down the track once you have done all the hard work building it.
My strip has an elevation of 3500ft, 600m long, I comfortably get off in less than 300m, landing in 350-400m. If you have a short strip, Dont be at MTOW and pick your day when you go flying, suitable winds etc. There will be some compromises to having your own strip but it is worth it.
I will say it again.... Do not use carpet on the floor of any hangar, static electricity charge build up is lethal where fuel may be stored and fuel caps will be removed, seen the results.